***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

FBTTN8079 sooo jealous of full night sleep! This seems like a long way off with having to express milk.. if I leave it more than 4 hours I get really sore leaky boobs so no full night sleep anytime soon. Who babysat?

My dad is coming over this afternoon to take the girls out for a walk so we can have a nap. He's smitten with them, and usually comes for 4 hours on a Saturday or Sunday so we can sleep. My mum also comes round most week days for at least a few hours and helps around the house or with the babies. I'm so lucky to have this much help, I'd be struggling without it xx
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I'm not sure what im going to do about contraception in the meantime blueflower. It is tempting to leave it as I know it took a good year to ovulate after stopping my pill when we were ttc but it happened to my friend lol she had treatment and losses and then she was pregnant by 3 months after her baby was born! I was so sick at the start it wouldnt be fair on Imogen her being so little still and me being ill. But like you I dont want anything hormonal, I dont really like the sound of the coil and condoms are definitely a faff! Could try natural family planning but my cycles were never regular..i wouldnt be able to predict ovulation well lol. Luckily I'm still bleeding and think stitches only just dissolved..which I dont mind too much as want to delay it all as long as possible haha. A girl i went to school with got pregnant from sex a month after her baby was born!! I also know of someone who spent a while ttc her frst baby then fell pregnant with twins a few months after he was born. We def want to be ntnp in the summer but it scares me a little the thought of it happening over the next few months. Body defo needs time to recover lol.

Awww Laura that sounds great! So good you have a lot of help :).
We dont really have any as my parents live so far away and when we went round to mils it was more tiring for me than not going! Once i had faffed on sorting Imogen to go and then getting back quite late etc. You must need that help with twins though! Im a bit scared at doing it totally on my own when OH goes back to work monday lol and there is only 1 of her. Xxx

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I've been thinking about contraception too.. Millielaura, natural family planning apparently didn't work for us! I'm with you all on not wanting hormonal stuff, it's really tricky. Right now, the girls are providing pretty good contraception for us :)

Happy weekend to you all xx
Haha where you doing natural family planning when you fell preg with the girls? Bet that was a suprise lol! Lovely suprise though!!
Yeah i wouldnt touch hormonal contraception again ever xx
Haha where you doing natural family planning when you fell preg with the girls? Bet that was a suprise lol! Lovely suprise though!!
Yeah i wouldnt touch hormonal contraception again ever xx

Yes. It has worked well for me for about 6 years, but nothing is fail safe and we got quite the lovely double surprise hahah xxx
Aww haha! Bless them!

We got some different colic drops today , began with a D lol cant remember the name and theure downstairs atm. Hoping they will help Imogen. Infacol doesnt seem to do that much and the MAM bottles are better but she is still having a lot of trapped wind and crying with it etc xx
Oh wow Millie you're making me nervous now about birth control LOL! With my age I don't know what to think! I did conceive T.J. pretty easy, and my periods have always been regular like clock work. I read somewhere that as long as you're still having periods the possibility is still there no matter your age. But I don't like the idea of birth control so maybe natural family planning will be what we do. My body needs to recover. Stay away from the coil, I've heard very bad things about it and my neighbor had that and it messed her body up.
I heard a couple horror stories about the coil too! Shame as it would of been the one thing I considered ..the non hormonal one I mean but I got put off a little while ago!
My health visitor was talking about 6 week check and booking it and said i may get a letter from the surgery about a contraception appointment. Then she said actually no my doctors dont do that so to ask at 6 week appointment. Lol I didnt really mention I didnt want any. Hoping they dont try pushing it on me as def dont want hormones messed up again!
Its hard knowing what to do lol! I found pregnancy so hard ..I want to do it again soon if im as lucky but not too soon! Xx

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Henry as started smiling but Arthur isn't giving any out yet lol

Laura my mum and dad had them it was lovely. Good on you for expressing, I didn't do it as much as the midwife said I should but I was exhausted & just found it so hard!

That's lovely that your mum and dad help out Laura and you get some rest x
I was on the coil for 5 years before falling pregnant with bobs. I loved it and never had a period! I'm thinking on opting for the none hormonal one this time as I don't trust myself with natural family planning lol - our sex drives are too inconsistent!

