July 2019 mummies

I can't even open the fridge these days, too many smells! Have to hold my breath and grab what I want quickly and shut it. Tried having chicken last week, couldn't eat more than a bite. I've been living off bread and potatoes for the past few weeks, that's all I can seem to eat. Last night's potato wedges with cheese were pretty good, and I'll probably just have the same tonight. Also I really wanted a mince pie as I really love them this time of year, but I was scared I would find it horrible as I've been completely off sweet things... thank god I'm not off them and managed to enjoy it! Food is such a struggle these days, can't wait for this trimester to be over...

Nausea has calmed down a little though, which is good, only rushing to the toilets at work once or twice a day rather than ten! Hopefully it stays like that.

I haven't had the flu jab yet Linnett, I wasn't sure if I wanted to get it or not, but after having a cold just now and feeling so awful, I think I will... although midwife told me it only protects against 30% of flu strains anyway, so you're still likely to get the flu having had it. Once I'm over this cold, might think about getting it done before christmas hopefully.

I'm sure it's just stretching and normal Marvellous, hope it doesn't get any worse and you're ok!
I had cramps last night but mine felt more like upset tummy cramps. You do worry about every little niggle don’t you but I’m sure it’s al just pregnancy related.

Deff jinxed myself yesterday! Feel like I’ve gone back by 2 weeks. Felt nauseas since about 2.30 yesterday, lasted all night & into this morning. It’s clesrly come back with the tideness too as I fell asleep on sofa at 6pm last night, woke at about half 7 & then was back to sleep by 11 & could not get up this morning! And there’s me thinking all this has gone haha!
I can't even open the fridge these days, too many smells! Have to hold my breath and grab what I want quickly and shut it. Tried having chicken last week, couldn't eat more than a bite. I've been living off bread and potatoes for the past few weeks, that's all I can seem to eat. Last night's potato wedges with cheese were pretty good, and I'll probably just have the same tonight. Also I really wanted a mince pie as I really love them this time of year, but I was scared I would find it horrible as I've been completely off sweet things... thank god I'm not off them and managed to enjoy it! Food is such a struggle these days, can't wait for this trimester to be over...

Nausea has calmed down a little though, which is good, only rushing to the toilets at work once or twice a day rather than ten! Hopefully it stays like that.

I haven't had the flu jab yet Linnett, I wasn't sure if I wanted to get it or not, but after having a cold just now and feeling so awful, I think I will... although midwife told me it only protects against 30% of flu strains anyway, so you're still likely to get the flu having had it. Once I'm over this cold, might think about getting it done before christmas hopefully.

I'm sure it's just stretching and normal Marvellous, hope it doesn't get any worse and you're ok!

Smells aren’t as bad to me as they were in the beginning. I too found it really hard to smell eat chicken at around week 5/6 but that’s better now. My smells still heightened as I’m always moaning about certain smells & hubby can’t smell anything lol
I had cramps last night but mine felt more like upset tummy cramps. You do worry about every little niggle don’t you but I’m sure it’s al just pregnancy related.

Deff jinxed myself yesterday! Feel like I’ve gone back by 2 weeks. Felt nauseas since about 2.30 yesterday, lasted all night & into this morning. It’s clesrly come back with the tideness too as I fell asleep on sofa at 6pm last night, woke at about half 7 & then was back to sleep by 11 & could not get up this morning! And there’s me thinking all this has gone haha!

Hope you're feeling ok! At least you got a little break from it all I guess? I'm enjoying the days recently where the nausea is a lot calmer, midwife told me it's likely going to keep coming back up until around 12 or 13 weeks though... fun! But the breaks from it are nice!
Thanks ladies I feel much more reassured now. my boyfriends sisters is also pregnant and is 11 weeks and she feels the same.

Not long now till my 12 week scan 2 weeks on Friday!

That's nice to have someone close pregnant too. I found out my best mate is 16 weeks, knew she was up to something!
Seems like I spoke too soon. My little squidge wasn't sticky. I miscarried them today. Partner and I are devistated after seeing heart flutter 2 days ago. Have a scan to confirm tomorrow, but I just know I'm not destined to be a July 2019 mum anymore. Hope everyone else carries on with happy and healthy pregnancies though.
I'm sorry for your loss Krazy Kitten. Take care and hope things work out soon for you x
I'm so sorry to hear that Krazy Kitten, hope you are doing ok and hopefully things work out for you soon.
Oh no, im so sorry for your loss.
I went through the same thing in june and now im 6 weeks. Dont give up hope x
Thanks for the messages but things aren't over yet....

Had a scan after a crazy bleed and passing a 3cm round thing I thought was the sac to confirm miscarriage. That was all I was expecting based on everything.

