***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Oh and yeah I make more up but I don't force her to have more, I wind and then see if she wants more by putting on her lips and if she doesn't I just leave it :). Sometimes she doesn't take much sometimes she takes all of it lol! I don't try give more so she goes longer though ..if she wakes up like an hour later I usually offer 3oz again and see what she wants :)

And yes the tommee tippee prep machine is a lifesaver!! We got one last night lol I couldn't cope her crying and crying and crying when waiting for kettle then for it to cool down..I felt so mean on her!
It does 4oz minimum though so baby will leave some but it's worth wasting a few scoops formula for lol xx

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'Poppy was a weurdo' haha Kate! Glad I'm not the only one who says fairly honest things about my child :'D

Congrats on the house Laura, we had a fight with a few other couples and didn't get it in the end :( went to a man and woman with now children .... It's a 3 bedroom house!!! :( so the search continues

We had to buy a new car seat the other day. Our silver cross simplicity wasn't supporting Robert properly and he was constantly curled up in it and I was scared he would not be able to breath. We went for the maxi Cosi pebble plus as its the only one he can sit comfortably on as he is so diddy :( Mothercare didn't do any inserts to add to our original car seat to help him so annoyingly now we are £200+ down as I've also bought the bloody isofix base as I struggle so much to fit it with a seat belt. Babies are so expensive -.- haha.

Hope you are all ok! Roberts due date today!!!! xxxxx
The car seat we have scares me! I've tried another and still scares me lol!! I just hate her being not lay down flat lol xx

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It's so she hard as sometimes when her feed is due she just won't have it she literally just will not wake for it but 1-2 hours later she's definitely ready it's so stressful
I was told wake every 3-4 hours ..Imogens not prem but she's a bit jaundiced and they said wake her if it's been longer than 4 hours. I set alarm every 4 hours in night. Then I sometimes wake by checking nappy if she seems very sleepy. Sometimes she doesn't have much and wakes an hour later lol. Don't worry too much about routine though and amounts..they said to me you can still bottle feed on demand and baby will have as much as they want/need just don't let her go longer than 4 hours :)

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I've given up with my milk now as the other night I expressed and she still wanted her formula straight after. Then I tried again next day and didn't get much at all. Midwife says it has to be every 3 hours to not affect my supply but then I'm pumping when she wants changing or held or hungry and I just can't keep up with the 3 hourly so just keeping her on formula now as she seems happy
Feel sad I didn't get to experience her feeding off me and that I've not given her much of my milk but midwife said don't get too stressed about it. Tried shields etc she won't latch .. tried expressing then offering boob as it brings out my nipples which are a bit flat but nothing. Prob won't help I gave her a dummy lol xx

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Aw Kate I wanted to do tea tree pad thing but OH wouldn't let me put in freezer LOL
Oh I only sent half my post lol. Our freezer teeny and stuffed full so even in freezer bag it might make stuff stink of tea tree lol I might freeze some with water then add some tea tree with water drops after? Xx

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The perfect prep is amazing !
We had to feed H&A every 3 hours at first because of jaundice & had to wake them & worried when they didn't take much but they make up for it in the next feed x
I hated putting them in the car seat even now they just seem so tiny for them! X
Ahh Millie that's a shame! Even just the water will feel nice, it's more the cold to help the swelling that's important so definitely give it a try just wiith water :)

Hun I just saw that other thread about evening primrose oil.. i'm tempted to give it a go though have prob left it a bit late now.. but nervous about putting them in vaginally, did you use a particular type/dosage and how far up did you put them?!
I had some 1000mg ones at first but when I ran out I got some more that were 500 and used two :) they're a bit messy when they pop lol think they worked for me though. I just got mine from wilkinsons/ tesco :)
And I put pretty far up like far as I could reach so it would get on cervix :) xx

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Had my scan today and baby's all OK and growing consistently. I think the little one has enjoyed me being on maternity leave and sitting home eating cake though - at the last scan they were on the 33rd centile, and they're now on the 55th. And currently estimated at 7lb 9oz!! Not sure how that figures or where the heck they're hiding as I'm constantly told how petite my bump is.

