July 2019 mummies

I had my scan today, two healthy beating hearts!
One dated 7+3 and one 7+4.
Which means i just had a very early positive pregnancy test at 7dpo, hence no heartbeat last time. Just trying to get my head around twins!

Woohoo congrats! That means I am just 4 or 5 days before you I think.

Are they identical or non identical?
Got my scan date ! 19th December! Suddenly feel very nervous now though Haha! You just never know when going for your scan if everything’s going to be ok & I think that’s just hit me ! Aghh!

Day before mine, and on my eldest birthday 😁
Congrats Emmacharlotte! Fantastic news<3

Mariandpeter, wow you've had quite a journey! I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. Sounds like you've found a perfect partner now. Everything happens for a reason and meeting peter was obviously meant to be<3 Best of luck for tomorrow! X
Hope you're all having a nice weekend. Im yet to get out my bed. Hot awful sickness today. Feel like I'm on a boat lol. Had to get my daughter to make me some cereal bless her.

Maria I dont have any experiance with the numbers not rising at the rate expected, but I know how you feel having your life as you knew it end because of fertility issues. I spent 4 years with someone and was told we couldn't have kids, I finally walked away as our life became toxic, met my now husband. We're currently on our 3rd child together. All conceived naturally.
So I&#8217;ve woke up and there is like 3 spots of red in my knickers :( when I wiped there was no sign of anything. Not sure if I should worry?
Hi Sugarpop, I can imagine how worrying it must be, though it may not be anything serious. Could you be due your next period about now? I know some people spot a bit when they'd have been due their period. Still, for peace of mind I'd call the EPU to have a word, and with a bit of luck they might ask you to come in for a scan. I believe some EPU's even have a drop in centre, similar to A&E. If yours has one maybe you could just go straight there? It's probably nothing to worry about, but I think I'd want to make sure.
Hi, i have my first midwife appointment tomorrow, is this not a booking appointment is that booked seperatly? I have a 9 year old ds so cant remember that far back x
So I’ve woke up and there is like 3 spots of red in my knickers :( when I wiped there was no sign of anything. Not sure if I should worry?

I wouldnt worry unless you have lots of blood accompanied by some pain. Spotting is very common, if your concerned you need to contact your epu or out of hours x
Thanks guys.

Haven&#8217;t seen any further red & the cramps have been very intermittent. I will mention it to the midwife when I see her. I do have a scan booked on Thursday at my fertility clinic so will speak to the nurse there too. Think if I see any more red I am going to go to A&E but at the moment I feel ok. I&#8217;m relaxed because I know that they won&#8217;t worry unless it is a big amount.
Thanks for the reassurance x
My partner and I have just been in hospital all day today and just got home, our HCG levels are as follows... 28/11 1800, 30/11 2764 and today they are only at 3975..... apparently this isn't a good sign and we have to go in first thing tomorrow morning for a scan, to detect a heartbeat.... If there is all good and well and they will keep an eye on us if not it looks like we cannot carry on with this pregnancy, I'm currently around 7/8weeks gone... Any words of wisdom from anyone? &#55357;&#56869;&#55358;&#56606;
Also just to add I've had no cramps since Thursday, and absolutely no bleeding at all..... That's the only thing that is keeping my spirits up at the moment x
My partner and I have just been in hospital all day today and just got home, our HCG levels are as follows... 28/11 1800, 30/11 2764 and today they are only at 3975..... apparently this isn't a good sign and we have to go in first thing tomorrow morning for a scan, to detect a heartbeat.... If there is all good and well and they will keep an eye on us if not it looks like we cannot carry on with this pregnancy, I'm currently around 7/8weeks gone... Any words of wisdom from anyone? &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;

Sorry, I've no advice for this as I don't know what normal HCG levels should be! But hope all is ok, and let us know how the scan went this morning!
Just back from my booking appointment - feels a bit more real now with the midwife talking about stuff like going into labour and when baby is born etc! Also, DH came with me, but wasn't allowed in to the actual appointment, so he had to sit around waiting for an hour.

I felt sorry for the midwife when she was taking blood from me, I have tiny little veins and it's always a struggle to get blood... she kept apologising for the bruise she left and the blood all down my arm, and she said she felt so traumatised taking blood from me! I told her not to worry, it wasn't the worst experience I've had getting bloods taken! Anyway, glad that is over now, and looking forward to the next appointment which will be my scan!

I've also woken up with a full blown cold this morning, as if morning sickness wasn't enough.

The midwife also mentioned this thing they do over here in NI called "getting ready for baby", which I can opt to do instead of midwife appointments from 16 - 36 weeks. She says it's like group antenatal appointments with parentcraft classes included and your partner is encourage to attend... not sure whether to go for it or not? Sounds a bit strange having a group antenatal appointments? Not sure they have that in the rest of the UK?
Ah the poor midwife. I take it you're not scared of needles otherwise it'd be traumatising all round :lol:
Not heard of the Getting ready for Baby thing. Perhaps go to 1 session and see what it's like? Even though this is my 3rd I probably would've gone along to something like that if they had it here as you dont get antenatal appts after your 1st baby here. Only if you pay for it (NCT) which I did the first time but not with the 2nd. And I quite missed having mummy friends the 2nd time round.

I've just seen there's an August thread! We're no longer the newbies;-)
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I've just had such bad experiences with getting bloods taken that I've got used to it now! Definitely was still looking away with eyes shut and trying to talk to distract myself haha.

They only offer the getting ready for baby for first time mums here, I just find it strange it's in place of normal appointments with the midwife! If you opt not to go to it and just do normal appointments, you can still attend a different antenatal class to prepare for baby too, as well as hypnobirthing classes, all available on nhs. Spoke to my sister about it too, and she said she would have loved to go to something like that too... so I'm definitely considering it.

Yes, just saw the august thread too! By time September thread is up we'll all be getting our 12 week scans!!
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Just thread crashing to say here in the US they offer group prenatal appointments lots of places- I&#8217;ve done those 3 out of 4 pregnancies and I LOVE them! Absolutely go for it. So nice to be in a group of women all going through the same things, being able to discuss and ask questions and bond etc.

Congratulations everyone!
Just thread crashing to say here in the US they offer group prenatal appointments lots of places- I’ve done those 3 out of 4 pregnancies and I LOVE them! Absolutely go for it. So nice to be in a group of women all going through the same things, being able to discuss and ask questions and bond etc.

Congratulations everyone!

Thanks! It definitely helps to hear others' experience of these things! Will definitely think about it, but so far everyone's advice is pointing me towards going for it I guess!
Its all very real now x


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We have a lovely mixture of first time mums and exisiting mums, how exciting! Its lovely to hear everyones starting to get their booking apps and scan through, all becoming very real.
2 seta of twin mums-to-be already..I wonder if there will be any more.

They are non identical! The 'distance' between them and thickness indicated 2 separate eggs. So potentially one of each gender in there.

What is everyone thinking about finding out the gender? I had decided we weren't going to, however being 2 Im not sure the control freak side pf me could handle a double surprise!

Im sorry I do not have any experience with numbers not doubling, just try and stay positive and relaxed. Its hard I know, but it could be worry over nothing. I'll be thinking of you.

Ive also had to admit defeat and gp to the drs for some cyclizine as cannot stop throwing up! I work 13 hour shifta on my feet and it was all getting a bit too much!
Hope everyone is having a lovely evening xx

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