July 2019 mummies

I was hoping I'd start to feel better by now not worse. Hope you're both ok. I'm hoping I can eat my Christmas dinner and enjoy it. Although I'm not struggling eating I'm just heaving and managing to not actually be sick. The joys.

Everytime I have a good day and feeling a bit better, I think I'm over the worst, then it hits hard again the next day. Hopefully you'll have a good day for Christmas dinner at least! I haven't been struggling to eat as much recently, in fact I've been trying to eat constantly to help ease the nausea and get rid of the metallic taste... but then I feel SO bloated. Not sure which is better... nausea or bloating?! A lot of heaving here too, and some occasional vomiting... only a few more weeks until we'll be in trimester 2 and it will ease up hopefully right?!
I'm just on countdown to 2nd tri. Got mw on Friday again. And got my 12 week scan next week. Excited and scared all into one.
I'm just on countdown to 2nd tri. Got mw on Friday again. And got my 12 week scan next week. Excited and scared all into one.

I think you're the first to have their 12 week scan in this thread! That's so exciting, and so lovely to have it in before the new year!
Radley try not to worry. One of mine was smaller than the other, but they weren't worried whatsoever. Implantation is so varied and with non identical twins it would be such fluke to implant the same time. They were so convinced that once the heartbeats had been seen all chances of miscarriage were reduced theyve referred me for my first consultant appt. Sorry to ask my brain is like a sieve. When is your nexr scan?

Had my booking appt yesterday and feel much better about everything as I have more control and options that I initially thought. Theu have changed my due date to 7th July (so will be June babies really) and told me they try and get you to 38 weeks! Imagine the bump!!!
My 12 week scan is booked for 7th jan, so 13 weeks.
Symptoms are just as terrible, anti emetics have reduced the vomiting 10+ times a day. But now I just have a relentless nausea alllllllll day!

Hope everyone is ok, not long now ladies until the symptoms start to subside!!!

Hurrah for anti emmetic! I've just got some cyclizine as I feel awful and the uti has knocked me for 6.

Im trying not to worry, there's no point as there is nothing I can do about it. Just take care of myself and see what happens. Scan is 17th then booking in on 21st. My 12 week scan is on the 7th Jan same as you :)

Glad to hear the booking in went well. I bet it all starts to seem real at that point!

On an aside, someone I went to school with (don't see anymore but friends on fb) is having her twins today by c section. She made it to 38+3 and her bump was MASSIVE! she looked pretty good on it though to be fair, lol

(apart from the hospital stockings which she said she has to wear for 6 weeks, lol) not flattering
I think you're the first to have their 12 week scan in this thread! That's so exciting, and so lovely to have it in before the new year!
Think I'm 3rd. I'm sure 2 of the girls have theirs on the 19th. Mines the 20th. Yes we have a nice little reveal to the kids on Xmas eve and the family on Xmas day. Gunna see if they are paying attention lol
Hey ladies! I’m 11+1 today & I thought symptoms had subsided but like a lot of you they seem to have reappeared. Fortunately I’m not being physically sick but the nausea is back & seems so much worse at night. I couldn’t get to sleep till almost 2am last night due to being uncomfy, the nausea & the fact I needed to get up & pee every hour! Tiredness has kicked back in & im falling asleep on the sofa every night at about 6pm & am usually woken when hubby tells the kids it’s bedtime lol.

My scans a week today, excited but getting more nervous as it approaches. I also feel huge now! Boobs & belly grow more & more everyday !

Anyone had any calls about bloods / tests from booking in scan? I haven’t & mine was 2 weeks ago so hoping that means all is well.
Think I'm 3rd. I'm sure 2 of the girls have theirs on the 19th. Mines the 20th. Yes we have a nice little reveal to the kids on Xmas eve and the family on Xmas day. Gunna see if they are paying attention lol

Ah sorry I've an awful memory... didn't realise two others before you! Exciting for all though!
Anyone had any calls about bloods / tests from booking in scan? I haven’t & mine was 2 weeks ago so hoping that means all is well.

I got told that if you don't hear back from them about bloods and test then it's just good news, they only call if there's any concerns.
Hey everyone!
I just found out yesterday with 2 BFPs and one this morning!
Clearblue said 3+ so i conceived over 5 weeks ago but i have bled between hence why i didn't think I would be!
I've put my dates into a calculator and said I should be due on 22nd July 2019!!

I'm a first time mum, absolutely terrified! I've booked in to see a midwife on Monday (doctors couldn't fit me in to confirm and told me to go direct to them).

