July 2019 mummies

Nearly been off work now for 2weeks, with sickness, lethargy, and nausea, anyone got any harmless remedies to give me some energy? I can cope with the sickness because I know it's my little one nestling in, which gives me so much joy .... It's the tiredness I need help with, I'm off to see the Midwife next Thursday the 13th, just need a few pointers beforehand.
Nearly been off work now for 2weeks, with sickness, lethargy, and nausea, anyone got any harmless remedies to give me some energy? I can cope with the sickness because I know it's my little one nestling in, which gives me so much joy .... It's the tiredness I need help with, I'm off to see the Midwife next Thursday the 13th, just need a few pointers beforehand.

Sorry to hear you're feeling like that! Just make sure you're eating well to get enough energy that way at least. I've been coping with the tiredness by sleeping as soon as I get in from work until the next morning... hopefully you feel better soon and can get back to work soon!
Iv made it to 7 weeks, woohoo. Its been a long road to get here x
Nearly been off work now for 2weeks, with sickness, lethargy, and nausea, anyone got any harmless remedies to give me some energy? I can cope with the sickness because I know it's my little one nestling in, which gives me so much joy .... It's the tiredness I need help with, I'm off to see the Midwife next Thursday the 13th, just need a few pointers beforehand.
Im exactly the same, i work in a school so its none stop. Im sleeping all the time and nibbling little bits when i can face it, i cant eat a proper meal. All i can say is eat when you can even if its a piece of fruit or bar of chocolate. Feel better soon x
Im exactly the same, i work in a school so its none stop. Im sleeping all the time and nibbling little bits when i can face it, i cant eat a proper meal. All i can say is eat when you can even if its a piece of fruit or bar of chocolate to give you a little bit of energy. Feel better soon x
Nearly been off work now for 2weeks, with sickness, lethargy, and nausea, anyone got any harmless remedies to give me some energy? I can cope with the sickness because I know it's my little one nestling in, which gives me so much joy .... It's the tiredness I need help with, I'm off to see the Midwife next Thursday the 13th, just need a few pointers beforehand.

Eat little and often and sleep!
I am struggling big time with tiredness as work 13 hour shifts with an hour commute either side. Its the back to back ones that are killing me.

Cant wait for ther 14 week mark where I hope it will all get better and easier!!

All signs of our babies growing and developing so should be grateful, howevr sometimes its tricky to remeber that when your heads over the tpilet for the 10th time that day!
Great news Krazy Kitten! So happy for you. What a rollercoaster ride you've had!

Had my early scan and all is well:D saw a blob with a heartbeat<3 She couldn't calculate my due date so I've got another scan on the 18th when I think I'm 8 weeks. Yay for more scans! lol

Sorry to hear some people's nausea has ramped up:-( I've had nausea since before my bfp and so far it's not great but it's bearable. If it gets any worse I'm not sure I'll cope! I'm predicting this is a boy as my morning sickness was far worse with my daughter (unless this is just the calm before the storm, of course:roll:)

ps, not a fan of this new PF layout! I hate change... but guess I'll get used to it.
Less emojis too:(
My 12 week scan appointment arrived in the post today. 15th Jan. Can't wait to get to that point now and have my anxiety eased. Slightly annoyed they want £7 to give me a copy of the scan picture though.
Wow Emmacharlotte, 13 hour shifts + 2 hours driving?! You're a star, I honestly don't know how you do it!! I'm so tired and lethargic lately that I'm not even awake for that long each day! I've had issues with tiredness for quite some time but since being pregnant it's got to a whole new level. I feel nauseous a fair bit too but the tiredness is what I find the hardest to cope with so far. Really hope it gets better soon!
Iv made it to 7 weeks, woohoo. Its been a long road to get here x
Me too!

I also work in a school and am completely struggling with staying awake. Hugely knackered at the end of the day and just crash!
Hi guys. How's everyone getting on? I had a private scan Saturday which put me at 10 weeks not 9.3 that I thought. So I've asked to have my nhs scan done earlier as it was meant to be 2nd Jan. So now it's 19th Dec. I'll be a bit earlier than 12 weeks still but we have decided against the screening so shouldn't make a difference. And at least I don't have to hide it over Christmas!!!
Hi guys. How's everyone getting on? I had a private scan Saturday which put me at 10 weeks not 9.3 that I thought. So I've asked to have my nhs scan done earlier as it was meant to be 2nd Jan. So now it's 19th Dec. I'll be a bit earlier than 12 weeks still but we have decided against the screening so shouldn't make a difference. And at least I don't have to hide it over Christmas!!!

