***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

BlondeP my eyes have been driving me crazy since about 16 weeks, every so often things go blurry or I find it hard to focus and things just look weird. I was at the opticians and they said my eye has changed shape slightly as my contact lens wasnt fitting properly in that eye anymore and also they were really dry so got given special drops. Makes me feel dizzy when my eyes go funny.
Also I got lightheaded and blurred vision a lot until I got put on iron tablets.
I'd call doctors to be on safe side so they can check your bp etc make sure its not high and then maybe opticians if it keeps happening? As long as you have an ok blood pressure and no protein in urine think itl just be an annoying preg thing but I'd make doc appt to get checked even if just for reassurance :)
I get anxious about health things too so I know what its like. Usually I find if I feel lightheaded if I get worried about it then it makes it a lot worse too so ma be a bit of that? Xxf

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Thanks Millie Laura, I did wonder if my prescription needed updating maybe as I haven't had an eye check up since March. I'll give my doctor a all in the morning to see if I can pop in to get checked over :) xxxx
They said my vision had changed slightly but the optician said to go back after she's born so we can get the right one as hormones can make vision weird apparently lol. Do you wear contacts? I only wear my contacts if I'm going out somewhere now and wear glasses most of the time as it's worse when I wear my lenses. Xx

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No, haven't worn contacts for a couple of years as I found them to be very time consuming haha. I do get very dry eyes as well so they didn't help that. xxxxx
I couldn't live with my MIL or my mum! MILs habits infuriate me, she makes me feel lazy and we like our own space in the living room. My sister and her husband stay with mum sometimes but she goes in their bedroom without knocking! Once they were having sex and she sat on the bed and carried on talking!!

Blurred vision can also be a sign of stress.

So tired today, such a busy week with things on every evening, could do without it really! Can't wait to finish work!

Will add you to the front page Millie!
Arrghh Blue no way!!!! Wayyyy too invasive haha I would die 10 times over if mine did that!

Yes, I'm wondering if stress is causing me to go a bit down hill. I felt so prepared but all of a sudden thinking I have millions of things to do ahead of baby coming :( Finances are starting to worry me to as maternity allowance form hasn't come back yet and even when it does my entitlement pay will be poop.

When do you start maternity? xxxxxx
Thank you Blueflower :)

I couldn't live with MIL or my parents either. They would drive me totally insane!

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I rung maternity allowance up today BlondeP as theyd not sent me all my wageslips back anyway they said they are still processing ones from end of September so will be about a month and so I'll get the payments back dated kind of thing. I'm guessing yours is getting processed at a similar point in the queue to mine xx

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Thanks everyone. <3 I see I totally messed up quoting before but it'll probably get worse if I try to redo it lol...
We had a lovely day, the sunshine was out and everything was just great.

Unfortunately I'm back in hospital with high blood pressure today, possibly full on pre-eclampsia. Staying over night for observation and starting medication.

Reading a bit here makes me feel pretty ok about living with my parents later. There are issues but could be much worse and they really have gone above and beyond to prepare for the babies.
Right now I'm worried I won't be allowed to fly though, so that means either staying with the in-laws, and my mother in law is lovely but I still think it'd be hard, or a very long road trip.
My husband (iiih being able to write that!) will probably insist on the road trip, as he is convinced social services will try to take the babies as soon as they are born.
I guess it's all wait and see at this point.

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Oh sh*t lisa! I really hope it isn't ... What would they do if it is, deliver the babies?

Oh how awful, I really hope they wouldn't take the babies, seems so unfair. xxxx
Shush to people talking about how they couldn't stand to live with parents or in-laws. It's my sad reality right now! I try to focus on the savings, but my mum is not easy to live with at all!

Rhiandell, I hope you can get discharged in time to fly back and that it isn't pre-eclampsia. When are your flights booked for? xx
Yours sounds like heaven though laura in comparison haha! I imagine if I was having twins however, I would quite like the extra pair of helping hands! xxxx
Totally agree with you on an extra pair of hands Abi. I'm honestly really looking forward to having my mum on call, just being able to hand one baby to her and one to the husband and go have a shower. :-D

Laura, thanks. Flight is on the 22 of November, so starting to get a little nervous. But people keep offering to drive, so I guess I will be getting home even if I can't fly. ;-) Under other circumstances it would be an exciting prospect to do the road trip.
Feeling a bit sorry for myself today ! Had a rough night last night felt so ill! not sure if twinnies have moved and were squashing a few organs but any way I tried to lay made me feel so sick & faint! Then had achy stomach more tummy than. Anymore if that makes sense. Then today I'm a little sleep depreived and emotional & just wish I could be at home, I really miss my house now and really want it to be finished as I just want to go back, have my own space & start getting ready for the babies & I know it's moving as fast as it can, just today feels like it's not moving fast enough & im just feeling all tearful! lol I'm sure I'll buck up in a bit, just can't really rant to hubby as he's under enough pressure with work & the house x

Oh wow sorry you're feeling down today. I totally understand that. I'm the kind of person where I need my space too so I know how you feel! Hope it's not too much longer that you have to stay there.

Can I be added to this thread please? :)
Haven't been on pf properly in nearly a year but due 26th Jan and team pink. Xx

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Welcome Millie! :wave: Yes you can join us! :) Your due date is 2 days after mine.
Oh no Rhiandell I hope it's not that. I hope you can leave in time. I think I would take the road trip! And it feels good to be able to say husband doesn't it. :dance: :lol: I don't live with any in-laws, but my mother in law will be visiting from Minnesota after T.J. is born and she will stay with me and OH for a while. So I'll soon be kind of in the same boat. She's nice and reminds me of my own mom, but anyone can seem nice till you live with them LOL. :lol:
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Totally agree with you on an extra pair of hands Abi. I'm honestly really looking forward to having my mum on call, just being able to hand one baby to her and one to the husband and go have a shower. :-D

Laura, thanks. Flight is on the 22 of November, so starting to get a little nervous. But people keep offering to drive, so I guess I will be getting home even if I can't fly. ;-) Under other circumstances it would be an exciting prospect to do the road trip.

Road trip to Sweden? Bloody hell, I can barely sit comfortably to watch an episode of The Apprentice on a comfy sofa.. how long would it take to get there? xx
Everyone, how much are your babies moving? I think one of mine has ADHD! Ok, I shouldn't joke. One moves enough to reassure me, but not loads, the other is all over the place most of the time. I am not worried really because from about week 12, twin 1 has had comments by every sonographer on how she won't keep still, so it's not a new development. xx
Laura !
I'm the same I feel more movement on one side than the other however twin 1 has an anterior placenta so always been a little muffled, it gets stronger as they've been getting bigger, & I feel more movement under my ribs where both their legs are, somedays it's like my belly is all over the place lol x
I get movements all over and there is only one in there lol two must feel like an octopus! Some days she's none stop then some days usually just before a growth spurt she's quite quiet unless I've eaten/late at night. Getting a lot of rib and bladder kicks this week xxx

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