***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Sorry I've been quiet, and will update more when we're home, but have had the most intense few days of my life... Our little one arrived at 2am yesterday, two days early and after 28 hours of labour. A little girll! - Matilda Eilidh - and diddier than they anticipated at 6lb 8oz. Bad news is a forceps delivery, third degree tear and 1.3 litres of blood lost. But she's just the most incredible little person ever! Totally smitten!

Congratulations!!!!! Beautiful name! Sorry to hear about the not so great labour. Can't wait to hear your story xxxxxx
I might complain about her if I were you Laura.
What if you've had a caeserian Papermoon, do you have to get someone else to drive you to appointments?

Yeah I think it's up to them to get to their appointments. Yikes.

Yay! That is good news Kate! :)

Oh wow Holdingthumbs!! Congratulations! :dance::dance:
Kate that's great news!
Massive congrats to you thumbs!
I had my mw appointment today, she sent me to hospital with raised bp and protein in urine, after being monitored and bloods and samples being checked they have admitted me and inducing me tonight! I must admit I'm absolutely terrified now haha but can't wait to meet my little one soon!
Kate that's great news!
Massive congrats to you thumbs!
I had my mw appointment today, she sent me to hospital with raised bp and protein in urine, after being monitored and bloods and samples being checked they have admitted me and inducing me tonight! I must admit I'm absolutely terrified now haha but can't wait to meet my little one soon!
Eeeek good luck!! Xx

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Oh my goodness Thumbs!! Cannot believe it congratulations- beautiful name. Sounds traumatic though I hope you're ok :(

CLF that's awesome - hope all goes smoothly for you :)

Just me letting the team down now - i've had back pain and irregular contractions all day and have definitely lost some if not all of my plug so still hoping it'll happen within the next 24 hours but slightly losing hope... Ladies who have had sweeps, did baby go quiet after? I haven't felt her much this afternoon and wondering whether I should call someone xx
Oh my goodness Thumbs!! Cannot believe it congratulations- beautiful name. Sounds traumatic though I hope you're ok :(

CLF that's awesome - hope all goes smoothly for you :)

Just me letting the team down now - i've had back pain and irregular contractions all day and have definitely lost some if not all of my plug so still hoping it'll happen within the next 24 hours but slightly losing hope... Ladies who have had sweeps, did baby go quiet after? I haven't felt her much this afternoon and wondering whether I should call someone xx
I would call 100%. She's probably totally fine but always call.

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Call and get a ctg, Kate. It sounds positive that you've lost some plug!

Good luck CLF!! Hope induction goes nice and quickly xxx
Good luck CLF!

Yes definitely get baby checked just to be safe Kate.
Rollercoaster or what.. baby Maggie snuck into Feb and was born at 1:34am after a 2 hour labour. She is perfect xx
Oh wow congratulations Kate! :dance::dance: Maggie is a nice name! Wow now that was a fast labor!! :lol:
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Oh wow! 28 hours for Thumbs and 2 hours for Kate! Congratulations ladies! That’s all the original January babies here now isn't it?
Photos and stories people! Wow, 2 hours, Kate, glad you got your natural labour in the end. xxx
Congratulations! 2 hours that's amazing:D xx

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Imogen cried the entire night until 7 unless she was held.
Getting her a swaddle bag today but if that doesn't work may have to try Co sleeping. It's weird as she settled fine at 7am and she sleeps soo well in the day but from about midnight she has to be held or she works herself up into such a state :(. Xx

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Ah Millie bless her, have you tried swaddling with a flat sheet ? The boys sleep so much better swaddled for us x
Millie, sometimes audiobooks or classical music help calm these two down at night. I often just leave it on all night for them. Probably one of those things you're not meant to do, but frankly, if they need music to help them sleep until they're ten, I can live with that! Hope tonight is better for you! Ours still have colds, so they're very unsettled too at the moment and both want holding all the time. Not easy! xxx
Oh wow! 28 hours for Thumbs and 2 hours for Kate! Congratulations ladies! That’s all the original January babies here now isn't it?

Yup, all babies are here now. :lol:

Imogen cried the entire night until 7 unless she was held.
Getting her a swaddle bag today but if that doesn't work may have to try Co sleeping. It's weird as she settled fine at 7am and she sleeps soo well in the day but from about midnight she has to be held or she works herself up into such a state :(. Xx

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Aaaww I know what you mean Millie, we have to hold T.J. all the time even when he's sleeping. We've got to get him to where he can sleep without being held.

Ah Millie bless her, have you tried swaddling with a flat sheet ? The boys sleep so much better swaddled for us x

Maybe I can try something like some kind of infant sleep sack to swaddle T.J. with so he doesn't feel so open. They advised us not to put blankets or pillows or anything in the bed with him for safety so I think he feels too wide open and exposed in his crib.

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