***July 2019 Mummies***

We’ve bought loads so far. Had our 20 week scan today (20+6) and baby seems to be healthy and very stubborn. Back in 2 weeks because he refused to move :lol:

Same here! Everything they could see was fine but gotta go back in a couple of weeks as baby was in an awkward position and refused to move! The sonographer pressed so hard with her probe to get her to move I felt bruised for a couple of days afterwards!! lol It took a lot of self control to keep my cool while she was going at it... Man I'd never have believed scans could be painful! But all for a good cause hey. I'm very happy baby seems okay and is still a girl, since we'd already started buying a few girly outfits and bits and pieces...

Have you all chosen a name for your little one(s) yet?
I've been working loads, these 13 hour shifts on my feet are wiping me out!
We have started to buy the odd bit!
My consultant has told me to consider going on mat leave at 28 weeks to keep them in longer!!! That' 5 weeks away. I am definitely not doing that unless there is a medical reason!

I have another scan of my cervix tomorrow. Fingers crossed it hasn't shortened again.
I have a scan every week for the next 4 weeks, which is a bit intense!
I didn't think I would be feeling movements as much as I am as both placentas are anterior. But you can see kicks and movements from the outside which is nice.

What are everyones thoughts on mat leave gestation?
@Krazy Kitten sounds all a bit stressful! Hopefully things will settle down a bit for too soon and the bee trust will get you in for your scan asap. They are pretty good here but did forget my consultant appointment but when I told my mw I got an appointment within two days. Then they made the clinic ones when I was there and finally I got all the scan dates as well. Not sure why I fell off the system

Belly touching without permission is a massive no! You wouldn't just go touching someone so I don't know why people think a oregano belly is an open invite for a feel! Only two people have felt my belly and both asked me first if it was ok. Anyone who tries without asking will get a f£ck off

Woken with dead legs and hip pain this morning, and the start of cramp. Ffs
Mat leave from 28 weeks? I'd love to! As I’m not doing my normal job I literally have zero interest in work and couldn't give a monkeys.i have some rubbish project to do that basically about 16 team leaders have ignored for well over a year and they expect me to sort it out. I don't care really.

Thinking I will try and deliver at 37, want 4 off before that (may take leave) so 33. And wondering if I will get signed off for back pain or being unable to move before that. In already finding walking for too long uncomfortable and painful.
Then again, they could come whenever and my plan is out the window anyway. I guess I will know more at 28 scan. See how they are growing.

We've got a shortlist of names and middle names. Not decided yet but we like them all and actually agree!
Glad to hear the 20 week scans are going well, even if you do have to go back, it's still good to know they are progressing well and healthy! I definitely felt bruised for a day or two after the scan, they press down so hard but I didn't notice at the time as I was too busy staring at the baby on the screen!

I've only had one person touch my belly so far, and it was before I was even showing so made no sense to me at all! I don't mind so much if it's someone I know very well, as in just family and very close friends. Anyone else is a bit strange.

We have a list of a few names we like for our boy, and luckily we have one we agree is our favourite! We've been going through lists of names and every time we like a name, we agree we still don't like it as much as our favourite name. I've even started calling him by that name and getting very used to it!

Starting mat leave... I'm maybe being very naive, but I'd like to work up as long as possible. I'm aiming for 38 or 39 weeks... is that too naive of me? I work both in an office and lab, but my manager is very flexible and would be fine with me being just office work if I'm struggling in the lab.
Glad to hear the 20 week scans are going well, even if you do have to go back, it's still good to know they are progressing well and healthy! I definitely felt bruised for a day or two after the scan, they press down so hard but I didn't notice at the time as I was too busy staring at the baby on the screen!

I've only had one person touch my belly so far, and it was before I was even showing so made no sense to me at all! I don't mind so much if it's someone I know very well, as in just family and very close friends. Anyone else is a bit strange.

We have a list of a few names we like for our boy, and luckily we have one we agree is our favourite! We've been going through lists of names and every time we like a name, we agree we still don't like it as much as our favourite name. I've even started calling him by that name and getting very used to it!

Starting mat leave... I'm maybe being very naive, but I'd like to work up as long as possible. I'm aiming for 38 or 39 weeks... is that too naive of me? I work both in an office and lab, but my manager is very flexible and would be fine with me being just office work if I'm struggling in the lab.
Doesn't sound naive at all. Loads work right up to that far. For me I won't be allowed past 37 so I'm thinking back from then, plus I'm still unwell most days so God knows how I will be further down the line.
I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable already, so don't know how you ladies with twins must be feeling! Hopefully you feel ok for as long as possible!
I think I want to finish the end of June for baby to come the first 2 weeks of July (depending on the huge list of things that could go wrong first)
We currently don't have any names in mind, hopefully we will have a sudden hit of inspiration...hopefully!

