** January 2020 Mummies **

Haha no me too!
I just had some more spotting, pink this time and told the midwife; she told me to come over and will hook me up tl the monitor to see if all is still ok with the baby and whether I've dilated a bit more. Exciting!x

Ooh I think you’ll be next I’ve had no other signs xx
I was put on the monitor for about 30 minutes and I only had 2 contractions during that time, about 15 minutes apart. So no baby yet!
She told me the cervix is quite soft now though, so it has effaced quite a bit since friday. I hope she comes tomorrow! Fx!
I think my little one is enjoying teasing me at the moment :) Had niggly back pain that started in the middle of the night and lasted a couple of hours before I got to sleep. I think he’s just going to give me a new symptom each night to keep me entertained :rotfl:

Are you back home now @Zara96 ?
I was back home the day I gave birth at about 4.00pm 4.30pm xx
I was put on the monitor for about 30 minutes and I only had 2 contractions during that time, about 15 minutes apart. So no baby yet!
She told me the cervix is quite soft now though, so it has effaced quite a bit since friday. I hope she comes tomorrow! Fx!
Good luck it may be tonight or tomorrow keep us updated xxx
@Zara96 Thats so quick! Only slightly jealous you’ve got your little one home already! :wink:

I was reading quite a funny article about being overdue this morning and all the steps you go through being overdue, gave me a good chuckle at 1am.

Time to get the Xmas tree down I think!
Official ivf due date is today, nhs scan put me at 8th Jan. we see consultant tomorrow afternoon after final growth scan and been advised to take hospital bags as may induce straight away. I personally think they will say stop taking the fragrim injections and induce Thursday/Friday but feel like end in sight had some pains this afternoon but not regular and feel like body is opening up if that makes sense such a heavy and painful feeling down below. Been on a cleaning spree everything spotless, all washing and ironing done so feel ready if it is tomorrow xx
Exciting @Outofsync ! Is the OH with you now?x

yeah he’s home until 26th Feb now so least that’s a good bit of time together he only has to do a two week trip at end of feb and has another 5 weeks off so should be good if we don’t kill each other first haha! Xx
Omg so excited for everyone. I've got my first sweep tomorrow and hope all is good down there and I'm ready as I'm so so done now.
Been cramping a lot with some being more painful then others.
Fingers crossed for everyone, maybe tonight will bring another bubba
I'm nervous now, midwife just called and she will be here within the next 2 hours. I was alright until that call.
Wish me luck that she can do the sweep and hopefully kick start the birth

How is everyone else doing?
I'm nervous now, midwife just called and she will be here within the next 2 hours. I was alright until that call.
Wish me luck that she can do the sweep and hopefully kick start the birth

How is everyone else doing?
Oh I really hope this will work for you! You have suffered so much already! I'm looking up on how to activate labour, I want this baby out lol
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!x
Good luck @vampysgirl ! If baby has already been sitting very low for you, you’ve got a good chance of the sweep working.

I really thought things were kicking off this morning, much more severe pains than what I’ve had so far and thought I was going to throw up. Told my husband not to go into work and now it’s all gone :doh:Feel like a drama queen now, doh!
Good luck @vampysgirl ! If baby has already been sitting very low for you, you’ve got a good chance of the sweep working.

I really thought things were kicking off this morning, much more severe pains than what I’ve had so far and thought I was going to throw up. Told my husband not to go into work and now it’s all gone :doh:Feel like a drama queen now, doh!

Oh no.. baby playing tricks on you? Maybe it's just the calm before the storm and contractions will come back with a vengeance soon.

@Kitana that's what over been doing for the last week now, eating pineapple or basil is apparently meant to help. Sex or just orgasm is meant to help, *milking* yourself... gentle exercise especially targeting pelvis area. Just a few I remember from the top if my head and I've been trying ( except the dtd as there is no chance of that with the way I'm in pain )
Fingers crossed you'll find something that will help.
I'll keep you all updated once she's been and how it went xx:clover:
Hi ladies,

I guess I have the 2nd January baby - that's why I haven't been posting in the last couple of days :)

Baby Neil was born on 7th jan 2:35am local time:)

If you want the story, you can read below, it was a long labor but positive birth story.

