Hope you’re feeling better today Kitana and the cramps have settled down during the day
I’ve had the weirdest episodes of insomnia the last two nights - I’m used to bad sleep because of pgp for the last couple of months but that’s actually subsided now, now I’m totally awake for no reason at all which is more frustrating! I do a lot of sleeping on the sofa too - we have a recliner which means I’m partially upright but more comfy.
I’ve had one stretch so far (couldn’t do a sweep as my body wasn’t quite ready). Got another sweep booked in for Thursday and then think they are planning induction for the week after (midwife mentioned they don’t like people going over 41 weeks here, however they do seem to keep changing their minds..). Really hoping baby arrives before induction but what will be will be.
I think I may be one of the earlier ones here - due 3rd of January with a little boy
Newcastle, although not a geordie as moved up here a few years ago to be with my husband
Despite the lack of sleep the last couple of days I’ve been full of energy to do things, I think I’m enjoying the novelty of the pgp having settled and walking (well, waddling lets be honest..) without quite so much pain!
Also, love the Xmas top from the photo @vampysgirl ! I was torn between that one and the reindeer one at jojo and ended up with reindeer one (not sure I got any photos actually ).
Wow, that sounds quite intense with the walking! I also feel some pressure down low, sometimes it's ok and sometimes it really feels like a heavy weight as if the baby is going to fall thru!Happy new year girls we’ve all made it to January mummies!!!! I’m so uncomfortable at the moment can literally hardly walk had midwife appointment yesterday and she is fully engaged which is causing the pressure in my back and low down every time I stand up feels like she is going to fall out pressure is so bad been trying to go for walk but literally seize up and can’t do anything for the rest of the day! It’s a full blown waddle and limp situation end in sight see consultant on the 7th which is 39+6 and they want to deliver as close to 40 weeks as possible so told me to bring my hospital bags in and stop fragrim injections the night before so literally only 7 days to go! Feels better saying it in days then counting down the weeks!!!! Xx
Hi Lollypop - sorry thread hopping!!Hey ladies. Been quiet as just been so busy leading up to Christmas.
Had a fetal medicine appointment as baby was measuring small at 32 week scan. She’s fallen below the 10th centile but has gained along that line from 32-34 weeks. They have booked me in for induction on 13th Jan will be around 37 weeks then. Got a scan on the 6th jan to check growth if she has dropped then I’ll be induced that week possibly. They are thinking my placenta is struggling and that’s why there was dip in growth. Monitoring movements and if any worries I have to go straight in. I’m not worrying to much and just taking it easy now and waiting to see what happens x
Hi Lollypop - sorry thread hopping!!
At what point did the hospital suspect babies growth was slow? I had a 28 week growth scan yesterday and baby is plotting on 10th centile, weight is approx 2.3lb (from what I can see online the norm is 2.5lb?) but on the fundal chart I’m measuring 4 weeks behind. They’ve booked me back in for another growth scan in 2 weeks to check progress but they didn’t really give me much more info?
Is this similar to your situation? So glad to hear your little one has caught up!