I've felt mega mega bloated and tired. Already I have put weight on which is just beyond me!

Would love to chat with you all and share this awesome experience!!
Hey everyone!
I just found out yesterday with 2 BFPs and one this morning!
Clearblue said 3+ so i conceived over 5 weeks ago but i have bled between hence why i didn't think I would be!
I've put my dates into a calculator and said I should be due on 22nd July 2019!!

I'm a first time mum, absolutely terrified! I've booked in to see a midwife on Monday (doctors couldn't fit me in to confirm and told me to go direct to them).

I've felt mega mega bloated and tired. Already I have put weight on which is just beyond me!

Would love to chat with you all and share this awesome experience!!

Welcome ebbydaub and congrats!! I'm also a first time mum due 21st / 22nd July, should hopefully get the date confirmed tomorrow at my early scan :) Feeling very tired most days and nauseous on and off. I've put on about 2 pounds so far. How much have you put on? What made you test in the end?
Hey everyone!
I just found out yesterday with 2 BFPs and one this morning!
Clearblue said 3+ so i conceived over 5 weeks ago but i have bled between hence why i didn't think I would be!
I've put my dates into a calculator and said I should be due on 22nd July 2019!!

I'm a first time mum, absolutely terrified! I've booked in to see a midwife on Monday (doctors couldn't fit me in to confirm and told me to go direct to them).

I've felt mega mega bloated and tired. Already I have put weight on which is just beyond me!

Would love to chat with you all and share this awesome experience!!
Welcome :wave:
Hey everyone!
I just found out yesterday with 2 BFPs and one this morning!
Clearblue said 3+ so i conceived over 5 weeks ago but i have bled between hence why i didn't think I would be!
I've put my dates into a calculator and said I should be due on 22nd July 2019!!

I'm a first time mum, absolutely terrified! I've booked in to see a midwife on Monday (doctors couldn't fit me in to confirm and told me to go direct to them).

I've felt mega mega bloated and tired. Already I have put weight on which is just beyond me!

Would love to chat with you all and share this awesome experience!!

Hey everyone!
I just found out yesterday with 2 BFPs and one this morning!
Clearblue said 3+ so i conceived over 5 weeks ago but i have bled between hence why i didn't think I would be!
I've put my dates into a calculator and said I should be due on 22nd July 2019!!

I'm a first time mum, absolutely terrified! I've booked in to see a midwife on Monday (doctors couldn't fit me in to confirm and told me to go direct to them).

I've felt mega mega bloated and tired. Already I have put weight on which is just beyond me!

Would love to chat with you all and share this awesome experience!!

Welcome to the group!! And congratulations x
Welcome ebbydaub and congrats!! I'm also a first time mum due 21st / 22nd July, should hopefully get the date confirmed tomorrow at my early scan :) Feeling very tired most days and nauseous on and off. I've put on about 2 pounds so far. How much have you put on? What made you test in the end?

I'm absolutely knackered too, feeling nauseous all the time too but not been sick yet (touch wood!)
Honestly I never bother weighing myself, but I did notice a few days ago that my work trousers were a little too tight and had to put some bigger ones on! :(

I had a BFP last month followed by a load of negatives so I thought nothing of anything this month until my boobs got sore. I've never had any soreness in mine, ever, from periods or anything so I knew something was up!

What about you?

Not sure I'd be eligible for an early scan but will see what they say on Monday!
Hey everyone!
I just found out yesterday with 2 BFPs and one this morning!
Clearblue said 3+ so i conceived over 5 weeks ago but i have bled between hence why i didn't think I would be!
I've put my dates into a calculator and said I should be due on 22nd July 2019!!

I'm a first time mum, absolutely terrified! I've booked in to see a midwife on Monday (doctors couldn't fit me in to confirm and told me to go direct to them).

I've felt mega mega bloated and tired. Already I have put weight on which is just beyond me!

Would love to chat with you all and share this awesome experience!!

Welcome and congrats:wave: have you been trying for long? Wishing you happy & healthy 9 months:preg:
Hey everyone!
I just found out yesterday with 2 BFPs and one this morning!
Clearblue said 3+ so i conceived over 5 weeks ago but i have bled between hence why i didn't think I would be!
I've put my dates into a calculator and said I should be due on 22nd July 2019!!

I'm a first time mum, absolutely terrified! I've booked in to see a midwife on Monday (doctors couldn't fit me in to confirm and told me to go direct to them).

I've felt mega mega bloated and tired. Already I have put weight on which is just beyond me!

Would love to chat with you all and share this awesome experience!!
Welcome and congrats!
Im due 26th x

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