July 2019 mummies

Yes, I could have written that! Struggling to get out of bed in the morning and then napping once or twice in the day, it's crazy! And when I'm not asleep or super sleepy, I feel sick lol. Thankfully I'm self-employed and was able to take some time off, so that helps...

I had my early scan today and saw a heart beat! :D Though I wasn't expecting it to have to be an internal scan, so I was a bit less thrilled about that! lol But all seems well, that's the main thing. The only thing bothering me a bit is they measured baby as being exactly 8 wks, when I'm actually 8w3d (I was tracking everything when TTC). Should I be concerned or is a slight discrepancy pretty normal?

I had 2 early scans at the epu at 6 weeks 2 days and squidge measured 6 weeks, then at 6 weeks 5 days and squidge measured 6 weeks 4 days.

I was told a few days off from lmp is no big deal and official dating would be done at 12 week scan. Also goes to show growth fluctuates as they did 4 days of growth in 3 days!
Yes, I could have written that! Struggling to get out of bed in the morning and then napping once or twice in the day, it's crazy! And when I'm not asleep or super sleepy, I feel sick lol. Thankfully I'm self-employed and was able to take some time off, so that helps...

I had my early scan today and saw a heart beat! :D Though I wasn't expecting it to have to be an internal scan, so I was a bit less thrilled about that! lol But all seems well, that's the main thing. The only thing bothering me a bit is they measured baby as being exactly 8 wks, when I'm actually 8w3d (I was tracking everything when TTC). Should I be concerned or is a slight discrepancy pretty normal?

Great news MissCindy! No, I wouldnt worry about the dates. When I went I believed I was 6+2 but she said she couldnt really date me as it was so small but she estimated 5+5.... if her dates are correct it means I got a very dark BFP at 7dpo which we all know is pretty much impossible. So I’m pretty sure I’m right;-) I have another scan on Tues when I’ll be 8 weeks and it’ll be easier to date. Having said that they cant know for sure until 12 weeks.
Ah, the joys of the internal scan. I had a panic trim the morning of our scan incase it was an internal one, and it was! :rotfl:
I’m thinking about having a private scan next week at 9 weeks. Will baby look like a baby then instead of a blob?
True to form I was in bed asleep by 7.30 last night. Had an awful migrain last night & just needed to be in the dark & laying down & apart from waking for a odd pee I slept for 11 hours! I’m usually one who’s up to 12/1 everynight so for me this is so strange ! Also I’m sure I can feel baby. It’s like a very light tugging from the inside. It’s deff not wind as I know what that feels like & is normally occompanied a few seconds later with a fart :rofl: anyone else on there third bubba & feeling things yet? I couldn’t mistake it last night especially as I was laying in bed & can feel something for quite some time before I feel asleep.
I’m thinking about having a private scan next week at 9 weeks. Will baby look like a baby then instead of a blob?
I had a private scan on Monday at exactly 7 weeks and we could see a jelly bean shaped blob with a beautiful heartbeat!
I imagine by 9 weeks you’d see even more !

Got mw again today. She's coming to my house. I hate ppl in my house lol not sure why I have to see her again so early. Gotta go on a mad clean as kids have destroyed the house and I feel like I'm drunk.

Linnett im Defo not feeling baby yet, just the stretching and expanding. Everything moves around faster the more you have.
Maybe you can feel the stretching.
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I’m thinking about having a private scan next week at 9 weeks. Will baby look like a baby then instead of a blob?
Having my private at 9 1/2 weeks. Baby is officially a foetus then so should be a bit more than a blob and clear heartbeat ☺️
Hi ladies,

Congratulations to you all :eek: hope you’re all having a lovely pregnancy <3

I’m just posting for a bit of advice and to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences.. hope this is allowed (:

