***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

We've always swaddled the boys, we use a jersey flat sheet & then a cellular blanket & the boys have always settled much better like that. I've now started to leave their arms out as when they reach 9lb they can have the gro bags I think and then they just have that & no blankets x

This pic was when they were little and how we swaddled x


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Neat swaddling! Mine never looks as good as that. One of ours likes it and the other doesn't.

Had the girls weighed on Monday and the little lumps are now 9 pounds 4 ounces each. xx
Rollercoaster or what.. baby Maggie snuck into Feb and was born at 1:34am after a 2 hour labour. She is perfect xx

Woohoo finally Maggie! Well done Kate, 2 hours sounds bliss! Xxxxxx
Imogen cried the entire night until 7 unless she was held.
Getting her a swaddle bag today but if that doesn't work may have to try Co sleeping. It's weird as she settled fine at 7am and she sleeps soo well in the day but from about midnight she has to be held or she works herself up into such a state :(. Xx

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I could of written this! Identical to Robert. We have made our own 'sleepy head for under his cot sheet, put him in a baby sleeping bag, play constant lullabies & have his stars light on...... Slowly but surly he's getting better at night.

I don't know what it is about his 6/7am feed but he will go for three/four hours after it!!. Hang in there, hopefully settle soon .

In the lack of sleep, has anyone seriously considered while daddy is home asleep in the bedroom with baby, for you to be up, doing housework etc and just having a breather? I end we sleep between his 9pm and roughly 12am feeds so wondering if I should use my time better? Xxxxxx
Imogen cried the entire night until 7 unless she was held.
Getting her a swaddle bag today but if that doesn't work may have to try Co sleeping. It's weird as she settled fine at 7am and she sleeps soo well in the day but from about midnight she has to be held or she works herself up into such a state :(. Xx

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I could of written this! Identical to Robert. We have made our own 'sleepy head for under his cot sheet, put him in a baby sleeping bag, play constant lullabies & have his stars light on...... Slowly but surly he's getting better at night.

I don't know what it is about his 6/7am feed but he will go for three/four hours after it!!. Hang in there, hopefully settle soon .

In the lack of sleep, has anyone seriously considered while daddy is home asleep in the bedroom with baby, for you to be up, doing housework etc and just having a breather? I end we sleep between his 9pm and roughly 12am feeds so wondering if I should use my time better? Xxxxxx

They say to let housework slide and sleep when baby sleeps don't they. Easier said than done though, I hate a messy house, and especially as we are in so much at the moment I feel the need to keep it nice and tidy.

I try to run around in the day and get things vaguely in order. Then I try to sleep from 9/10 ish until 2 while OH watches the girls. It makes such a different to get those 4/5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. xxx
Laura my Hubby is a great at wrapping fajita's so he just channeled that into swaddling:-)
We've always swaddled the boys, we use a jersey flat sheet & then a cellular blanket & the boys have always settled much better like that. I've now started to leave their arms out as when they reach 9lb they can have the gro bags I think and then they just have that & no blankets x

This pic was when they were little and how we swaddled x

Oh wow that looks so nice and cozy for them. I'm gonna try that with T.J. maybe that will help him. :)

Imogen cried the entire night until 7 unless she was held.
Getting her a swaddle bag today but if that doesn't work may have to try Co sleeping. It's weird as she settled fine at 7am and she sleeps soo well in the day but from about midnight she has to be held or she works herself up into such a state :(. Xx

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I could of written this! Identical to Robert. We have made our own 'sleepy head for under his cot sheet, put him in a baby sleeping bag, play constant lullabies & have his stars light on...... Slowly but surly he's getting better at night.

I don't know what it is about his 6/7am feed but he will go for three/four hours after it!!. Hang in there, hopefully settle soon .