I'm thrilled that baby is doing well, but having assumed I'd have a little'un for so long I'm now feeling a bit anxious about the prospect of an 8 1/2 lber if I go another fortnight...:shock:
Awww so glad all is ok holdingthumbs :)
Growth scans can be off! Imogen was predicted like 6lb 8 or something at 39 weeks but she was 7lb 8 . I know people who've been told like a 10lb baby and baby came out like 8lb lol. Xx
Thanks Millie, worth a go I guess isn't it!!

That's great news Thumbs, try not to worry about it, Poppy was estimated around 7lb at 37 weeks and I spent the rest of my pregnancy panicking about having this gargantuan baby, I even had nightmares about it.. she came out 5 weeks later at 7lb7oz so she either didn't grow in that time (unlikely) or their estimate was way out! xx
Thanks both, that's really good to know. Will try to just not worry about it and wait to see! :-)

Any promising signs, Kate? So close for you!!
Aaaww sorry that happened Millie. No don't stress over it. She has nipple confusion that's why she can't latch on. Once they use bottle or pacifiers/dummys, it's hard to get them to latch. So it's okay, you tried.

Glad your baby is doing good Holdingthumbs. :)

I get paranoid taking T.J. out anywhere, he's so tiny I don't want him around germs and in the car I drive super super careful taking slow side streets. I don't want any crazy drivers around me with him in the car. I think I got the hang of the car seat though. I had to put stuff in it accessories to fit around T.J to hold his little head in place so he's not swimming in the car seat. LOL

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Yes it's officially my due date tomorrow! Sometimes I feel it could be hours away and others still think it's going to be weeks... Agonising over what to do if I get near induction as I really wanted to experience going naturally this time but i'm not sure i'm willing to risk going over as my placenta was shot when I had Pops.. It's so tough, i'll probably end up accepting induction :( Still have a couple of weeks before I have to worry about that though.. I might ask the MW to examine me on Tuesday as i've had some mega braxton hicks, i'm hopeful that some of them may have been productive ones! Curious to know what's going on in there..

Any twinges or anything to note Thumbs? I didn't have a single niggle with Pops and this time i've been getting them since Christmas so I stupidly convinced myself she was going to be early.. feels like i'm already overdue!
Yeah think it's defo nipple confusion now. At first think it was them being flat..I was trying with how they are normally without bringing them out with pump first which I learnt to try but only after shed already had bottle and dummy lol.
Imogens head looks so small in car seat too!

I hope you go naturally Kate! Sure you will :). Ask midwife for sweep? How did you get induced last time? I found mine a positive experience overall and really quick:) xx

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I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks too, but no period type pains at all yet - or show or tummy troubles. Felt very nauseous yesterday which was a new one though, and every time I sit on my ball it feels like such a weight is pushing down!

Some friends have said that they had a few days of period pains before labour started, and for others it just kicked off straight away - so who knows! Hoping for action soon!
Thanks Millie, it wasn't a totally hideous experience to be honest (pessary worked in less than 24 hours so no drip etc. and very quick once it got going) but I just really feel i'm craving that natural birth experience, the whole excitement of early labour at home and not being monitored in a hospital bed..Also not sure i'll be allowed to use the birthing centre/pools if I have the pessary. If that's the way it needs to go then so be it, i'll have to find my peace with it :)

Ahh Thumbs, it's so easy to over analyse everything isn't it.. My Auntie had her baby a week ago, had mild pains every 2 hours, went to midwife just incase and she was 7cm!! Mental..3rd baby though so I guess everything was a bit looser and ready to rumble! It is kind of exciting looking out for it, though this is an impatient person's worst nightmare and I am horribly impatient!
I keep overanalysing everything and it's driving me insane, I'm hitting google every 5 minutes! The wait is killing me lol, only 3 days till due date, but the thought of having to wait a further 2 weeks after that makes me very sad!
I've had cramps, back ache, really strong BH then it all just stops and another day goes by. Everyone has been saying for weeks 'look at you....you're not gonna last till your due date' which makes it worse and then there's the phone calls and texts every two minutes to check up on me, even though I tell them I will let them know as soon as anything happens.
I know I'm being incredibly impatient and deep down I want my baby to come when it's ready. It's good to come on here and see I'm not the only one feeling so impatient lol!

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