July 2019 mummies

Had booking appointment today. Midwife was lovely. Was there almost an hour. Started all my notes, done urine & bloods. She’s requested scan which I should receive in post within a week. She’s referred me to a consultant due to my sons (last pregnancy) birth weight (9.10lb) & loss of blood during labour as may need growth scans to check for gestational diabetes this time. Feels more real now!

I've just had mine too. Crazy isn't it! I won't be having a scan until after Christmas by the looks of it. Feels like a long wait!!!!
Had booking appointment today. Midwife was lovely. Was there almost an hour. Started all my notes, done urine & bloods. She’s requested scan which I should receive in post within a week. She’s referred me to a consultant due to my sons (last pregnancy) birth weight (9.10lb) & loss of blood during labour as may need growth scans to check for gestational diabetes this time. Feels more real now!

Same here had my booking apt this morning! Midwife was really nice. Waiting for my scan date via post too will be after Xmas now.
Had booking appointment today. Midwife was lovely. Was there almost an hour. Started all my notes, done urine & bloods. She’s requested scan which I should receive in post within a week. She’s referred me to a consultant due to my sons (last pregnancy) birth weight (9.10lb) & loss of blood during labour as may need growth scans to check for gestational diabetes this time. Feels more real now!

It's strange how it feels more real after doesn't. Glad youv got a n7ce mw.
I got my scan date through this morning.... scary lol
I'm under a consultant too. Hoping not for long tho.
Had booking appointment today. Midwife was lovely. Was there almost an hour. Started all my notes, done urine & bloods. She’s requested scan which I should receive in post within a week. She’s referred me to a consultant due to my sons (last pregnancy) birth weight (9.10lb) & loss of blood during labour as may need growth scans to check for gestational diabetes this time. Feels more real now!

It's strange how it feels more real after doesn't. Glad youv got a n7ce mw.
I got my scan date through this morning.... scary lol
I'm under a consultant too. Hoping not for long tho.

It certainly does. It was when I got there & she said “And this is baby number ?” And when I answered 3 I laughed nervously! First time I’ve said it out loud I think ! Ha

Oooh when’s your scan? So hoping mines before xmas & she said they are pretty efficient with the dating scans so hopefully it will be.
Had booking appointment today. Midwife was lovely. Was there almost an hour. Started all my notes, done urine & bloods. She’s requested scan which I should receive in post within a week. She’s referred me to a consultant due to my sons (last pregnancy) birth weight (9.10lb) & loss of blood during labour as may need growth scans to check for gestational diabetes this time. Feels more real now!

It's strange how it feels more real after doesn't. Glad youv got a n7ce mw.
I got my scan date through this morning.... scary lol
I'm under a consultant too. Hoping not for long tho.

It certainly does. It was when I got there & she said “And this is baby number ?” And when I answered 3 I laughed nervously! First time I’ve said it out loud I think ! Ha

Oooh when’s your scan? So hoping mines before xmas & she said they are pretty efficient with the dating scans so hopefully it will be.

20th. They literally squeezed me in. I tried to change it as the time is pants, but Iv fixed that now.

Yeah she read my notes and was like aww number 3. Haha yep.
I got my letter pretty fast so hopefully by monday youl have your date
So nice to come on here and see everyone's doing well with booking apps, scans ect.
Radleycat.. im so happy for you, been thinking about you

I've caved and booked an early scan for next saturday! After Christmas is just to long to wait!
I had my scan today, two healthy beating hearts!
One dated 7+3 and one 7+4.
Which means i just had a very early positive pregnancy test at 7dpo, hence no heartbeat last time. Just trying to get my head around twins!
I've caved and booked an early scan for next saturday! After Christmas is just to long to wait!

That's awesome 😊 how many weeks will you be?

I had my scan today, two healthy beating hearts!
One dated 7+3 and one 7+4.
Which means i just had a very early positive pregnancy test at 7dpo, hence no heartbeat last time. Just trying to get my head around twins!

Oh wow congratulations that's awesome news x
I've caved and booked an early scan for next saturday! After Christmas is just to long to wait!

That's awesome �� how many weeks will you be?

I had my scan today, two healthy beating hearts!
One dated 7+3 and one 7+4.
Which means i just had a very early positive pregnancy test at 7dpo, hence no heartbeat last time. Just trying to get my head around twins!

Oh wow congratulations that's awesome news x

I'll be 9+3. I'm hoping it'll help me stop worrying but doubt it lol.

Waw Emma!! There's a few twins now. That's amazing
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I had my scan today, two healthy beating hearts!
One dated 7+3 and one 7+4.
Which means i just had a very early positive pregnancy test at 7dpo, hence no heartbeat last time. Just trying to get my head around twins!

Omg that’s amazing! I’m so jealous of the twin mummies! I’d love twins but doubt think I’d be feeling worse now if mine was 2!
Thank you everyone. Its all very exciting!
Its always when you say "lets have just one more" that things like this happen!
Apparently they let you go to 39 weeks here aslong as all is ok and you are coping. So I will still be a July mummy with you all.

Is this anyone's first pregnancy? This will be my second successful pregnancy and I have a wonderful little boy already x
Congrats Emmacharlotte, that's fantastic news, so happy for you!! Do you know if they're identical or fraternal yet?

