July 2019 mummies

3 sets of twins. They only went and found the second sac today with a heartbeat! One is a fair bit smaller than the other but both heartbeats strong so I go back in two weeks to see how things are getting on. Roller coaster!
3 sets of twins. They only went and found the second sac today with a heartbeat! One is a fair bit smaller than the other but both heartbeats strong so I go back in two weeks to see how things are getting on. Roller coaster!

Lovely news! Fingers crossed things continue this way!
Hi I'm a first time Mum due July 28th. Never thought it would happen between my PCOS and partner having had adult mumps. 5 years of not being careful and got surprise positive test after missed period in Nov.

Had a referral for early scan today due to pain and brown discharge (sorry tmi) and saw our little pip's heart fluttering! I was so relieved everything is in the right place and viable. Told everything is perfect for this stage and scan was only a few days behind LMP prediction of 6 weeks 2 days.

Between the pregnancy hormones, coming off prescription meds and giving up my vape cold turkey my head is spinning, but I'm so happy we even got pregnant naturally!

Hope we all have happy and healthy pregnancies!
Radley, amazing news<3
Wow 3 sets of twins for July!

Welcome and congrats Krazy Kitten! How wonderful to get a surprise bfp when you didnt think it would ever happen. Wishing you a happy & healthy 9mths :-)

Nausea has ramped up a step. I’m only 6 weeks and my DH has already had to sit me down and talk about my horrendous mood swings:roll:
I told him to stop pissing me off then and get used to them for the next few weeks:lol:
We’ve done this twice before - he should know what’s coming:evil:
Congrats Radley! Think it's quite normal for one to be smaller! Really pleased for you

Welcome Krazy Kitten you must be over the moon with your news!

And Emma I am determined not to find out.. although that could be difficult with additional scans for twins later on!!

Aw there is an August thread we are not the newbies any more! My 12 week scan is not til 7 Jan but will have one at 10 weeks pre Christmas. Not telling anyone it's twins until the 10 week one, still paranoid!
What a shock we got yesterday!!!! After finding our baby's like little heart flutter on the screen, we were worrying it was all going to go wrong after talking with the registrar midwife and doctor on Sunday, basically saying there was virtually ZERO chance of this going through naturally!!! We are both absolutely ecstatic!!!! We cannot wait until our next appointment now!!! We are absolutely overjoyed to say the least! Were a few weeks behind what we thought so our due month isn't until the beginning of August xx
Congrats Radley! Think it's quite normal for one to be smaller! Really pleased for you

Welcome Krazy Kitten you must be over the moon with your news!

And Emma I am determined not to find out.. although that could be difficult with additional scans for twins later on!!

Aw there is an August thread we are not the newbies any more! My 12 week scan is not til 7 Jan but will have one at 10 weeks pre Christmas. Not telling anyone it's twins until the 10 week one, still paranoid!

My 12 scan is on 7th Jan too :) but i have one at 9 to check how thinhs are going which is the 17th. Also hadnt planned to tell about twins until we are a bit further but it looks like Dh’s family are visiting then for christmas so i hope fhe scan is ok
Can't believe there is 3 sets of twins so far!! Hope everyone is doing well!

Congratulations Krazy Kitten! That's lovely news! And lovely to hear you've had a scan already to reassure you!

Great news Mariandpeter!! So happy to hear all is well!!

I think I will definitely find out the gender Emmacharlotte, don't think I'll be able not to! I also think it would be nice to know to be able to buy things before baby is here. For big things it doesn't matter as I would probably get gender neutral anyway, but I think it would be nice to know clothes-wise, names, and to just be prepared!

So yesterday I found out my sister is also pregnant, and is just two weeks behind me! Cousins will be so close in age which is exciting!
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We're finding out because if we don't and we have another boy I fear my daughter will move out haha.

I am one moody moody moo lately. Literally come with a warning sticker lol. Anyone else?
My husband ordered me the wrong meal from the Chinese.... he was lucky to escape with his life &#55357;&#56834; poor man. He's been through this twice, he knows to just ignore me or feed me ha ha
Morning Ladies. Just sat down with some cheese on crackers as I was bloody starving & thought I&#8217;d catch up on here!

Great to see everyone&#8217;s doing well ! And wow to all the twin pregnancies. How you all feeling have 2 bubs growing inside you ?!