Thats great news! How lovely to jave it just before christmas so you can share the news.
Ive got my firsr midwife app tomorrow and I need to tell her that I will be needing a longer slot for my 12 week scan as my EPAU havent communicated to her that its a twin pregnancy.

Anyone on a second/third pregnancy feel like this is more laid back? I was asked how many weeks I am and I had to sit down and work it out. With my first I knew to the day how far, and 'what size in relation to fruit' he was!

Hope everyone is ok ans battling through nausea and exhaustion xxx
Thats great news! How lovely to jave it just before christmas so you can share the news.
Ive got my firsr midwife app tomorrow and I need to tell her that I will be needing a longer slot for my 12 week scan as my EPAU havent communicated to her that its a twin pregnancy.

Anyone on a second/third pregnancy feel like this is more laid back? I was asked how many weeks I am and I had to sit down and work it out. With my first I knew to the day how far, and 'what size in relation to fruit' he was!

Hope everyone is ok ans battling through nausea and exhaustion xxx

This is my 4th. I'm still counting down the days to 12 weeks! Mainly because I can't wait to stop feeling so crap lol and then I can stop hiding it from the kids and clients! But can't wait to be able to now tell them before Christmas. I already am getting a bump. Are you with it being twins? That's so exciting!!!
Hi guys. How's everyone getting on? I had a private scan Saturday which put me at 10 weeks not 9.3 that I thought. So I've asked to have my nhs scan done earlier as it was meant to be 2nd Jan. So now it's 19th Dec. I'll be a bit earlier than 12 weeks still but we have decided against the screening so shouldn't make a difference. And at least I don't have to hide it over Christmas!!!

That's great you're having scan before christmas, it will be lovely to share the news then! I was hoping for my scan before then too, but I'll be 11+2 on christmas, and I'm away for a week on new year's eve, so I'm guessing my scan will likely be after that as I haven't heard anything about it at this point.
At the start of last week, I had a good few days with minimal nausea and thought I must be over the worst... but since then it's been getting a lot worse this past week, and I've actually vomited a few times too. I guess the sea bands aren't doing anything. My sister suggested trying crystallized ginger sweets, so got a bag from holland and barret and will see how I get on with them. Exhaustion has also ramped up a step this past week too, I'm feeling ready for bed most days by 2pm now! How has everyone else been feeling?? Hope you're all ok!

Also, the midwife just called me now to say there was a mistake with my bloods, a spelling mistake apparently, so I have to get them repeated now. My arm still has a big purple bruise on it from getting blood taken last week!
At the start of last week, I had a good few days with minimal nausea and thought I must be over the worst... but since then it's been getting a lot worse this past week, and I've actually vomited a few times too. I guess the sea bands aren't doing anything. My sister suggested trying crystallized ginger sweets, so got a bag from holland and barret and will see how I get on with them. Exhaustion has also ramped up a step this past week too, I'm feeling ready for bed most days by 2pm now! How has everyone else been feeling?? Hope you're all ok!

Also, the midwife just called me now to say there was a mistake with my bloods, a spelling mistake apparently, so I have to get them repeated now. My arm still has a big purple bruise on it from getting blood taken last week!

That's annoying having to repeat them. I don't have any done, just our personal choice.

I still feel crap too. One moment I think 'Oh I don't feel too bad, maybe it's easing' then next minute I'm walking around gagging! I'm in bed most nights at 8pm. I can't wait to get these 2 crazy busy work weeks done then I'm off for two weeks. I live off coke while I have a client in and snack on rubbish to keep going. I'll be the size of a house. Can't wait to start eating better when everything doesn't turn my stomach.
That's great Owls! A few days closer to tri 2:) What's your new due date?

EmmaCharlotte, I'm the same. With my first 2 I knew how far along I was everyday. This time I know my week changes on a Tuesday but no idea what I am in between (+3, 4, 6 etc).

I'm the same re the symptoms! I go from worrying that I don't have enough symptoms, to retching:sick:, back to worrying. I'm driving my DH mad! The 2nd scan next week can't come soon enough. I keep poking my boobs to make sure they're still sore lol!

We will tell our kids after the scan on Tuesday then do a proper announcement at Xmas. I'll only be 9-10 weeks but it'll be so nice to give our extended families the good news at Xmas.
I had my 7 and a half week scan & was put back a few days (in-line with ovulation rather than AF). Saw the little bean & the HB.

Decided to bite the bullet and tell family before Xmas (will be 9weeks). To be fair, if anything happens the people we will tell at Xmas would probably be aware anyway so no big issue really.

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