Turns out that isn't the case! Our little squidge is still there with a really strong heartbeat.

They think I just passed a huge clot. Weren't very helpful at telling us more about it. I lost all my symptoms suddenly and everything as well.

I'm still worried but my baby is still there and measuring 6 weeks 4 days (only 1 day behind lmp). I just don't get it!

Anyone else ever experience this level of insanity before?
Thanks for the messages but things aren't over yet....

Had a scan after a crazy bleed and passing a 3cm round thing I thought was the sac to confirm miscarriage. That was all I was expecting based on everything.

Turns out that isn't the case! Our little squidge is still there with a really strong heartbeat.

They think I just passed a huge clot. Weren't very helpful at telling us more about it. I lost all my symptoms suddenly and everything as well.

I'm still worried but my baby is still there and measuring 6 weeks 4 days (only 1 day behind lmp). I just don't get it!

Anyone else ever experience this level of insanity before?
Wow, thats fab. All i can say is rest as much as you can, i know its easier said than done with busy lives etc bit try as much as you can x
Hi everyone, how you all doing?
I am really struggling this week iv gone from zero symptoms to not being able to face eating, smell of food makes me feel sick. Im constantly running to the bathroom to be sick but nothing comes out, brushing my teeth makes me gag :cry:and i really cant stay awake past 4pm. 7 weeks tomorrow so hoping things start to improve. All that being said i would feel like this everyday for healthy bean x
Wow krazy kitten what a rollercoaster!
Did they mention seeing a sch bleed or pocket on your scan?

Stacey89 its not nice being so sick. Could you ask for some antisickness from your dr? I went in on monday for some bloods and as my bp was low and high ketones in my pee she prescribed me antisickness meds. Which havent worked, but shes prescribed me different ones today. She's being so helpful trying to help me get on top of it x
That's amazing news Krazy Kitten!! Honestly so happy to hear that, I was thinking of you all day! Just try and rest and take it easy, and hopefully all stays well with you. Sometimes these bleeds happen and we don't know the reason, but as long as all is well that's the important thing. Take care of yourself!
Hi everyone, how you all doing?
I am really struggling this week iv gone from zero symptoms to not being able to face eating, smell of food makes me feel sick. Im constantly running to the bathroom to be sick but nothing comes out, brushing my teeth makes me gag :cry:and i really cant stay awake past 4pm. 7 weeks tomorrow so hoping things start to improve. All that being said i would feel like this everyday for healthy bean x

Stacey, I've been feeling exactly like that since I hit 5 weeks and I'm now 8w +4... Most days I've been just eating very basic foods as I can't stand the smell of most things now. I've mainly been eating bread and potatoes in all different shapes and forms because that's all I can stand to eat. I feel so nauseous and run to bathroom too but nothing coming out, only time I've actually been sick is when I've been too ambitious with what I'm eating... apparently chicken, bananas, and pickles are too much for me!

I start struggling to stay awake from around 3 / 4ish everyday too and end up falling asleep as soon as I get home from work at 6 every night... hopefully this phase will pass soon for you, and like you say, it's all for a healthy bean!
Great news Krazy Kitten! Bleeding is pretty common and I've had it on/off (though not heavy) throughout my pregnancy, and have been told not to worry. Hopefully in your case it was a one off, it's a really good sign you have a strong heartbeat
Wow krazy kitten what a rollercoaster!
Did they mention seeing a sch bleed or pocket on your scan?

Nope I was given no information or anything for what is happening. Just told 'it happens sometimes'. Doctor seemed so uninterested in everything and reassuring me.

I know I actually bruise really easily so it may be related to that. I also passed the scary mega clot after I had napped a few hours so could have been collecting blood and came out when I used the loo. Everything is just brown and very light now.

I'm going to be wearing a pad the whole time now. I was caught off guard with the bleed at work with no spare clothes or anything. Took me 2 hours to cover work and get to the hospital.

I know I'm not out of the woods yet and going to be cautiously positive moving fotward. Bring on mid Jan (the start of 2nd trimester for me) already!
:stork::stork::stork::stork::stork::stork:Hi ladies I have set this up for any mummies due in July 2019 looking forward to chatting to you all and sharing this experience with you all :)

1st - linnett3 :stork:
3rd - marvellous_mum :stork:
6th. Lissa86 :stork:
7th -
10th - owls1 :stork:
14th - mama wannabe :stork:
15th - shell34 :stork: fudge cake :stork:
19th - radleycat :stork:
21st - misscindy :stork:
22nd - jellybean86 :stork:
26th - Stacey89 :stork:
30th - babymaker :stork:

Please feel free to add your due dates
I'll take the 29th :) xxx

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