July 2019 mummies

That's great Owls! A few days closer to tri 2:) What's your new due date?

EmmaCharlotte, I'm the same. With my first 2 I knew how far along I was everyday. This time I know my week changes on a Tuesday but no idea what I am in between (+3, 4, 6 etc).

I'm the same re the symptoms! I go from worrying that I don't have enough symptoms, to retching:sick:, back to worrying. I'm driving my DH mad! The 2nd scan next week can't come soon enough. I keep poking my boobs to make sure they're still sore lol!

We will tell our kids after the scan on Tuesday then do a proper announcement at Xmas. I'll only be 9-10 weeks but it'll be so nice to give our extended families the good news at Xmas.

Love that we are very similar dates
I cant wait to find out when my 12 week scan is. The little jellybeans will look more like babies and maybe a bit closer together/touching?!

I cant work out if I have a bump, by the evening I look quite big, but flat in the morning so I guess its just bloat.

All getting very exciting, very excited for you all to tell your families!
We will be telling OH's family next week as it's the only time we will see them but it's going to be the day before we have the scan to see if both little beans are growing nicely so I feel a bit weird about it. I'm 8+3 now so will be 9+3 then. For my family we won't see them until christmas day so that will make me 10+3.

I'm at work on alternative duties now so people are wondering why I'm hanging around station. Only a couple of people know. It just feels weird telling people here before my family but that's the way it looks like it's going to be. I think people assumed I'm not working frontline because of my back or something but unless I say, I don't think anyone will ask me about it.

These weeks literally take forever! Still feel like crap altough I'm managing to eat a bit more in the last day or two. Also think I have a UTI and spoke to my GP so need to take in a sample rather than having antibiotics unnescessarily. Feel pants, lol
I had my 7 and a half week scan & was put back a few days (in-line with ovulation rather than AF). Saw the little bean & the HB.

Decided to bite the bullet and tell family before Xmas (will be 9weeks). To be fair, if anything happens the people we will tell at Xmas would probably be aware anyway so no big issue really.

Glad your scan went well! Seeing a heartbeat is always such a relief!
Currently 7+3.
Scan booked for saturday, im so anxious iv convinced myself there wont be a heartbeat even though i can feel this bean is with me if you get me? I supose after all the trying and heartach its my way of dealing with it now. Silly i know x
My situation is currently near enough the same, except my nausea is ramping up now.

Brown spotting has become my norm for over a week, and I'm trying to keep calm about it. It helps that I've seen my little squidge's heart beat twice now, and the doctor was unconcerned about it.

Hopefully it stays this way until I see the midwife on the 18th and take things from there.

Worried about getting back to work later this week, but promised I won't strain myself at all.

The most emotionally insane ride I've ever been on!
Currently 7+3.
Scan booked for saturday, im so anxious iv convinced myself there wont be a heartbeat even though i can feel this bean is with me if you get me? I supose after all the trying and heartach its my way of dealing with it now. Silly i know x
Absolutely and I too am finding it hard to relax. My only real symptom is being knackered and this worries me!
Hi guys. How's everyone getting on? I had a private scan Saturday which put me at 10 weeks not 9.3 that I thought. So I've asked to have my nhs scan done earlier as it was meant to be 2nd Jan. So now it's 19th Dec. I'll be a bit earlier than 12 weeks still but we have decided against the screening so shouldn't make a difference. And at least I don't have to hide it over Christmas!!!
Hi that's good news you are further along and another scan before Christmas! :) am good here, am 8 weeks 2 days and told parents at the weekend. They live 3 hours away and I won't see them til after Christmas so it felt like the right time for us!

Sorry to hear some of you are still suffering hopefully by Christmas it will be better! Other than tiredness and having an awful cold last week I am feeling OK! No nausea and boobs a bit sore, plus spotting / light bleeding has continued on and off.

My private scan isn't til 23rd and I'm debating whether to go to walk in this week just for reassurance due to the ongoing spotting. Then I think am I being silly as I've seen the heartbeats but it was only 6 weeks so I am still really nervous... And the nurse who did my scan didn't seem very confident in the smaller twin making it as it was a much smaller sac (she referred to bigger one as ''good baby'. Plus I'm worried because my symptoms aren't very strong and they are supposed to be with twins.

Any advice ladies?!
Hi that's good news you are further along and another scan before Christmas! :) am good here, am 8 weeks 2 days and told parents at the weekend. They live 3 hours away and I won't see them til after Christmas so it felt like the right time for us!

Sorry to hear some of you are still suffering hopefully by Christmas it will be better! Other than tiredness and having an awful cold last week I am feeling OK! No nausea and boobs a bit sore, plus spotting / light bleeding has continued on and off.

My private scan isn't til 23rd and I'm debating whether to go to walk in this week just for reassurance due to the ongoing spotting. Then I think am I being silly as I've seen the heartbeats but it was only 6 weeks so I am still really nervous... And the nurse who did my scan didn't seem very confident in the smaller twin making it as it was a much smaller sac (she referred to bigger one as ''good baby'. Plus I'm worried because my symptoms aren't very strong and they are supposed to be with twins.

Any advice ladies?!