Pretty sure my OH has got the baby blues if that's even possible? And to make things worse he's come down with an awful chesty cough . Bobs was admitted earlier this week for a day because his got so bad so OH is now having to sleep in the spare room and can't kiss bobs which he's finding horribly hard :( today had an hour where my in laws took bobs for a drive and I managed to tidy the whole house, Hoover, shower and eat which has left me feeling like a new woman!!!!

We thought we saw a smile the other day, but haven't since so don't think we are quite there yet!

On a really awfully sad note, my friends beautiful baby girl passed away today. She was born 8 weeks ago with a back to front heart that was picked up in routine scans. She had countless operations and even made it home for a week before being admitted at the beginning of the week. I'm so broken for her, I can't imagine the feeling or the pain she must be going through . Made me hold my boy very tight this evening :(

Hope you are all ok, xxxxxx
Laura you are doing brilliantly considering your pregnancy was a surprise and then it was a shock about twins! I can’t really complain as I wanted this for years and even wished for twins!

That’s so sad Abi. Does make you so grateful yours are ok. You did a lot in an hour!!

Sore nipple today, one of them must have been chomping, ouch! Can you get nipple shields in Asda?

Sprout, I keep meaning to ask, how do you avoid babies weeing on your fabrics if you photograph them with their nappies off?!
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Yes very, :(

Once I'm on a mission, I'm on one! Can't stand how messy and dirty the house has got!! Admittedly I didn't wash my hair haha !

I think you can, but only big standard ones. If you can get to boots for the Medela shields!

Yes very, :(

Once I'm on a mission, I'm on one! Can't stand how messy and dirty the house has got!! Admittedly I didn't wash my hair haha !

I think you can, but only big standard ones. If you can get to boots for the Medela shields!


Omg, ever since I haven't been sleeping much I've been using the time to clean my house. I can't stand a dirty house. I don't know how I'm going to fare once I'm further along. I'm hoping I'll still be able to keep my house clean throughout this pregnancy without complications... I really am hoping. However, I have heard during the second tri it's much easier though then the first tri and the third tri. I guess I'll find out.

I was on the coil for 5 years before falling pregnant with bobs. I loved it and never had a period! I'm thinking on opting for the none hormonal one this time as I don't trust myself with natural family planning lol - our sex drives are too inconsistent!

Pretty sure my OH has got the baby blues if that's even possible? And to make things worse he's come down with an awful chesty cough . Bobs was admitted earlier this week for a day because his got so bad so OH is now having to sleep in the spare room and can't kiss bobs which he's finding horribly hard :( today had an hour where my in laws took bobs for a drive and I managed to tidy the whole house, Hoover, shower and eat which has left me feeling like a new woman!!!!

We thought we saw a smile the other day, but haven't since so don't think we are quite there yet!

On a really awfully sad note, my friends beautiful baby girl passed away today. She was born 8 weeks ago with a back to front heart that was picked up in routine scans. She had countless operations and even made it home for a week before being admitted at the beginning of the week. I'm so broken for her, I can't imagine the feeling or the pain she must be going through . Made me hold my boy very tight this evening :(

Hope you are all ok, xxxxxx
Awww that must be really hard for your OH bless him not being able to kiss him etc for fear of passing it on.
Hope Robert is doing ok now?

Oh gosh thats so so sad :( I cant even imagine!!
I always thought stuff like that was heartbreaking but since having Imogen I feel for them on a whole other level. I really dont know what id do if anything ever happened to her! Xx

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Yes very, :(

Once I'm on a mission, I'm on one! Can't stand how messy and dirty the house has got!! Admittedly I didn't wash my hair haha !

I think you can, but only big standard ones. If you can get to boots for the Medela shields!


