***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Aw Sarah I'm dreading his injections in two weeks time! Will the they be old enough to have a little bit of calpol? Hopefully they will be alright, let us know how they go.

Kate & Thumbs I'm thinking of you! Don't envy you being heavily pregnant. Do let us know if any twinges, signs etc and we will all get giddy with excitement for you, even if it just turns out to be wind haha. And Kate don't be daft, of course stay on this thread, half of us are December mums anyway!! January has been pretty abandoned by us all lol.

Laura I never knew that about rolling and smiling? I haven't given Robert any 'tummy time' yet as I didn't know I was allowed to. Hope I haven't delayed him as a result :/ I feel very lucky to have such a supportive health visitor. Even when we were topping up with formula.

So we went to baby group today. I was a bit hesitant as bobs is under the weather with a virus. Anyway myself and a friend went. Wasn't particularly fun, quite hippyfied and we both felt a bit put out as she is formula feeding and I can do this discrete, easy breastfeeding you see so many people do because of using shields and bobs generally being tricky to latch :( so we made our excuses and left early to go to another cafe which was much more relaxing.

Hope you're all ok xxxxx
Aww Kate I'm at the midwife tomorrow and it will be my official due date, I'm really hoping she'll at least examine me and possibly offer a sweep, I've had so many BH, some very strong and painful, but then it all stops again, my midwife is a little stand off though so not sure she will :(

Awww I hope all your babies get well soon, must be horrible seeing them under the weather!

Laura, your health visitor doesn't sound very helpful! Why do they need to stay so long? I met mine a few weeks ago, she came to introduce herself before baby arrives and I found her a little rude and abrupt, she lectured me so much about breast feeding, even though I fully intend to do so and then went on to say that as we have a Next2me crib for when baby arrives, it's almost like they are in the bed with you and my husband should sleep elsewhere for safety? I thought this was ridiculous! In the end I ended up just nodding and smiling at her and not listening to a word she was saying! She also didn't have any kids of her own. She was also really judgemental about my dog.....even though he sat there in his bed as good as gold and followed every command I gave him!
Oh yeah, they do the wind smile thing, but no real smiles yet. Everyone I met said they got the first around 5-6 weeks, not 2 weeks. I'm sure it happens, but no need for her to make us feel bad? And rolling at 11 days would be very unusual.

Abi well done braving a baby group already, even if it wasn't the best experience in the end.. I tried to take H&H to one on Friday, but I got there and it wasn't running anymore, even though it said it was on the website. It didn't matter though as I just ran some other errands. Also with calpol, I've given mine half a dose of the recommended amount at 3 months old, so 1.75ml ish. The health visitor said they recommend taking a bit after the vaccinations.

CLF88 I don't know why she stayed so long! After weighing them, she just sat there writing in their red books for aaages. It was my rest time as they were asleep, so I wanted her to leave. Of course, they woke up soon as she left. Hope you get your sweep tomorrow, keep us informed! Do you know what you're having? xx
How's Imogen's eye Millie? Arthur has a blocked tear duct so I have to bathe his eye most days, I think they say as they get bigger it will resolve ?

How are the girls Laura must be horrid when they are unwell this little ?

I'm dreading their injections next week as they are supposed to give them a fever :-(

Kate there's still time ;-) hopefully bubba will take you by surprise and come today or tomorrow. X

They're a bit sneezy and unsettled, mainly at night, but they're doing quite well considering. They seem to want to eat every 2 hours though now, which is a bit exhausting!

Yeah, I'm dreading injections too.. hoping OH will take them as it broke my heart when they got their BCGs in the hospital. Cried their little hearts out. We prepared with bottles ready for straight after, to calm them down and comfort them a bot. xx
Today isn't a bad day!
She's 13 days old and normally been feeding 2-3 hourly we wake her up after third hour yesterday she had 490ml in 24 hours she was 4lb 9oz when last weighed so this seemed a lot but today she has hardly taken anything and it's really stressing me out the last feed she sicked most of it back up and now she just doesn't seem interested in this feed I feel like a failure and feeling so low at the moment
Oh yeah, they do the wind smile thing, but no real smiles yet. Everyone I met said they got the first around 5-6 weeks, not 2 weeks. I'm sure it happens, but no need for her to make us feel bad? And rolling at 11 days would be very unusual.

