**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Excellent news & scan photo Lulla.

I'm really tired, but then I end up waking up at like 4:30am/5am which is really annoying, as I find it difficult to drop off again and then Zac is up normally 6/6:30am.

I haven't had too much nausea yet, which I can't help but worry about as was puking a fair amount with Zac but I guess it's still early days as only 4 weeks today - I can't fully remember every stage/detail from when I was pregnant with Zac so could be just imagining I was poorly at 4 weeks. I definitely felt worse in myself than I do at the moment!

Alipops x
Thanks guys, I have no idea? I guess 2nd of Jan?
But i'm 100% sure I know when I Ovulated, and im sure im 4+6 I have another scan on the 19th, I'll be closer to 7 weeks then so Ill wait and see what they say then.
Ahhhh all seams real now :D
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Great updates everyone! I told my Mum today and she's really excited. We're telling hubby's family tomorrow.
Forgive me if I'm being dense but lots of people seem to be having scans already but I thought the first wasn't until 12 weeks?
I'm having an early scan due to a miscarriage in December.. The EPU at my hospital do it as a matter of course if you've had an mc..
With my first pregnancy, I didn't even think about having an early scan!
I'm another one who has an early scan booked but this is because I had fertility treatment - need to check how many are in there!!x

I need to pick up some Folic Acid tomorrow or would I be better just getting that or one of those all in one pregnancy types? What's everyone taking? x
Ive just got the pregnacare , pregnancy plus, the midwife i just spoke to said they are great because they have all the correct dosages you need x
Ah that makes sense ladies. Sorry for your losses or difficulties. Wishing you all the best with these! Happy and healthy 9 months everyone! Xxx
I'm taking the Superdrug all in one pregnancy vitamin because I'm a cheapskate and it didn't look much different from the others. I was a bit overwhelmed with all the different types (with actually not much difference!) so in the end just went for cheapies! Xxx
Thank you notmyrealname. .

Ali I'm taking the seven seas one as it contains ginger for nausea. .not sure if it will help but they are a reasonable price so thought I'd give them a go!
Does anyone know if I would have an early scan based on my experience? I had an ectopic pregnancy in March 2015 so then had an early scan when I fell pregnant in the august. That pregnancy was fine so do I not get one now as I've had a healthy pregnancy or do I still get one due to having a previous ectopic? Sorry if that's confusing, I'm tired!!!
Does anyone know if I would have an early scan based on my experience? I had an ectopic pregnancy in March 2015 so then had an early scan when I fell pregnant in the august. That pregnancy was fine so do I not get one now as I've had a healthy pregnancy or do I still get one due to having a previous ectopic? Sorry if that's confusing, I'm tired!!!

You could ring your epu and ask, does no harm to ask? X
I've had them.. but turned out I was just constipated ��
Does anyone know if I would have an early scan based on my experience? I had an ectopic pregnancy in March 2015 so then had an early scan when I fell pregnant in the august. That pregnancy was fine so do I not get one now as I've had a healthy pregnancy or do I still get one due to having a previous ectopic? Sorry if that's confusing, I'm tired!!!

You could ring your epu and ask, does no harm to ask? X

Will do thanks!
I've had them.. but turned out I was just constipated ��

I had this yesterday! My little girl was so bored of waiting for me on the loo that she came and sat on my lap haha x
I have been going to the toilet alot (for bm) since getting a positive! Its really strange! X
How's everyone feeling? I have a scan booked for seven weeks due to suffering from 3 MC. I feel like I don't have many symptoms at the moment which is making me anxious. I do feel a lot more tierd and have a metallic taste in my mouth. Anybody else is the same boat? My friend is exactly the same weeks as me and she is already having cravings :/
Hi I've not had any symptoms really either. Just had a 2hr nap but I was out til 2am so that might have something to do with it haha!


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