July 2019 mummies

Lovely scan Stacey xx

I bought a box that says 'do not open until Christmas' which I'm going to put a balloon inside with a note inside it saying 'you are going to be a cousin'. Then I'm going to wrap the box like parce the parcel, as we always play that on Christmas as well as birthdays. It's never a suprise for my neive as she's the youngest (9) so always wins the present but I think this one may surpise her! She can pop the balloon and get the news. It will be my family there on Christmas day so they will all find out then.

OH's family are visiting on weds and thurs this week so I've bought christmas cards that have a scratch off to win thing on the front. The third bauble say's 'we're pregnant'. We'll see then if they feel bad for only seeing us for half a day when they spend two weeks with his step mums family. Every year they head up north and we only get a short amount of time with them. Oh well. TBH, I feel so ill atm I don't really care.

UTI is on its way out but I have a cold, can't shift a temp and the sickness is constant. It lierally makes me want to cry I feel so unwell. I'm off work atm, can't cope with anything. It's like I have no control over my body at all.
Does anyone else Google pregnancy related topics and then think why did I just do that!?!? It makes you worry ten times more even when you weren't even concerned before! I need to step away from Google!
Yes! I did this obsessively a few weeks back. Feel a lot better now I've stopped!
12 week mummies, hows your symptoms currently? Considering I had hardly any with my first 2 I think this ones karma haha.

Today I’ve literally done nothing but laid on the sofa all day ! Had on/off headaches since Friday. Still have nausea. Not physically sick though. Still have awful taste in mouth constantly! Tired. Really uncomfortable already - just can’t get comfy & just want to live in my nighty. Can’t sleep on either side as it’s uncomfortable & makes me feel more sick. Oh and the peeing every hour seems to have ramped up. I was going a lot very early pregnancy at 3-5 weeks & then it subsided but now it’s every hour, if not half hour sometimes. Even my 4 year old son commented on how much mummy goes to the toilet today lol. Oh and mood swings! Where I’m just so uncomfy I think it’s making me well arsey with everyone & everything !

Also I seem to be getting what I can only describe as tightenings low down. It’s where my tummy’s actually hard so presuming it’s where baby is. Anyone else had this?

Scans on Wednesday, I’m excited but also nervous too ! It’s actually come round really soon I think!
12 week mummies, hows your symptoms currently? Considering I had hardly any with my first 2 I think this ones karma haha.

Today I’ve literally done nothing but laid on the sofa all day ! Had on/off headaches since Friday. Still have nausea. Not physically sick though. Still have awful taste in mouth constantly! Tired. Really uncomfortable already - just can’t get comfy & just want to live in my nighty. Can’t sleep on either side as it’s uncomfortable & makes me feel more sick. Oh and the peeing every hour seems to have ramped up. I was going a lot very early pregnancy at 3-5 weeks & then it subsided but now it’s every hour, if not half hour sometimes. Even my 4 year old son commented on how much mummy goes to the toilet today lol. Oh and mood swings! Where I’m just so uncomfy I think it’s making me well arsey with everyone & everything !

Also I seem to be getting what I can only describe as tightenings low down. It’s where my tummy’s actually hard so presuming it’s where baby is. Anyone else had this?

Scans on Wednesday, I’m excited but also nervous too ! It’s actually come round really soon I think!
Awful. I'm still not eatting properly. Last night I managed to keep my dinner down for 5 mins.
Iv been getting cramps for a few weeks now, been worse the last few days tho.
I also pee alot. Mainly at night. And I hate getting up from bed.
How is everyone feeling tonight?

We had another scan today. Bean 1 measuring 9+3 as we thought and Bean 2 measuring 8+6 so has caught up a few days. They were happy with both so no need for any more scans until my 12 week on 7th Jan.

I don't think the relief has hit me yet.

Still feeling awful so the epu doctor gave me a sick note for another week so at least I don't have to worry about work. Literally even moving is making me gag, these beans are taking it out of me lol
Stacey and Radley, great news re your scans!
Radley, after all your worry on holiday you must be so relieved!!
My next scan is tomorrow. I think I’m 8 weeks exactly tomorrow but we’ll see what they say.
Last few days exhaustion and nausea has ramped up a bit. I feel like I’m constantly hungover which gets progressively worse as the day goes on:-( Tonight I could’ve easily gone to bed at 6:30 lol! Managed to hang in there until now though (9:30) otherwise i wake up super early.
@Radleycat great news about both your babies, glad you dont have to work and can relax well as much as you can with it being Christmas! X