Omg, ever since I haven't been sleeping much I've been using the time to clean my house. I can't stand a dirty house. I don't know how I'm going to fare once I'm further along. I'm hoping I'll still be able to keep my house clean throughout this pregnancy without complications... I really am hoping. However, I have heard during the second tri it's much easier though then the first tri and the third tri. I guess I'll find out.
Lol i barely cleaned all pregnancy! First and half of second tri too sick. Then third tri it was too exhausting and hard haha. Or things got cleaned but only at reachable height hahahaha nothing that required bending or stretching. OH was really good about helping out!
I havent really.cleaned since Imogen either but she is omly 2 weeks old!

Cant believe she is 2 weeks!!!

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Oh Laura how sad :(

Millie that's really sweet x

H is starting to push himself up the Moses basket ! Does that mean he'll have to go in his cot soon? What mattress do I need for their cot ? X
Abi that's so awful, your poor friend I can't even imagine going through anything so awful. Sorry your OH is ill :( yes, I think men can get post natal depression too. It's less common but happens. I think it takes huge adjustments to become a parent, and it hits some harder than others. I think my OH is actually doing better than I am with it, whereas usually it's perhaps the other way around. As the one that's more in your OH's state of mind (maybe), I'd say what helps the most is encouragement that I'm doing the right thing with the girls. I always worry that I'm not doing things well enough or that I won't be good enough for them.

Awww that's so sweet Mille! What a lovely letter.

I've had a bit of a day with blocked milk ducts. The last few days, I've been getting less milk out from pumping and I've been pumping for like 50-70 minutes and only getting 5oz or so, whereas I'd get 10-12oz in 20 mins before. I wasn't sure if it was a supply issue so I ramped up the pumping yesterday and spent like 7 hours on the blasted thing. It turned out to be a mistake because I had loads of really blocked ducts inside, so stimulating them to produce more meant they got more and more engorged and pretty painful and lumpy today. Bless OH, he ran me a bath and then helped massage the lumps out. It hurt SOOO badly, but it's made a bit difference to them and things are flowing better now. I never thought breastfeeding/pumping entailed so much! Probably for the best that I went in blind!

Anyone doing anything nice tomorrow? xxx
Is he starting to try pull up on the sides to sit you mean? Or rolling around etc?
I think but not 100% any rolling or sitting etc they have to change to cot!
I got our cot mattress online I think from tesco direct.
I think all cots are generally the same size and all cot beds the same size. .i think! I got a sprung mattress with coils or something like that lol. I have foam ones for moses and the next 2 me crib but i got a different one for cot but dont think it matters too much eithe rway :) xx

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Abi that's so awful, your poor friend I can't even imagine going through anything so awful. Sorry your OH is ill :( yes, I think men can get post natal depression too. It's less common but happens. I think it takes huge adjustments to become a parent, and it hits some harder than others. I think my OH is actually doing better than I am with it, whereas usually it's perhaps the other way around. As the one that's more in your OH's state of mind (maybe), I'd say what helps the most is encouragement that I'm doing the right thing with the girls. I always worry that I'm not doing things well enough or that I won't be good enough for them.

Awww that's so sweet Mille! What a lovely letter.

I've had a bit of a day with blocked milk ducts. The last few days, I've been getting less milk out from pumping and I've been pumping for like 50-70 minutes and only getting 5oz or so, whereas I'd get 10-12oz in 20 mins before. I wasn't sure if it was a supply issue so I ramped up the pumping yesterday and spent like 7 hours on the blasted thing. It turned out to be a mistake because I had loads of really blocked ducts inside, so stimulating them to produce more meant they got more and more engorged and pretty painful and lumpy today. Bless OH, he ran me a bath and then helped massage the lumps out. It hurt SOOO badly, but it's made a bit difference to them and things are flowing better now. I never thought breastfeeding/pumping entailed so much! Probably for the best that I went in blind!

Anyone doing anything nice tomorrow? xxx
Oh yikes Laura be careful of mastitis!! Hopefully will feel better soon now you did massage etc.

Boobs can hurt sooo much. Was awful awful when my milk came in and as I wasnt going to be exclusively pumping every 3 hours the midwife said domt do it or id confuse my body and mess up supply and risk mastitis. I was sooo engorged lol it was hell! Savoy cabbage really helped me but I dont think you are meant to use it if breastfeeding/expressing as think it can lower supply. Xxx

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