July 2019 mummies

My husband also doesn't understand this not telling anyone until 12 weeks thing! Both our families know, but he's already told several of friends while I haven't told any of mine yet... he just doesn't get it! I'll be sharing the news after my scan too.... kinda nervous to do so though!

I'll share the news at work after new year, although my manager already knows. There's a pregnant girl at my work who LOVES being centre of attention and I don't think she'll be too happy to hear my news as it won't all be about her anymore haha. She seriously turns every conversation into it being about her being pregnant...

Thing is quite a few people know now but it's telling the kids that worries me I think. It'll suddenly be a lot more real. My youngest said to me this morning while I was getting dressed ' It looks like there's a baby in there! You've already got 3 it's illegal to have 4!' Kind of guessing she's not overly keen to give up the baby of the family title!
Thing is quite a few people know now but it's telling the kids that worries me I think. It'll suddenly be a lot more real. My youngest said to me this morning while I was getting dressed ' It looks like there's a baby in there! You've already got 3 it's illegal to have 4!' Kind of guessing she's not overly keen to give up the baby of the family title!

I'm sure she will warm up to the idea before the baby comes!
Thing is quite a few people know now but it's telling the kids that worries me I think. It'll suddenly be a lot more real. My youngest said to me this morning while I was getting dressed ' It looks like there's a baby in there! You've already got 3 it's illegal to have 4!' Kind of guessing she's not overly keen to give up the baby of the family title!

Haha aww really?! How old are yours? I’ve got an 8 year old girl & 4 year old boy. My daughter does keep commenting on my growing boobs & says “why are they so big” I just laugh & say they’ve always been like that.

They’ll come round even if they aren’t overjoyed at first. Everyone loves a baby! I’m 1 of 4 & I was 11 when my youngest brother was born & I was like his second mum!
Mine will be 12, 11 and 6 once baby arrives. So she's been the baby for quite sometime!
Mine will be 12, 11 and 6 once baby arrives. So she's been the baby for quite sometime!

Aww she’ll come round. My little boy will be 5 when babies here actually and I said to hubby how he won’t be the baby anymore! He’ll be fine with it as he’ll make a great big brother & when I ask if he’d like a brother or sister he says yes without hesitation. I think it’s more me that’s sad over the fact that he won’t be my baby boy anymore lol
Good luck tomorrow ladies, mine is Thursday. My dates should change then.

Il be glad to tell my parents. I hate lying to them
I just sat and ate a whole lasagna to myself and now I feel so sick. I need to wrap my daughter's birthday presents up aswell. Send help haha
Good luck for scans tomorrow ladies! I have booking in appointment on Thursday + private scan Friday.

A girl in work today announced she is pregnant. She is only 5weeks. Only my boss and a few people in work know that I am and I will tell them after the new year when I’m closer to 12 weeks.

She made a remark earlier that really annoyed me. “I thought I may as well tell people because it’s not going anywhere is it?” What a stupid and flippant remark to make!

My skin isn’t fab but it’s not awful either! I feel so bad reading your messages because on the whole I really don’t feel bad. I am exhausted and wretch once or twice in the day but otherwise I would never think I was pregnant. My lack of symptoms worries me!
All well at the scan today:-) measuring a day ahead so new due date is 29th July.
She said the ‘halo’ looking thing at the top is the yolk sac. Other than that I’ve no idea what’s what lol! But it was nice to see it has grown from 4.2mm to 1.6cm in less than 2 weeks with a nice, strong heartbeat.
Eek it feels more real now. Planning on telling the kids tomorrow or Thurs. Not sure why i’m so nervous!
Good luck to everyone who have scans this week. Cant wait to see your scan photos!

All well at the scan today:) measuring a day ahead so new due date is 29th July.
She said the ‘halo’ looking thing at the top is the yolk sac. Other than that I’ve no idea what’s what lol! But it was nice to see it has grown from 4.2mm to 1.6cm in less than 2 weeks with a nice, strong heartbeat.
Eek it feels more real now. Planning on telling the kids tomorrow or Thurs. Not sure why i’m so nervous!
Good luck to everyone who have scans this week. Cant wait to see your scan photos!

View attachment 82875
Ah glad it all went well!!! Lovely pic.

I'm up and sooo nervous even though I only had a scan a week and a half ago! Might be taking the youngest with us as she's not 100% but won't tell her what's going on until everything looks ok!? Can't get anyone else to have her and not sure what else to do.
Ah glad it all went well!!! Lovely pic.