@BabyMaker thankyou, i was dreading the scan but my gosh is seeing that tiny heartbeat a relief!! Good luck for tomorrow, fingers crossed you have a clear scan. Put pics on x
Morning, hope your all well.
Quick question, hows your skin? Mine has gone horrendous, spots on my face and my chest are really bad, im not moaning about a few spots, they are BAD. I know its small price to pay for my baby but its getting me down, i cant look at people when im talking to them. Any advice as to what i could use? X
Finally have my booking in appointment today. Hoping the midwife can give us more reassurance and explanations of my bleeding incident than a shoulder shrug. Makes it all seem even more real!
Stacey and Radley, great news re your scans!
Radley, after all your worry on holiday you must be so relieved!!
My next scan is tomorrow. I think I’m 8 weeks exactly tomorrow but we’ll see what they say.
Last few days exhaustion and nausea has ramped up a bit. I feel like I’m constantly hungover which gets progressively worse as the day goes on:-( Tonight I could’ve easily gone to bed at 6:30 lol! Managed to hang in there until now though (9:30) otherwise i wake up super early.

Being constantly hungover is how I’ve described this pregnancy ! Awful taste in mouth, teamed with nausea & always asleep lol. Last night I went to bed at 7, woke up at 11 for a wee & thought oh no I bet I won’t be able to get back to sleep now, I did & didn’t wake again till 7! I’ve never slept so much in my life! Haha
Morning, hope your all well.
Quick question, hows your skin? Mine has gone horrendous, spots on my face and my chest are really bad, im not moaning about a few spots, they are BAD. I know its small price to pay for my baby but its getting me down, i cant look at people when im talking to them. Any advice as to what i could use? X

Can’t really suggest anything than ride it out! My skins been really good but I did have a blip a few weeks back where my chin broke out, I had a sty (still slightly there now!) & a coldsore all at the same time! As if we don’t feel rough enough without adding these things to it lol. I’d just say drink plenty our water to try to flush everything out & hopefully yours will settle too
Scan tomorrow ladies... I’m so bloody nervous! Mines at 2pm so I’ll need to busy myself all morning to try not to think about it!
Scan tomorrow ladies... I’m so bloody nervous! Mines at 2pm so I’ll need to busy myself all morning to try not to think about it!

Best of luck tomorrow Linnett! Hope all goes well and keep us updated! It's so nice that we are now on people's 12 week scans!!
Best of luck tomorrow Linnett! Hope all goes well and keep us updated! It's so nice that we are now on people's 12 week scans!!

Thank you!

I was so excited before but now it’s just switched to nerves ! You just don’t know if everything’s ok at this stage do you. Will deff post a pic if all is well :)
Scan tomorrow ladies... I’m so bloody nervous! Mines at 2pm so I’ll need to busy myself all morning to try not to think about it!

Mines at 2.30. Luckily I'm working before so it'll be a good distraction lol. I'll be so nervous too. X
Fingers crossed for both of you that everything is good and as it should be!! :D

I'm excited and nervous too for my scan next week... DH doesn't understand my worries though and thinks I'm being silly!
Fingers crossed for both of you that everything is good and as it should be!! :D

I'm excited and nervous too for my scan next week... DH doesn't understand my worries though and thinks I'm being silly!

My hubbys exactly the same! Says everything will be fine & if it’s not there’s nothing we can do about it & we’ll deal with it. It’s true really, there is sod all I can do at this stage!

Owl I hope yours goes well tomorrow too! Hopefully we’ll both be on here sharing scan pics with utter delight :)
Thanks guys. I just cannot wait to be able to tell people! Although I'll still be under 12 weeks. I'll be about 11+4ish o think. So still might not say until the weekend lol. My husband finds my 12 week obsession rather irritating!!!
Thanks guys. I just cannot wait to be able to tell people! Although I'll still be under 12 weeks. I'll be about 11+4ish o think. So still might not say until the weekend lol. My husband finds my 12 week obsession rather irritating!!!

My husband also doesn't understand this not telling anyone until 12 weeks thing! Both our families know, but he's already told several of friends while I haven't told any of mine yet... he just doesn't get it! I'll be sharing the news after my scan too.... kinda nervous to do so though!

I'll share the news at work after new year, although my manager already knows. There's a pregnant girl at my work who LOVES being centre of attention and I don't think she'll be too happy to hear my news as it won't all be about her anymore haha. She seriously turns every conversation into it being about her being pregnant...

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