So after my bloody show on the 4th, OH and I were sooo hoping things would kick off quickly. On 5th evening nothing had happened and OH said "well, I guess now that we're going to bed, our next chance is tomorrow morning, labor doesn't just start in the middle of the night". So of course 2 hrs later, at 11:30 my waters broke with my first contraction! I called my midwife and she said to try and sleep or at least rest until contractions get more regular and stronger. Did that till about 3am when my doula arrived and 2 midwifes waere there at 4am, by that time contractions were 5min apart but pretty mellow. So at 10am they gave me castor oil to get things reallly going and that worked but progress was still not that quick. By 9pm or so I was dialated 8cm but baby just wasn't going down - because my belly had been soo big that his body was leaning forward instead of downward directly on the cervix. He basically was stuck in there until 11:30pm (so total 24hrs of labor at that point). Also my second layer of amniotic sac hadn't broken and the midwives decided it would be better to go to the hospital to break the sac and maybe do more pushing and see how it goes. At the hospital, the doctor broke the waters that hadn't released yet, it was 2l of fluid! And then I pushed for a bit but it soon became clear baby is quite big and I was sooooo tired so the dr used a vacuum to help me along and that did the trick! Baby was right away put on my chest and breastfeeding 15min later, they also left him connected to the placenta for 1.5hrs. He came out to be 4.3kg and 55cm at 39weeks! I don't think I would have managed without the vaccum, pre-pregnancy I was size S so it already feels like a miracle to me that he came out thru my vagina :D And it was still the drug-free, nearly natural birth and great bonding with baby and no trauma so I'm very happy about it all.

We got discharged 2hrs ago (so just 18hrs at hospital), all good with baby and me, I'm just a bit sore and tired, as is to be expected. Looking forward to cuddling with him at home, @Zara96 we're now both in the newborn camp!

@Kitana, sounds like you will be updating us soon!

@vampysgirl, exciting for the sweep, fingers crossed that it works!

@Darielle & @Outofsync Friday is soo soon!

I'm excited for all of you ladies!
Hi ladies,

I guess I have the 2nd January baby - that's why I haven't been posting in the last couple of days :)

Baby Neil was born on 7th jan 2:35am local time:)
View attachment 89615

If you want the story, you can read below, it was a long labor but positive birth story.

So after my bloody show on the 4th, OH and I were sooo hoping things would kick off quickly. On 5th evening nothing had happened and OH said "well, I guess now that we're going to bed, our next chance is tomorrow morning, labor doesn't just start in the middle of the night". So of course 2 hrs later, at 11:30 my waters broke with my first contraction! I called my midwife and she said to try and sleep or at least rest until contractions get more regular and stronger. Did that till about 3am when my doula arrived and 2 midwifes waere there at 4am, by that time contractions were 5min apart but pretty mellow. So at 10am they gave me castor oil to get things reallly going and that worked but progress was still not that quick. By 9pm or so I was dialated 8cm but baby just wasn't going down - because my belly had been soo big that his body was leaning forward instead of downward directly on the cervix. He basically was stuck in there until 11:30pm (so total 24hrs of labor at that point). Also my second layer of amniotic sac hadn't broken and the midwives decided it would be better to go to the hospital to break the sac and maybe do more pushing and see how it goes. At the hospital, the doctor broke the waters that hadn't released yet, it was 2l of fluid! And then I pushed for a bit but it soon became clear baby is quite big and I was sooooo tired so the dr used a vacuum to help me along and that did the trick! Baby was right away put on my chest and breastfeeding 15min later, they also left him connected to the placenta for 1.5hrs. He came out to be 4.3kg and 55cm at 39weeks! I don't think I would have managed without the vaccum, pre-pregnancy I was size S so it already feels like a miracle to me that he came out thru my vagina :D And it was still the drug-free, nearly natural birth and great bonding with baby and no trauma so I'm very happy about it all.

We got discharged 2hrs ago (so just 18hrs at hospital), all good with baby and me, I'm just a bit sore and tired, as is to be expected. Looking forward to cuddling with him at home, @Zara96 we're now both in the newborn camp!

@Kitana, sounds like you will be updating us soon!

@vampysgirl, exciting for the sweep, fingers crossed that it works!

@Darielle & @Outofsync Friday is soo soon!

I'm excited for all of you ladies!
Welcome baby Neil! Congrats Darielle!! He's so cute!
I'm glad you had a positive birth, despite being in labour for so long!
Well done hun!x
Congratulations @DeniceF ! That is one heavy baby!! I am so impressed you managed it drug free! Glad things went well, even if it was a long one :angel: Thank god you didn’t get to 40 weeks or overdue :shock:

Everything has settled down here, which normally seems to happen during the day for me. Hoping this bodes well for something happening naturally before Friday though. :D
Oh no.. baby playing tricks on you? Maybe it's just the calm before the storm and contractions will come back with a vengeance soon.

@Kitana that's what over been doing for the last week now, eating pineapple or basil is apparently meant to help. Sex or just orgasm is meant to help, *milking* yourself... gentle exercise especially targeting pelvis area. Just a few I remember from the top if my head and I've been trying ( except the dtd as there is no chance of that with the way I'm in pain )
Fingers crossed you'll find something that will help.
I'll keep you all updated once she's been and how it went xx:clover:
I grabbed the OH earlier and told him we had to dtd! He complied but he seemed a bit hesitant lol
I can't eat everything I want, even though I've been having a lot of hypoglycemic episodes so will just hope that the dancing, bding and walking will get this baby out!x

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