**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

No symptoms here but I didn't during last pregnancy either!
Aside from feeling tired, I don't really have any symptoms either. I'm trying not to worry, as it's still early days and I could be chucking up by next week so will enjoy just the tiredness for now! x
All the symptoms i had a 4 weeks have gone, apart from tender boobs..
Ive now hit the fatigue stage of first tri. But thats about it! Im feeling pretty good!
going to make the most of it I think xx
I'm feeling really tired but can't decide whether that's a pregnancy thing or just me - I get pretty tired anyway and I'm pretty busy at the moment!
I've been getting heartburn since about 7dpo and a NEVER get heartburn. Also getting nausea. I just really hope it doesn't turn into actual sickness. I can cope with the nausea but I can't stand being sick!
I'm knackered but keep waking up really early. Started to feel really sick last night so went to bed. I'm also finding that my back really aches in bed, not so much during the day though. Very long day ahead!! X
I have had sore boobs and massive bloating, I have had some pains but this am I just feel like my boibs are bigger and bloat has gone. I was feeling pregnant but today I just dont. Hoping everything is ok! X
My breasts have been rock solid and so so tender and sore the last week. Said to OH last night, feel how solid they are! He was like O M G haha.

Hoping my letter comes through in the post today for my scan at 12-14 weeks so I can go on to take a day off from work. Xx
I'm embarrassingly bloated. I have quite a pronoounced mum tum anywany however, it's getting difficult so suck it in! Wish I'd lost my baby weight now!! x
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I'm due 16th Jan! Too early for scans at this point so it might change
Hoping I'll be joining you all very soon! AF is due on the 12th! So will find out then if I've done enough to be part of the January club! :pray:
Blank_Page Ill put you down then change it when you have your exact date !
SebbiesMum Fx for you, Really hope to see you here really soon xx

Augh the bloat has got me today, I actually look 7 months pregnant, it hurt to try and breath in, And now im laying on the lofa burping away trying to deflate haha! What can I take to make this go away?
Its getting a bit embarrassing in public lol
Blank_Page Ill put you down then change it when you have your exact date !
SebbiesMum Fx for you, Really hope to see you here really soon xx

Augh the bloat has got me today, I actually look 7 months pregnant, it hurt to try and breath in, And now im laying on the lofa burping away trying to deflate haha! What can I take to make this go away?
Its getting a bit embarrassing in public lol

Thanks! I was really bloated and drank loads of water and don't feel nearly as bloated anymore. Probably because I'm peeing almost constantly haha
I remember you too Belfa, my son is 2.5, I think we were both in LTTTC together for a while.

My symptoms are a bit transient at the moment, I've had some nausea and bad indigestion but nothing too serious yet. I had HG last time so I'm really hoping I don't get it this time. I hope that if it does happen I can get ahead of it with anti sickness drugs and that it won't be as extreme.

Might do a digi today as really want to see 3+ too!
Hi all,
My due date is 13th January I think! So nervous as had a chemical pregnancy last month so now reading into every little cramp :-/ hoping all goes well!!
I'm taking the pregnacare ones however have to bite them in half because they are so big !!! I'm also taking low dose aspirin.
I have my first scan booked for next Wednesday which will make me around the six week mark.
I'm so nervous about it rather than excited!
These aching boobs every single day for over a week straight now... :wall2:

I don't mind it in some respects as it actually makes me feel pregnant which I like - no pain no gain right??

My favourite time of the day now is when I am about to have a shower at night before bed and I get to take my bra off.. Lol!! The release is unreal!! :shock:

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