Do you have a Midwife yet? Could you move the private scan forward a bit? Or if not I'd push for another scan as you're still spotting?
Do you have a Midwife yet? Could you move the private scan forward a bit? Or if not I'd push for another scan as you're still spotting?
That's a good shout re private scan. Will see if I can move it a bit earlier so less of a wait! Thanks
Hi that's good news you are further along and another scan before Christmas! :) am good here, am 8 weeks 2 days and told parents at the weekend. They live 3 hours away and I won't see them til after Christmas so it felt like the right time for us!

Sorry to hear some of you are still suffering hopefully by Christmas it will be better! Other than tiredness and having an awful cold last week I am feeling OK! No nausea and boobs a bit sore, plus spotting / light bleeding has continued on and off.

My private scan isn't til 23rd and I'm debating whether to go to walk in this week just for reassurance due to the ongoing spotting. Then I think am I being silly as I've seen the heartbeats but it was only 6 weeks so I am still really nervous... And the nurse who did my scan didn't seem very confident in the smaller twin making it as it was a much smaller sac (she referred to bigger one as ''good baby'. Plus I'm worried because my symptoms aren't very strong and they are supposed to be with twins.

Any advice ladies?!

I know what you mean about being nervous for the next scan. I feel the same. And they said the same about the smaller one not necessarily staying put so we have to wait and see. It's rubbish.

I just keep thinking that if two heartbeats are there then that's a positive sign and one must be smaller because it implanted after the other so has some catching up to do!

It's not in our hands but have everything crossed that both are baking away nicely x
Oh and I feel awful most days, food aversions are rife but not vomiting yet. And I have a uti confirmed by the doc so oh has just gone to get my antibiotics. It's all fun!
Currently 7+3.
Scan booked for saturday, im so anxious iv convinced myself there wont be a heartbeat even though i can feel this bean is with me if you get me? I supose after all the trying and heartach its my way of dealing with it now. Silly i know x

It will all be OK Stacey :)
I know what you mean about being nervous for the next scan. I feel the same. And they said the same about the smaller one not necessarily staying put so we have to wait and see. It's rubbish.

I just keep thinking that if two heartbeats are there then that's a positive sign and one must be smaller because it implanted after the other so has some catching up to do!

It's not in our hands but have everything crossed that both are baking away nicely x

Yep all we can do is try not to worry I guess! Apparently it's really common to have one smaller so I was surprised how negative the nurse was about it. Maybe she was just trying to set my expectations low!

Funny to think if I didn't have the early scan I would be completely oblivious until 12 weeks anyway!
I had my booking appointment today, feels so much more real and exciting! I have a private scan on Thurs, a bit nervous about it, especially as how last week I felt very nauseous, was actually sick for the first time on Saturday, but the nausea nearly completely disappeared that same day and hasn't really been back since! Weird. So I hope everything's still okay!

I still can't believe how many twin pregnancies we have on this thread!! Considering less than 2% of all pregnancies are actually twins, 3 ladies on here is amazing!! I hope you all get the good news you're hoping for very soon! :)
Anyone around 10/11 weeks and symptoms worse not better!? Wondering if it's just being worried about work making it worse!? Roll on 21st Dec!!!!
Anyone around 10/11 weeks and symptoms worse not better!? Wondering if it's just being worried about work making it worse!? Roll on 21st Dec!!!!

I'm 9w + 3 and symptoms feel like they are getting worse yes... counting down the days to the 21st for a much needed break!!
Anyone around 10/11 weeks and symptoms worse not better!? Wondering if it's just being worried about work making it worse!? Roll on 21st Dec!!!!
Mine had subsided until this morning. Iv gotta go get my flu jab in an hour and Iv been hugging the loo since 6am.
The stretching pains are alot worse this time aswell.
I was hoping I'd start to feel better by now not worse. Hope you're both ok. I'm hoping I can eat my Christmas dinner and enjoy it. Although I'm not struggling eating I'm just heaving and managing to not actually be sick. The joys.
I know what you mean about being nervous for the next scan. I feel the same. And they said the same about the smaller one not necessarily staying put so we have to wait and see. It's rubbish.

I just keep thinking that if two heartbeats are there then that's a positive sign and one must be smaller because it implanted after the other so has some catching up to do!

It's not in our hands but have everything crossed that both are baking away nicely x

Radley try not to worry. One of mine was smaller than the other, but they weren't worried whatsoever. Implantation is so varied and with non identical twins it would be such fluke to implant the same time. They were so convinced that once the heartbeats had been seen all chances of miscarriage were reduced theyve referred me for my first consultant appt. Sorry to ask my brain is like a sieve. When is your nexr scan?

Had my booking appt yesterday and feel much better about everything as I have more control and options that I initially thought. Theu have changed my due date to 7th July (so will be June babies really) and told me they try and get you to 38 weeks! Imagine the bump!!!
My 12 week scan is booked for 7th jan, so 13 weeks.
Symptoms are just as terrible, anti emetics have reduced the vomiting 10+ times a day. But now I just have a relentless nausea alllllllll day!

Hope everyone is ok, not long now ladies until the symptoms start to subside!!!

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