**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Hi, just got a BFP, due 9th Jan if all goes well! Belfa, think I remember you from last time round?? Do you have an almost 2 year old??
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Hi, just got a BFP, due 9th Jan if all goes well! Belfa, think I remember you from last time round?? Do you have an almost 2 year old??

Yay!! Yes! June mummies 2015! So glad to have someone from last time :) x
Hi, just got a BFP, due 9th Jan if all goes well! Belfa, think I remember you from last time round?? Do you have an almost 2 year old??

Yay!! Yes! June mummies 2015! So glad to have someone from last time :) x

Me too!! When are you due?? I'm suddenly terrified of the thought of having a baby and a toddler to get ready in the morning haha! This one best be more chilled lol! What's your little one called again??
Hello everyone! Due 8th Jan, can you add me please? I haven't posted on here much in the last few years since I had my 2nd son but really appreciated the support last time. It took nearly 2 years to get pregnant with my 2nd and this one happened first time so still feeling in shock as really didn't expect it to happen so fast, if at all! Fx for a healthy 9 months for us all X
Hi, just got a BFP, due 9th Jan if all goes well! Belfa, think I remember you from last time round?? Do you have an almost 2 year old??

Yay!! Yes! June mummies 2015! So glad to have someone from last time :) x

Me too!! When are you due?? I'm suddenly terrified of the thought of having a baby and a toddler to get ready in the morning haha! This one best be more chilled lol! What's your little one called again??

Alexander (but we call him Alex :) ). I'me due on 1st Jan but Alex was born at 36weeks and I had a very quick labour so I don't know if I'll be a December or a January mummy! I think it will be a good age gap as at least the toddlers are happy to go and play whilst you tend too baby...in theory :lol:
Hello everyone! Due 8th Jan, can you add me please? I haven't posted on here much in the last few years since I had my 2nd son but really appreciated the support last time. It took nearly 2 years to get pregnant with my 2nd and this one happened first time so still feeling in shock as really didn't expect it to happen so fast, if at all! Fx for a healthy 9 months for us all X

Hey! I remember you too, I don't know when you had your second but I do recognise your username :)

Ours was a shock too, our first took 17months to conceive but this one was the first attempt although I did have help from ovulation induction x
Just at the hospital waiting for a scan. I'll update as soon as I'm back Home. Good luck ladies xxx
Just been for it. It was awesome. It was literally just a tiny bloob. But at leats it's confirmed.
They think I'm 5.5 weeks not 4.4 :)


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Posted the same I think, congratulations on your wonderful news!!!
Glad the scan went well, even better to be a week ahead!

How's everyone's symptoms? I didn't feel well this morning, hoping it was a pregnancy thing!
Congrats Lulla! Lovely little blob haha. Xx

I was awake at 5:30am feeling quite nauseous but didn't lead to any vomiting thank goodness. OH went out on his lunch break from work to Holland & Barrett to try and get some of the ginger lozenges they used to sell but they no longer sell them :-(

Will browse elsewhere to see if there's anything good on the market for the nausea. Anyone have any recommendations?? Xx
Ah congratulations Lulla, that's fab! Always nice to be further on than you thought too!

Symptoms wise, I've got really sore nipples, slight nausea and tiredness.. I feel particularly nervous today as it was at this stage in December that I miscarried.. got a scan booked for Friday 19th when I will be around 7+3 (Praying I make it that far!) . Its my Birthday too so it will either be a great Birthday or an awful one!! x
Hello everyone! Due 8th Jan, can you add me please? I haven't posted on here much in the last few years since I had my 2nd son but really appreciated the support last time. It took nearly 2 years to get pregnant with my 2nd and this one happened first time so still feeling in shock as really didn't expect it to happen so fast, if at all! Fx for a healthy 9 months for us all X

SNAP! I'm 8th of Jan too... x
Hi, just got a BFP, due 9th Jan if all goes well! Belfa, think I remember you from last time round?? Do you have an almost 2 year old??

Yay!! Yes! June mummies 2015! So glad to have someone from last time :) x

Me too!! When are you due?? I'm suddenly terrified of the thought of having a baby and a toddler to get ready in the morning haha! This one best be more chilled lol! What's your little one called again??

Alexander (but we call him Alex :) ). I'me due on 1st Jan but Alex was born at 36weeks and I had a very quick labour so I don't know if I'll be a December or a January mummy! I think it will be a good age gap as at least the toddlers are happy to go and play whilst you tend too baby...in theory :lol:

Sophie gets very jealous when I hold babies!! She even got jealous when I held a kitten haha! But I'm hoping she'll be better when it's her sibling... if not she'll get used to it fast!!

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