This is my 4th pregnancy, I have miscarried 3 times in the past. The most recent was April this year. All 3 were in the first trimester, the first time I didn’t know I was pregnant. The second time there was no heartbeat when I went for my ultrasound and the third one I seen the heartbeat at 6 weeks ish, but had some bleeding and an emergency scan at almost 10 weeks, to find the heartbeat had stopped at 7.5 weeks. I’m so anxious, and mixed emotions. I can’t help but worry. I have diabetes, which is controlled by Insulin and I also have endometriosis which has always made my periods more painful and cycles irregular. My last pregnancy I had awful cramp and a really bad back, I actually cried most days with the pain. My blood sugars were also low constantly, to the point I was sick of eating. This time round my bloods are excellent, the Doctor and Nurse are really pleased with them. But would still like to put me on Metformin to stabilise them and maybe a bit Novorapid insulin if needed. I’ve also not had horrendous cramp to the point where I’ve cried. I’ve just had a bit of a sore lower back, morning sickness, heartburn and indigestion. I haven’t had any bleeding at all, not even implantation bleeding. I’m about 7.5 weeks now and due around 27th of July. I’m not going to have an internal scan this time, just because of preference.

Have you all heard of anything similar or experienced anything similar?

I’m hoping the no bleeding, better blood results and no horrendous cramp is a good sign and I’m praying and have my fingers crossed everything goes well.

I’m a nervous wreck and just needing a lot of reassurance I think. Trying not to worry, but it’s easier said than done I suppose.

I was seen at hospital in June/July time to look into why I miscarried. They ruled things out and put it down to my high blood sugars as they were really bad then, being almost triple in what they should have been.

They are on target now so hoping it makes the difference!

Thank you in advance ladies <3 x
Quick one.. does anyone else gag when brishing their teeth? Iv just been full on sick it was that bad! The joys x
Hi ladies,

Congratulations to you all :eek: hope you’re all having a lovely pregnancy <3

I’m just posting for a bit of advice and to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences.. hope this is allowed :)

This is my 4th pregnancy, I have miscarried 3 times in the past. The most recent was April this year. All 3 were in the first trimester, the first time I didn’t know I was pregnant. The second time there was no heartbeat when I went for my ultrasound and the third one I seen the heartbeat at 6 weeks ish, but had some bleeding and an emergency scan at almost 10 weeks, to find the heartbeat had stopped at 7.5 weeks. I’m so anxious, and mixed emotions. I can’t help but worry. I have diabetes, which is controlled by Insulin and I also have endometriosis which has always made my periods more painful and cycles irregular. My last pregnancy I had awful cramp and a really bad back, I actually cried most days with the pain. My blood sugars were also low constantly, to the point I was sick of eating. This time round my bloods are excellent, the Doctor and Nurse are really pleased with them. But would still like to put me on Metformin to stabilise them and maybe a bit Novorapid insulin if needed. I’ve also not had horrendous cramp to the point where I’ve cried. I’ve just had a bit of a sore lower back, morning sickness, heartburn and indigestion. I haven’t had any bleeding at all, not even implantation bleeding. I’m about 7.5 weeks now and due around 27th of July. I’m not going to have an internal scan this time, just because of preference.

Have you all heard of anything similar or experienced anything similar?

I’m hoping the no bleeding, better blood results and no horrendous cramp is a good sign and I’m praying and have my fingers crossed everything goes well.

I’m a nervous wreck and just needing a lot of reassurance I think. Trying not to worry, but it’s easier said than done I suppose.

I was seen at hospital in June/July time to look into why I miscarried. They ruled things out and put it down to my high blood sugars as they were really bad then, being almost triple in what they should have been.

They are on target now so hoping it makes the difference!

Thank you in advance ladies <3 x
Hi. I had a mc in june which was twins and also had one in september then caught pregnant in October. Im 8 weeks today and due 26th july.
I have an early scan booked tomorrow privately. All thats getting me through is positive thoughts plus i do actually fel very pregnant. I know its hard but just relax, relax, relax and think positive.
Sending lots of love x
I had an epic mood swing last night. Started because I hadn't felt nausea all day and I'm still spotting on and off. Paranoia, along with the affects of coming off all my medication made me rage at my partner when he told me no to a reassurance scan. He told me the money will be better spent on baby things (we aren't very well off so I get where he's coming from). I was very colourful in my insults and luckily he didn't take anything to heart.