I'm up and sooo nervous even though I only had a scan a week and a half ago! Might be taking the youngest with us as she's not 100% but won't tell her what's going on until everything looks ok!? Can't get anyone else to have her and not sure what else to do.

I didn’t sleep great last night. Was awake loads thinking it was morning everytime. Think I woke properly at about half 5 & was up then. I don’t feel as nervous just yet but that’ll change as the day goes on! Eeek! I’m sure we’ll both be fine!
My letter strictly says no children are allowed so maybe just give them a call first & explain the situation & see what they say x
Good luck for scans tomorrow ladies! I have booking in appointment on Thursday + private scan Friday.

A girl in work today announced she is pregnant. She is only 5weeks. Only my boss and a few people in work know that I am and I will tell them after the new year when I’m closer to 12 weeks.

She made a remark earlier that really annoyed me. “I thought I may as well tell people because it’s not going anywhere is it?” What a stupid and flippant remark to make!

My skin isn’t fab but it’s not awful either! I feel so bad reading your messages because on the whole I really don’t feel bad. I am exhausted and wretch once or twice in the day but otherwise I would never think I was pregnant. My lack of symptoms worries me!

Good luck with your booking and scan this week sugarpop!

Just ignore the girl's remark, hopefully all goes well for her and it doesn't go anywhere, but I think it's very naive and insulting of her to say something like that. Some people choose to share the news very early I guess, but quite sad of her to say something like that when maybe someone around her may have lost a baby at some point without her knowing about it.

Also, quite normal for some people to have minimal symptoms! Don't feel bad and just enjoy it!!
All well at the scan today:) measuring a day ahead so new due date is 29th July.
She said the ‘halo’ looking thing at the top is the yolk sac. Other than that I’ve no idea what’s what lol! But it was nice to see it has grown from 4.2mm to 1.6cm in less than 2 weeks with a nice, strong heartbeat.
Eek it feels more real now. Planning on telling the kids tomorrow or Thurs. Not sure why i’m so nervous!
Good luck to everyone who have scans this week. Cant wait to see your scan photos!

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That's lovely BabyMaker!! Glad to hear all is well and baby is growing nicely in there!

Good luck Linnett and Owls with your scans today!!
All well at the scan today:) measuring a day ahead so new due date is 29th July.
She said the ‘halo’ looking thing at the top is the yolk sac. Other than that I’ve no idea what’s what lol! But it was nice to see it has grown from 4.2mm to 1.6cm in less than 2 weeks with a nice, strong heartbeat.
Eek it feels more real now. Planning on telling the kids tomorrow or Thurs. Not sure why i’m so nervous!
Good luck to everyone who have scans this week. Cant wait to see your scan photos!

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Sorry must have missed this!

Hey ickle bean! It’s always good to come forward slightly on dates isn’t it! Saying that both of my scans came forward & both were exactly a week late so meant nothing in the long run haha! Glad to see all is well though :)
All well at the scan today:) measuring a day ahead so new due date is 29th July.
She said the ‘halo’ looking thing at the top is the yolk sac. Other than that I’ve no idea what’s what lol! But it was nice to see it has grown from 4.2mm to 1.6cm in less than 2 weeks with a nice, strong heartbeat.
Eek it feels more real now. Planning on telling the kids tomorrow or Thurs. Not sure why i’m so nervous!
Good luck to everyone who have scans this week. Cant wait to see your scan photos!

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Lovely scan x
All done! I was soooo nervous ! Dating at 13 weeks so due dates actually 26th June so I might not be a July mummy after all... but if it’s like my others it’ll be late lol

:stork::stork::stork::stork::stork::stork:Hi ladies I have set this up for any mummies due in July 2019 looking forward to chatting to you all and sharing this experience with you all :)

1st - linnett3 :stork:
3rd - marvellous_mum :stork:
6th. Lissa86 :stork:
7th -
10th - owls1 :stork:
14th - mama wannabe :stork:
15th - shell34 :stork: fudge cake :stork:
19th - radleycat :stork:
21st - misscindy :stork:
22nd - jellybean86 :stork:
26th - Stacey89 :stork:
30th - babymaker :stork:

Please feel free to add your due dates
Can i be changed to the 30th please after my scan dated differently. It may change again at 12 weeks x

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