***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Congratulations! Wow 10lbs on just gas and air..go you! Glad he is here now :)

Yeah il still obsess about temp with gro bags but at least they come with the what to wear guides etc lol xx
We have a little boy, Daniel. He arrived at 2.33 am and weighed 10lb 3 oz! I was induced on the Tuesday at 9pm, and had them break my waters at 8pm the following day, from there.....omg contractions were non stop, I started pushing at just gone 1am. Managed it all on paracetamol and gas and air and resisted the epiduralon to have to be rushed to theatre after delivery anyway and given a spinal grrr.
My boy is gorgeous though, I am so in love! So worth every pain!

What a superstar!! Well done you and welcome little Daniel! xxx
Congratulations on Daniel! My OH's name is Daniel :) the idea of pushing out 10 pounds makes my eyes water!

We don't even have a room thermometer so no obsessing here, although I do worry that OH wraps them up too much as he always thinks they are cold. I dread the day (probably soon) that he thinks to get a room thermometer as he'll check it constantly lol. Bad enough we have a thermometer to check their temps, he's always going around checking all our temps like three times each, drives me mad!
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God I'm getting sooo fed up of pumping :( 5 weeks of doing it every 3 or so hours is realllly starting to get old. To make matters worse, it's taking like 40 mins to empty my boobs fully, whereas before I could do it in 20. I'm getting more milk but it's taking forever! Boring.com and not easy to do because if someone kicks off halfway through I have to unplug everything and come back to it.
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Lol I've only done Imogens temp once when she was crying a lot and breathing a bit funny but it was normal.

Got a doctors appointment for her today as I think she might have a bit of a cold. Has been a bit mucusy and sneezing and the odd cough. It may just be mucus but then when I was changing her she had a nose bleed. That kinda freaked me out! Google said it can be normal but I'm gonna take her just in case with her being so young. Will ask more advice about the wind thing when there too as think infacol making her constipated.
Couldn't believe it though last night she fed at 10pm, 1.30am and 6.15am!! Was amazed lol. She did have 5oz at 1.30am lol. My friends baby is 7 weeks and has 5oz but midwife said to give her as much as she asks for and sometimes she only has 2oz so think is ok lol. Little piggy! Xx

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God I'm getting sooo fed up of pumping :( 5 weeks of doing it every 3 or so hours is realllly starting to get old. To make matters worse, it's taking like 40 mins to empty my boobs fully, whereas before I could do it in 20. I'm getting more milk but it's taking forever! Boring.com and not easy to do because if someone kicks off halfway through I have to unplug everything and come back to it.
I don't know how you do it!! Specially with twins. I didn't end up pumping as I didn't know how I could fit it in with sorting Imogen too so I have no idea how you do it ..defo done amazing sticking with it.

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Wow at not feeding between 1.30am and 6.15am! That's amazing and I hope you got some good sleep during that time, depending on how long it took to settle her.

Not so bad when at home all day I guess, but I like to get out and it really limits us as I have to try to leave right after feeding them and pumping, and then get home within 2.5 hours or find somewhere to pump like a parent's room, but needs to have a plug and then often they aren't happy to just sit in pushchair while I do it.

OH seems to feel like pumping means I get "a break" because I can sit on my laptop. It hardly feels like a break when I'm sat there for hours on end at night pumping while everyone else sleeps! xx
I know it's amazing lol such a change from a few nights ago of screaming all night lol. Put her down at about 3 so I got a few hours :)

Yeah when I was thinking of exclusively pumping I was wondering how it worked with going out? I find things take so long nowadays with feeding and nappies etc when out that it takes even 2.5 hours just to nip to the supermarket lol?
Oh gosh no defo not a break when you have to be up pumping as well as everything else looking after them! Xx

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Couldn't believe it though last night she fed at 10pm, 1.30am and 6.15am!! Was amazed lol. She did have 5oz at 1.30am lol. My friends baby is 7 weeks and has 5oz but midwife said to give her as much as she asks for and sometimes she only has 2oz so think is ok lol. Little piggy! Xx

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Wow that's great Millie! That must have felt like heaven getting a break like that between feedings. :)
It was haha! Felt like I'd been asleep ages. Think we both woke up around 4 haha I remember OH asking if she was ok and breathing etc. She doesn't usually go so long lol!
She's gulping less with those MAM bottles :)
Def still has some wind though as she sometimes comes off crying in the middle of her feeds. Spend ages winding her too and sometimes it won't come up xx

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Oh good I'm glad you're also finding success with MAM bottles! Bottles are so expensive eh. Well, I find that they are but then I suppose I am having to buy double haha. xx
You must have to have loads lol! We have 6 big ones and 2 little ones atm. We take 6 upstairs usually as some nights she had little snacks like every hour lol!xx

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OH seems to feel like pumping means I get "a break" because I can sit on my laptop. It hardly feels like a break when I'm sat there for hours on end at night pumping while everyone else sleeps! xx

No way! I am often on my phone whilst feeding just to keep me amused really otherwise you go mad. People have said it must be nice sitting at home watching daytime tv but I am feeding constantly & it's hard work keeping them attached and awake!

DH is so tired and stressed tonight it's awful, he is making dinner and shouting and swearing and being really short with me. :(

Had our 6 week check today, saw my fave Dr who was the most supportive with all our fertility tests and the ivf, he was so lovely with the twins and even carried Jacob back to the waiting room as I had so much to carry! They passed but I forgot to ask him about driving and sex! I assume it's ok to drive now? But no idea what to do about contraception.
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Imogen takes so long feeding sometimes with coming off and winding etc lol. Can't hold my phone though with holding her head and her bottle lol!

She loves thrashing her head around atm too since she's got a bit stronger. On OH she cuddles up to him then starts trying to bash her chin on his chest lol!

I think driving is fine after 6 weeks of sections blueflower and same with sex :)

No idea what we're doing either. Want to start ntnp in the summer

Sorry about your OH :( men deal soo bad with being tired!! xxx

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No sex for 6 weeks for me, and I'm not doing anything for birth control, I don't believe in it. :) I'm not worried about it though. ;)
So what will you do about contraception in the meantime Millie? I am very unlikely to get pregnant again but if I did it would be so difficult to cope with a new baby as well as twins! Not sure where to get advice.
Sorry Hubby is stressed Blue :-(

We had our first baby free night last night & even though it was tough it was great to go and have some dinner and some wine and a full night of sleep :-) and we are back on the dtd train ;-) so many people told me it was a nightmare, took them months to do it but you know it was fine ;-) we aren't going to do anything about contraception, after 4 years trying and 2 IVF cycles to get the boys it's highly unlikely but if it happened then that would be amazing and ok. X
I was never told no sex after section. That said, we're too tired and the girls seem to be in our bed half the time!

That sucks your husband was stressing out at you last night, Blue. I think it's the reality of new parents most of the time.. we've definitely been having our share of arguments and being short with each other, especially at 4am when babies are crying and we're both exhausted. There are times when I feel like I could kill him, but we try to forgive quickly and let things slide because we know we're both just sleep deprived.

Anyone had first smiles yet? Obviously not those that have only just had theirs. I can't wait for a smile! No gratitude around here for all our hard work :P xx

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