Turns out karma got me and the nausea was back with a vengeance this morning. Luckily just passing again for now.
Hi ladies,

Congratulations to you all :eek: hope you’re all having a lovely pregnancy <3

I’m just posting for a bit of advice and to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences.. hope this is allowed :)

This is my 4th pregnancy, I have miscarried 3 times in the past. The most recent was April this year. All 3 were in the first trimester, the first time I didn’t know I was pregnant. The second time there was no heartbeat when I went for my ultrasound and the third one I seen the heartbeat at 6 weeks ish, but had some bleeding and an emergency scan at almost 10 weeks, to find the heartbeat had stopped at 7.5 weeks. I’m so anxious, and mixed emotions. I can’t help but worry. I have diabetes, which is controlled by Insulin and I also have endometriosis which has always made my periods more painful and cycles irregular. My last pregnancy I had awful cramp and a really bad back, I actually cried most days with the pain. My blood sugars were also low constantly, to the point I was sick of eating. This time round my bloods are excellent, the Doctor and Nurse are really pleased with them. But would still like to put me on Metformin to stabilise them and maybe a bit Novorapid insulin if needed. I’ve also not had horrendous cramp to the point where I’ve cried. I’ve just had a bit of a sore lower back, morning sickness, heartburn and indigestion. I haven’t had any bleeding at all, not even implantation bleeding. I’m about 7.5 weeks now and due around 27th of July. I’m not going to have an internal scan this time, just because of preference.

Have you all heard of anything similar or experienced anything similar?

I’m hoping the no bleeding, better blood results and no horrendous cramp is a good sign and I’m praying and have my fingers crossed everything goes well.

I’m a nervous wreck and just needing a lot of reassurance I think. Trying not to worry, but it’s easier said than done I suppose.

I was seen at hospital in June/July time to look into why I miscarried. They ruled things out and put it down to my high blood sugars as they were really bad then, being almost triple in what they should have been.

They are on target now so hoping it makes the difference!

Thank you in advance ladies <3 x

I dont have much helpful info to i put other than try ans be positive and until you have reason to believe otherwise, you are pregnant! Congratulations, enjoy every minute.

Sorry to hear people have been struggling with nausea and tooth problems.
My sickness is horrendous, they've diagnosed me with hyperemesis gravidarum after ending up on Ivs. The first 3 anti sickness didnt work and finally on ondansetron, which seems to be preventing me from throwing up. Hurray!

I am a bit confused about my 12 week scan as by my period dates I would be 14+2, but early scan 13+1 (but rhe early scan was external so not as accurate)
Is the 14 weeks+ date too late for screening?
And the midwife cancelled on me. Been waiting 2 hours.... not like I didn't have things to be doing.
Now gotta go Monday and wait around in clinic. Got busy week next week so hopefully not be hanging around too much.
Thanks girls for the reassurance regarding dates.

Marvellous_mum, you must be so annoyed the mw cancelled on you, especially if you spent ages cleaning and tidying while feeling unwell, only for her not to turn up! Still at least she won't be coming to your house now, which you didn't seem to want, so that's a good thing :)
And the midwife cancelled on me. Been waiting 2 hours.... not like I didn't have things to be doing.
Now gotta go Monday and wait around in clinic. Got busy week next week so hopefully not be hanging around too much.

Oh that's so annoying after you waiting around for her! she could have cancelled earlier! hopefully you won't be waiting around too long on Monday.
I get she's busy but it's a wasted day. Iv got so much to finish with Xmas and my eldest birthday next week, I'm running low on time, plus trying to get to see her without my kids being here as we've not told them yet.
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Hi jadelloxx, welcome & congrats:-)
I dont have any experience but just wanted to say try and relax and enjoy it. If your bloods are back to normal and there's no bleeding then there's no reason why this wouldnt go well:-) positive thoughts x
Emmacharlotte, sorry to hear you have HG. Are you back home or stuck in hospital?
Hope everyone is ok. Just catching up now. I've felt pretty good today but half makes you panic things aren't ok! You literally can't win. Roll on scan on Wednesday.

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