This is my first pregnancy, don't know how many babies yet, but I assume it's just the one since twins don't run in my family! I'm a bit nervous about all the coming changes, but VERY excited as well :) Still doesn't quite feel real though!
Congratulations emmacharlotte!! that's lovely news! we have two sets of twins in here now (so far)!

It's my first pregnancy, and I think there's quite a few of us in the July group.

I told my boss yesterday at work and he was very happy for me so that was nice! he also wouldn't let me lift a silly box that wasn't even heavy later on that day haha.
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I must admit I'm really hoping it's just the one lol! I already have 3. Twins would terrify me when I've already got 3.

I'm 8+3 today and I swear symptoms just keep getting worse! I'm so worried about work as I'm self employed and it's my busiest time of year. I also often work evenings but I've been in bed before 7 recently because I just feel so awful. This is why I'm tempted to tell clients because I had to cancel yesterday I just couldn't have worked. I didn't time it well! The week before Christmas I won't have time to even stop and eat! Sorry to winge. Hoping my scan next week helps me feel less stressed.
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Congratulations! Twins is so exciting!!

I am on my first. I am putting all these cramps down to the fact that my uterus has never budged an inch before :lol:
hi all!! Needing some advice and some help just to help me get through today, ok so this is in fact a true miracle for my bf and I.

This February 2018, I split with my husband of 13years, we got told back in 2011 that it would virtually be impossible for me to conceive naturally, so after many surgeries and tests the results in 2012 was that my left fallopian tube was not working, so they clamped it and my right tube was showing very little signs of working correctly but left this tube to its own devices... So we went for icsi treatment ( a type of IVF ) in the April 2013, we got a BFN. From there our relationship was never the same, we fought and argued all the time, we slowly drifted and he then decided to cheat on me this year, hence why we split up. So from February until August I was a single woman, I had my freedom back, i just presumed noone would want to be with me after all I can't have children right? Well I met Peter my now bf who I adore and cherish every day, we got together in August this year and are still very happy (I know! Only 4months!) I told him my history and things are good he has 2 boys from a previous relationship, which made me feel so relaxed! The past 4-5weeks I've been off work with what I thought was a sickness bug, only to find out on the 27th November (yes 4days ago!!) That I am infact PREGNANT!!! Even as I am writing this I can't believe it! However I was experiencing horrible niggling pains and due to my history from 8/9years ago, the hospital got me straight in on Wednesday just for some bloods and an ultrasound, there is a pregnancy in the womb, my HCG levels were sitting at 1800, so they got us back in yesterday just to make sure everything is ok, and my levels of HCG have only gone up to 2791.... Apparently that's only an increase of 48% and they look for anything from 63% and above, so want to get us back in tomorrow for more bloods and to rule things out.. I've now got it in my head that this isn't going to go well, my partner's so positive and were both over the moon but tomorrow is like D Day for us..... Can someone shed some light on this for us? I've just never wanted anything so much in all my life and now it's finally happening, it just feels like it's going to be ripped from beneath our feet.

Hoping for a miracle!
Any advice welcome
hi all!! Needing some advice and some help just to help me get through today, ok so this is in fact a true miracle for my bf and I.

This February 2018, I split with my husband of 13years, we got told back in 2011 that it would virtually be impossible for me to conceive naturally, so after many surgeries and tests the results in 2012 was that my left fallopian tube was not working, so they clamped it and my right tube was showing very little signs of working correctly but left this tube to its own devices... So we went for icsi treatment ( a type of IVF ) in the April 2013, we got a BFN. From there our relationship was never the same, we fought and argued all the time, we slowly drifted and he then decided to cheat on me this year, hence why we split up. So from February until August I was a single woman, I had my freedom back, i just presumed noone would want to be with me after all I can't have children right? Well I met Peter my now bf who I adore and cherish every day, we got together in August this year and are still very happy (I know! Only 4months!) I told him my history and things are good he has 2 boys from a previous relationship, which made me feel so relaxed! The past 4-5weeks I've been off work with what I thought was a sickness bug, only to find out on the 27th November (yes 4days ago!!) That I am infact PREGNANT!!! Even as I am writing this I can't believe it! However I was experiencing horrible niggling pains and due to my history from 8/9years ago, the hospital got me straight in on Wednesday just for some bloods and an ultrasound, there is a pregnancy in the womb, my HCG levels were sitting at 1800, so they got us back in yesterday just to make sure everything is ok, and my levels of HCG have only gone up to 2791.... Apparently that's only an increase of 48% and they look for anything from 63% and above, so want to get us back in tomorrow for more bloods and to rule things out.. I've now got it in my head that this isn't going to go well, my partner's so positive and were both over the moon but tomorrow is like D Day for us..... Can someone shed some light on this for us? I've just never wanted anything so much in all my life and now it's finally happening, it just feels like it's going to be ripped from beneath our feet.

Hoping for a miracle!
Any advice welcome

I haven’t any experience in this so can’t really comment. All I can say is try to stay positive. Life works in mysterious ways & for you to be told your chances of pregnancy were very slim & then to have your ex husband cheat on you but now your pregnant with your new boyfriend almost tells me that’s lifes way of confirming you weren’t meant to have children with him but you are with your man :)

Stay positive & try not to worry to much. We can’t change the past or the future so just with it & enjoy it :)
Got my scan date ! 19th December! Suddenly feel very nervous now though Haha! You just never know when going for your scan if everything’s going to be ok & I think that’s just hit me ! Aghh!

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