July 2019 mummies

Emmacharlotte, sorry to hear you have HG. Are you back home or stuck in hospital?

Im home after a nights stay for fluids and im anti emetics.
Ive just receieved a phone call asking me to take part in a reaearch study for preterm labour due to apparently being medium risk.
Means even more scans! So looks like ill be scanned a lot this pregnancy!
Quick one.. does anyone else gag when brishing their teeth? Iv just been full on sick it was that bad! The joys x

Me! I haven’t got morning sickness but do this every day. Also wretch when I move from a warm place to a cold!
Stacey, how did it go?? My next scan is on Tuesday.
Emmacharlotte, yay for more scans!! I wasn’t part of research or anything but with my DD I had 8 scans in total! It’s so nice to see bubba on screen regularly:-) One was a private gender scan, 3 were growth scans (I had gestational diabetes) and the others were NHS ones.
How did you get on Stacey?

Just got my letter through with 12 week scan date! 28th December... that's in just under two weeks! Feeling a bit nervous!
Here the bean is, measured at 7+4 and not 8+1 so will see at 12 week scan.
Heartbeat was 146 bpm.
I cant believe it x

Morning lovely ladies. How we all feeling.
I'm exhausted been up since 3am with a upset tummy.

Anyone who hasn't told people yet do you have a big reveal planned?

We aren't going public this time, just telling family and close friends.
I brought a t-shirt saying baby's first Xmas on the outside. Gunna do our annual Xmas photo in front of the tree and send it on Xmas day and see how long it takes people to click.

We're telling the kids on Xmas eve... mainly because my kids will tell someone before we do lol. Brought them little cards sayings "guess what.... You're going to be a big sister/brother"

Quite excited just hope my 12 week scan goes well now.

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I think once we've had our scan Wednesday we'll tell the kids Saturday as hubby is working all over Christmas which sucks. I've told a lot of family and friends anyway but won't be posting anything on social media I'll just let news spread. Won't take long where I live lol. Just need to make sure all the important people know first. I've been too excited and crap at keeping it secret but I'll be glad when I can just talk openly now!!!

And hope you're better soon marvellous!
Does anyone else Google pregnancy related topics and then think why did I just do that!?!? It makes you worry ten times more even when you weren't even concerned before! I need to step away from Google!
We told the kids last night. Age 9 and 6, ones mine and ones my partners.
We had 4 balloons and a box, they had to take it in turns to pop a balloon and take out the words, so each balloon had something in 1. Were 2. Having 3. A 4. Baby and then the box had a vest in which matched their santas little helper pjs and a scan pic. Didnt go as planned as they were just shocked haha but they've woke up really excited today and they are even more excited as they know its a Christmas secret and they cant tell anyone until santa has been. Fingers crossed it stays that way. Wont let me uplaod the pictures says ther to big x
I told our parents and my Nan. Got a personalised vest that said “nanny’s / grandads miracle’ and put a pic of our early scan in a gift box that had a bow.

Everyone else is getting a card in their Christmas card that says “babysitters required from July 2019” which will have a pic of the 9 week scan on.
Aww love hearing what reveals you guys are going / done! Stacey, thats so cute with the balloons !
We’re announcing ours to all my family Christmas Day. Again baring in mind scans all good Wednesday ! They are all coming to mine this year. Mum, dad, 3 brothers & partners & my niece. It’ll be one of our childrens presents that they’ll open infront of everyone. I’m going to get them both an “I’m going to be a big brother / sister t shirt” with the scan pic & a little letter as if it’s written from baby. Following day hubbys Dad, stepmum & brothers are coming over & the kids will be wearing the t shirts. Only downside is his mum thinks we’re having Boxing Day here getting drunk together so she might be a tad dissapointed we’re not haha. The big Christmas reveal has been the one thing to spur me on to not tell anyone !

My mum will be so shocked as she’s always asking if we’ll have another & im constantly say “oooh I don’t know, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t!” Haha.
My mum will prob cry because I didn't tell her. We don't keep secrets and she knew from day dot with the other 2, but living so far away now has been easier not to tell her. She already has 10 grandkids.... what's one more haha.

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