Abi well done braving a baby group already, even if it wasn't the best experience in the end.. I tried to take H&H to one on Friday, but I got there and it wasn't running anymore, even though it said it was on the website. It didn't matter though as I just ran some other errands. Also with calpol, I've given mine half a dose of the recommended amount at 3 months old, so 1.75ml ish. The health visitor said they recommend taking a bit after the vaccinations.

CLF88 I don't know why she stayed so long! After weighing them, she just sat there writing in their red books for aaages. It was my rest time as they were asleep, so I wanted her to leave. Of course, they woke up soon as she left. Hope you get your sweep tomorrow, keep us informed! Do you know what you're having? xx

No....my husband wanted a surprise and it's driving me mad, I can't wait to find out if it's a girl or boy....lots of people say that they just knew what it was but I really do not have a clue! I can't wait :)
We have a different health visitor coming tomorrow as our usual one is on holiday, hope she's nicer than yours was Laura!
Sounds strange, Abi! I will try to go to a church baby group and a local twins group after half term.
I epilated my legs for the first time yesterday since October or November! I was like the yeti woman! Hair had stopped growing in the later months and came back with a vengeance the day after the birth! Never left it that long since I was a teenager! ;)
Oh lord, well done blue.. I am so lazy about shaving my legs, I probably do it once or twice a month in winter! If that. I'm quite lucky that my leg hair grows super slowly and it's very fine.

Bethany don't feel like a failure! You're doing a great job, it sounds like you're trying really hard. So long as weight is being gained, I shouldn't worry too much sweet. I know it's a bit soul destroying though when you finally get food into them and then they spew it all up again and you have to start over.

Exciting CLF!! I couldn't have waited, I love the idea of keeping the gender a surprise, but then we went and found out at 16 weeks haha xxx
I am thread crashing to tell you Laura that the health visitor is insane! Like actually insane. Babies start smiling socially at 6-8 weeks (for the most part, many earlier many later) and roll over much later than that. I have a masters degree in early child development and I've never heard such rubbish. I hope you get a different visitor- she's awful and just plain wrong!
I am thread crashing to tell you Laura that the health visitor is insane! Like actually insane. Babies start smiling socially at 6-8 weeks (for the most part, many earlier many later) and roll over much later than that. I have a masters degree in early child development and I've never heard such rubbish. I hope you get a different visitor- she's awful and just plain wrong!

Thanks Kholl! Silly woman, she actually said the thing about seeing an 11 day old rolling over last time I saw her as well, so it's obviously something that she repeats a lot. When I said they hadn't smiled yet, but that we didn't expect that for a few weeks yet, she looked so shocked and was like "oh no, from about 2 weeks we expect to see that".. it's bad that she tells people this, as some people are so competitive and might try to force their baby to roll over or something and have false expectations.
Aaaawww Millie, I hope Imogen's eye gets better, poor thing.

Oh no Laura poor babies. I hope you all feel better soon.

Yes you can stay right here with us kate! I hope your little one comes soon for you!

Oh my goodness Laura! That's horrible for the midwife to say. All babies develop at their own pace. Don't let her get to you, your babies are just fine. T.J. opens his mouth and makes funny faces, but no smiles yet either.

Oh my goodness CLF88 what does your husband sleeping somewhere else has to do with safety????? LOL! People are silly.

LOL Blue about your hair! :lol: We don't ave health visitors here unfortunately. I wish we did because I hate taking T.J. out for appointments this soon after his birth.

I am thread crashing to tell you Laura that the health visitor is insane! Like actually insane. Babies start smiling socially at 6-8 weeks (for the most part, many earlier many later) and roll over much later than that. I have a masters degree in early child development and I've never heard such rubbish. I hope you get a different visitor- she's awful and just plain wrong!