I dont think you are being naive at all. Longer you stay at work, the longer you have on mat leave. I really want to stay as late as possible, but I dont have any flexibility with shortening hours, and the only time I can sit down in the 13 hours is on my 2 half hour breaks.
Most people go off between 32 and 34 weeks at my work due to the nature and take some annual leave before.
I'm getting a physio referral as my back is alreasy hurting. My bump is the same size now at 23 weeks that is was at 36 with my son! Its a scary thought!

Good news is my cervix has lengthened?! I didnt know that was possible, so sitting at 40mm at the moment. Means one more cervix scan and then I'm discharges from the pre term birth clinic.
Good news on the cervix front! I’ve no idea what mine was other than it looked ok.

Surely if you’re pregnant you’re entitled to more breaks? I’m a trainee teacher / teaching assistant and tend to do half of my lessons sat on a chair these days. I’m only 21 weeks too!
Found out that my graduation is 22nd July. Baby’s due date is 23rd (but he’ll be here Atleast 2 weeks before). Don’t think i’ll Be making that!
Full move finished. Just unpacking to do over the next few days. Had some cramping for a lot of the car journey and early evening, but it's settled again now and squidge has kicked me since. (think I over did lifting and cleaning) 8 days until booking in appointment here.

The latest two belly touches were my mother and mother in-law. Others I didn't say much for as they had given me gifts and then engaged in the wobbling. (I think I'm being too polite British lol)

We have names for boy or girl. Luckily me and partner are quite agreeable on what we do and do not like.

Glad everyone is getting on alright. :)
Hi ladies,

I have bought loads of stuff already. Nursery furniture we liked was on offer and couldn't not buy it at the price it was on for. Also got the pram/pushchair and car seats! Had my 20 week scan last week and since then I've had a really awful cold. The third one in a month actually.

I've had the worst taste in my mouth since 6 weeks. It lasted till about week 18. Plus the sickness lasted from 6 weeks to week 16. I was so thrilled that bit was finally behind me and then one cold after another!

Since finding out we are expecting a baby girl, all I wanted to do was go out and look at stuff for her but have not been able to yet.

Regarding baby movements, I've felt movement since week 14. It started as very sporadic vibrations on my right side. By week 16, they were more frequent. Then since about week 18 they felt more like taps. Last week it turned into full on kicking and wriggling. Monday was first day of week 21 and I was kicked so much that evening. She's been a bit quieter since. But I just felt a few wriggles after my orange juice. Strange cos most movements I feel are really really low down and only some I feel higher up.

I too feel impatient and want to meet her. But I also want a few weeks to enjoy being pregnant. Now my anxiety of first trimester is over, sickness has gone I just want to get this phase of colds and coughs over with so I can enjoy pregnancy. Especially now I know the gender and I can go and buy her dresses and stuff!

Hope everyone is doing ok xx
Glad to hear you're finally feeling better Jellybean, must have been awful to have sickness and bad taste in mouth until 16 - 18 weeks! Thankfully mine was gone by around 14 weeks.

I feel a lot of movements really low down too if I'm sitting up, but if I'm lying down they tend to be higher up... strange!
Glad to hear you're finally feeling better Jellybean, must have been awful to have sickness and bad taste in mouth until 16 - 18 weeks! Thankfully mine was gone by around 14 weeks.

I feel a lot of movements really low down too if I'm sitting up, but if I'm lying down they tend to be higher up... strange!

Yeah I am being kicked right now! She's having a right little party in there at the moment. It's so lovely to feel.

By the way, slightly silly question but the internet tells me different things. Which week exactly does 3rd trimester start? I thought it would be around week 26 but then I read somewhere that week 28 was the start. So I got a bit confused!
Had my whooping cough jab today, I had to check she'd actually done it as I didn't feel a thing. (I hate needles)
To say I didn't feel it Iv got a blooming sore arm haha
Had my whooping cough jab today, I had to check she'd actually done it as I didn't feel a thing. (I hate needles)
To say I didn't feel it Iv got a blooming sore arm haha

You’ll know about it tomorrow night when you lay on that side and your arm kills, lol. I did!
Dh felt first kick from the outside today which was lush. I've been getting them more and more but only the last day or so can you feel then from the outside, it's weird! Lol
Random question for you all, has anyone got tenderness in their pubic area? Laid in bed this morning and my cat came to sit on me as usual, he walked across me and stood just below my biking area and bloody hell it hurt - was like an elephant walked across me. It feels really tender and sore to the touch - is this the pubic bone separating? I hope it doesn't get worse
Yeah I am being kicked right now! She's having a right little party in there at the moment. It's so lovely to feel.

By the way, slightly silly question but the internet tells me different things. Which week exactly does 3rd trimester start? I thought it would be around week 26 but then I read somewhere that week 28 was the start. So I got a bit confused!

It is lovely to feel kicking and movement! Puts a smile on my face every time! I wonder if it'll get old at any point...

For 3rd trimester, I've read either 27 or 28 weeks. Can't believe how close that is now!!

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