In the lack of sleep, has anyone seriously considered while daddy is home asleep in the bedroom with baby, for you to be up, doing housework etc and just having a breather? I end we sleep between his 9pm and roughly 12am feeds so wondering if I should use my time better? Xxxxxx

LOL Sleep is most important at the moment for me. :nap: :nap: :nap:
I tried swaddling tonight and she didn't like it lol! I think the 0-6 gro bags are 8lb 8 or something so hoping we can move into them soon! I got her a gro snug which is like a newborn version that can be used for swaddling too but I had her arms out the poppers as can be either but her little neck is so chubby it was too tight haha. Swapped it today for a swaddle blanket but she didn't like it lol. Can't wait to be able to use the gro bags as it makes me nervous about her lifting up the blanket or something lol.
Managed to get her down in her moses for now haha it usually starts worst around midnight. She has white noise playing all night and has done since born lol it was womb noises but changed it to hair dryer noise tonight and she seems ok atm.
Health visitor said it could be wind and maybe try infacol (cant remember if that's the name of it lol) as she does cry a lot after a feed and wind does come up but even after she pulls a lot of windy faces etc.
She weighs 7lb 13 now! Xx
Sorry to hear about all the windy uncomfy babies :( It's so disconcerting when they're crying and you just don't know why..

I am in my little newborn bubble at the moment - she is just a dream! We let Poppy choose the middle name and she went for Violet :)

Can't remember if I said but she was 8lb 8oz - little chunk! They popped my waters at 11:30, I had my first contraction at midnight and she was born at 1:34. I was completely shell shocked. So thankful to have had such a fast labour but oh my goodness the intensity! Contractions were every 40 seconds from the first one.. I actually coped with the contractions really well but the pushing.. excruciating, definitely did the cliched "I CAN'T DO THIS!" a couple of times! I was screaming bloody murder! All in all though it was pretty amazing, and I got away with a couple of grazes so only a few stitches. Breastfeeding is going ok so far (don't want to jinx it!) and she is just gorgeous..

Hope you're doing ok Thumbs and not feeling too shabby.. I felt pretty hideous all day yesterday with minimal blood loss so i'm sure you've been in the wars. So glad we got our babies sooner rather than later...

Thinking of you CLF wherever you are!
Jacob and Robert were nocturnal for the first few weeks Millie but are much better now.

I only do the washing, make my lunch, sterilise the bottles and open the curtains and windows! DH makes dinner and does the dishwasher, everything else can wait!

Twins were 8 lb 15 & 9lb 2 on Tuesday! Chunky monkeys! They seem taller too!

What a lovely name Kate! Lucky she chose a nice one!

3 or 4 hours after the early feed is great Abi! Gives you time to snooze and get ready! Mine sometimes don't sleep at all until the afternoon, it's exhausting!

Laura my Hubby is a great at wrapping fajita's so he just channeled that into swaddling:-)

That's really funny!
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She was good last night..1.30, 4.30 and 6.30 yay ! :) and settled in between. She gets a lot of wind after her feeds though xxx

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Yeah Sarah that's the only time I feel lucky haha! We didn't get to sleep until 7am this morning.......!!!!!!!!!!! This was him so most the night, babbling away to himself, taunting mummy ! Lol

Fab Millie!!

How is Poppy Kate? Is she besotted? Xxxxxx
Oh crikey lol little monkey!

That's fab Millie

Is anyone else a little obsessed with room temperature? At night I'm so paranoid about whether it's too hot or too cold & whether they have too many layers or not enough!!
Yeah I am a bit! Usually it'd around 18 and I have her in vest, sleepsuit and then cellular blanket either single or double layer.
I will be more so obsessed when she fits into baby sleep bags though lol. I might get summer tog even if it's just in a few weeks as would rather layer up under than risk her being too hot! Xx
I'm neurotic if it goes above 20 hahaha. Don't let OH put the hairdryer on lol before Imogen we used to warm the sheets up with hairdryer for ages but n9w I get paranoid as it starts to rise on thermometer lol! Xx
I have thin Arizona blood so I get cold very easily but I've been keeping the central air temp set to 68F/20C which is chilly to me. LOL! But I'm gonna keep it set there for T.J. :) Yes I keep checking to make sure it's no warmer than that too.
Glad it's not just me! 'Mine doesn't want to go below 20 & it stresses me out! They have vest, babygrowthen wrapped in a jersey flat sheet with a cellular on the top. I think I'll prefer it when they can go into a grow bag but I'll still be obsessed with temp!
We have a little boy, Daniel. He arrived at 2.33 am and weighed 10lb 3 oz! I was induced on the Tuesday at 9pm, and had them break my waters at 8pm the following day, from there.....omg contractions were non stop, I started pushing at just gone 1am. Managed it all on paracetamol and gas and air and resisted the epiduralon to have to be rushed to theatre after delivery anyway and given a spinal grrr.
My boy is gorgeous though, I am so in love! So worth every pain!

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