My nausea seems to be subsiding which is nice. 10 weeks now. Main symptoms are still sore boobs & hunger but nothing I can&#8217;t deal with. Found the tiredness has gone too. In fact I&#8217;ve found it&#8217;s gone the opposite way & im not getting to sleep till 12/1 at night now! Belly&#8217;s definately growing too & im finding myself rubbing it all the time lol. So surprised the kids haven&#8217;t noticed ! Although my daughter has commented on mummy&#8217;s big boobs! Ha

Finished my crackers (5 of them) and could happily eat them all again!

Oh I had my flu jab yesterday, anyone else had there&#8217;s? I don&#8217;t really like having injections when I don&#8217;t teally know what&#8217;s in them but it&#8217;s for the sake of baby hopefully as flu whilst pregnant wouldn&#8217;t be fun so fingers crossed it works !
Forgot to add we won&#8217;t be finding out the sex. I love all the guessing & the surprise at the end makes the whole experience so much more special I think. We didn&#8217;t find it with daughter & intended not to find out with our son too but we had a trainee sonographer & we could see everything so that was that surprise gone so I deff want to keep this one a surprise too :)
Hi ladies

Quick question....

I'm 10 + 2 and feel like all my symptoms are disappearing. I almost want to feel ill and groggy again to know everything's ok? Has anyone experienced this around this time? I don't k is if I'm just over thinking.

This morning I am absoloutley ravenous though....could literally eat a horse!!!
Hi ladies

Quick question....

I'm 10 + 2 and feel like all my symptoms are disappearing. I almost want to feel ill and groggy again to know everything's ok? Has anyone experienced this around this time? I don't k is if I'm just over thinking.

This morning I am absoloutley ravenous though....could literally eat a horse!!!

I’m exactly the same Aebx. Very hungry but nausea & tiredness have subsided. I wouldn’t worry. It’s very common at this point. Something to do with the placenta taking over & it causes the symptoms to reduce a little. They say though once you reach the second tri you start to feel a lot more alive again which is very common. I bet you’ve still got other symptoms but notice the main ones as they have been the most unpleasant.
It affects us all diff. Im still throwing up and feeling horrific. I wish I did feel better tho. Hoping itl improve once I hit 13 weeks.
Hi ladies

Quick question....

I'm 10 + 2 and feel like all my symptoms are disappearing. I almost want to feel ill and groggy again to know everything's ok? Has anyone experienced this around this time? I don't k is if I'm just over thinking.

This morning I am absoloutley ravenous though....could literally eat a horse!!!

I’m exactly the same Aebx. Very hungry but nausea & tiredness have subsided. I wouldn’t worry. It’s very common at this point. Something to do with the placenta taking over & it causes the symptoms to reduce a little. They say though once you reach the second tri you start to feel a lot more alive again which is very common. I bet you’ve still got other symptoms but notice the main ones as they have been the most unpleasant.

So much to catch up on. Glad everyone is doing well!!

I'm so glad to hear some people's symptoms are improving. I have everything crossed that by 10ish weeks I'll start feeling a bit better. I did with My last but other two was 16 weeks! I just need to be able to work!!!!!!! Then 2 weeks off over christmas nearly there. Can't wait for my scan Saturday.
3 sets of twins! Amazing news radleycat! Im so happy for you. One of mine was smaller than the other. If non identical then they cam be conceived and implant at different times. Fantastic news lovely!

Congratulations on a healthy bean mariandpeter!

Linnett I had my flu jab a few weeks ago due to being a nurse on a neonatal intensive care unit - they like us to have them to protect the babies - understandably! I had an achey arm for a few days but it isnt a live vaccine so felt fine.

I cant wait until the nausea subsides! I was doing fine until the last week and I cant even keep sips of water down. So I'm on a diet of dioralyte and anti sickness meds!
Ok so I&#8217;ve clearly jinxed myself! The last couple hours I&#8217;ve felt so nauseas & could do with going to bed now. Feel so tired !
I walked around tesco this afternoon and my sense of smell is heightened like a blood hound. Almost everything makes me feel sick. Opened my spice cupboard earlier ( I use it sooo much) and literally nearly vomited on the spot. How weird. Also can't stand the thought of chicken for dinner so plain pasta it is
Thanks ladies I feel much more reassured now. my boyfriends sisters is also pregnant and is 11 weeks and she feels the same.

Not long now till my 12 week scan 2 weeks on Friday!

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