Thanks Kholl! Silly woman, she actually said the thing about seeing an 11 day old rolling over last time I saw her as well, so it's obviously something that she repeats a lot. When I said they hadn't smiled yet, but that we didn't expect that for a few weeks yet, she looked so shocked and was like "oh no, from about 2 weeks we expect to see that".. it's bad that she tells people this, as some people are so competitive and might try to force their baby to roll over or something and have false expectations.

Yes Laura, that is so messed up!
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I might complain about her if I were you Laura.
What if you've had a caeserian Papermoon, do you have to get someone else to drive you to appointments?
She sounds like a total donkey Laura - ignore her! How ridiculous to be instilling that rivalry and "my baby's better than yours" into new mums anyway..

Feeling all giddy ladies! Don't want to get my hopes up but just had a very positive mw appointment.. Went in feeling pretty hopeless but she examined me, I'm soft, already 2-3 and she's fully engaged now! She had a real good rummage around and said she has a good track record for sweeps so I'm praying this is it for me... Even if not induction is booked for the 8th and as I'm already a little dilated they can go straight to breaking waters which is fantastic news as I can avoid the dreaded chemicals! Woo hoo! Really hoping I have some baby news for you all soon.. xxx
Yay Kate! Finally a bit of a break for you! So pleased, hope exciting things start to happen soon. I bet you're checking for mucus everytime you go to the loo haha.

Yes, tempted to report her but I don't really know how to and she's attached to our doctor surgery so could be a bit uncomfortable if we ran into her. xx
Happy mummy today!
Day 14 today and after worrying Eden wasn't eating enough as her weight was slowly creeping on we have been today to have her weighed and she's now over her birth weight by 3 ounce so she's now 4lb 14! I'm so happy and the midwife has discharged me
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Happy mummy today!
Day 14 today and after worrying Eden wasn't eating enough as her weight was slowly creeping on we have been today to have her weighed and she's now over her birth weight by 3 ounce so she's now 4lb 14! I'm so happy and the midwife has discharged me
Great news Bethany! It will get easier i promise. X

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She sounds like a total donkey Laura - ignore her! How ridiculous to be instilling that rivalry and "my baby's better than yours" into new mums anyway..

Feeling all giddy ladies! Don't want to get my hopes up but just had a very positive mw appointment.. Went in feeling pretty hopeless but she examined me, I'm soft, already 2-3 and she's fully engaged now! She had a real good rummage around and said she has a good track record for sweeps so I'm praying this is it for me... Even if not induction is booked for the 8th and as I'm already a little dilated they can go straight to breaking waters which is fantastic news as I can avoid the dreaded chemicals! Woo hoo! Really hoping I have some baby news for you all soon.. xxx
Yayyy that's amazing news Kate :) itl be so much quicker than needing pessary :) fingers crossed for.you xxx

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Happy mummy today!
Day 14 today and after worrying Eden wasn't eating enough as her weight was slowly creeping on we have been today to have her weighed and she's now over her birth weight by 3 ounce so she's now 4lb 14! I'm so happy and the midwife has discharged me
Aww that's great news! :)

I bet she is sooo cute! Makes Imogen seem massive lol xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Sorry I've been quiet, and will update more when we're home, but have had the most intense few days of my life... Our little one arrived at 2am yesterday, two days early and after 28 hours of labour. A little girll! - Matilda Eilidh - and diddier than they anticipated at 6lb 8oz. Bad news is a forceps delivery, third degree tear and 1.3 litres of blood lost. But she's just the most incredible little person ever! Totally smitten!
Congratulations thumbs! Sounds like an ordeal but she's finally here! Love the name Matilda, we referred to twin 2 as Matilda through pregnancy, but she just didn't suit it when she was born so it's become her middle name :) 6lbs 8oz is still a good weight! How is she doing and how are you doing? Hope you're being looked after as I expect you'll be very weak sore with the tear and blood loss xx

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