Imogen cried the entire night until 7 unless she was held.
Getting her a swaddle bag today but if that doesn't work may have to try Co sleeping. It's weird as she settled fine at 7am and she sleeps soo well in the day but from about midnight she has to be held or she works herself up into such a state

. Xx
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I could of written this! Identical to Robert. We have made our own 'sleepy head for under his cot sheet, put him in a baby sleeping bag, play constant lullabies & have his stars light on...... Slowly but surly he's getting better at night.
I don't know what it is about his 6/7am feed but he will go for three/four hours after it!!. Hang in there, hopefully settle soon .
In the lack of sleep, has anyone seriously considered while daddy is home asleep in the bedroom with baby, for you to be up, doing housework etc and just having a breather? I end we sleep between his 9pm and roughly 12am feeds so wondering if I should use my time better? Xxxxxx