***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

So who was saying my mum sounds like a dream compared with theirs? She's just shouted at me for starting baby laundry "too early" as I just did two loads of it this morning. They'll be here within 8 weeks and I've got wardrobe arriving in 10 days so I want the clean stuff ready to hang in there as I am fed up of piles of laundry in my room.

To top it all off, she shouted as well that I put baby stuff in before the adult laundry load that needed doing, but I still did that load before she even got up this morning! And I was going to hang it all up, but I went to the loo and she took it out to hang and then she was petty enough to leave mine and OH's stuff for me to hang (about 5 items of clothing).. Sometimes I really cannot stand that woman, she behaves like a toddler.
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Lol I washed all the stuff I already had at the start of October and put it away in draws and the closet! Definitely not too early especially as your twins will come sooner xxx

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At last! 27 weeks today! Have been anxiously lingering in tri 2, but SO happy to join you all again here! Could you add me to the front Blue? Honorary January baby due 1 Feb (hope that's OK) and team yellow :-)

I think baby's been doing some growing over the last week and I've been hit with the realisation that there's now a little bump in the way! Second flight of my trip to NY this evening so we'll see how that goes down - little one wiggled all through the last one!

Welcome Millie Laura!
Welcome over, Holdingthumbs! Yours could be born on Valentine's day if you went overdue! Probably not what you wanted to hear, actually, but that would be a pretty cool birthday.

Millielaura i'm glad you said that because I really felt itching to get things done and that it was not too early to wash clothes at all! She's probably just in a bad mood, as she often is, and so anything would have set her off. She is going to go mad when my enormous blanket box thing arrives this afternoon. It fits perfectly in the redundant fireplace in babies' room, and I am going to use it to store blankets or towels or wtv as space is a bit limited xx
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Aw that box sounds lovely! I haven't thought about where to store blankets yet lol! Xx

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Oh Laura - I really do feel for you! I think i've mentioned before that I have an older sister on similar levels of petty and we could have killed each other when we were under the same roof.. So tired today, my 4.5 year old had me up 7 TIMES last night (+ pee breaks!) and I ended up in her bed which I find really uncomfy as it's memory foam and I just don't get on with it.. Bless her though the first thing she said when she woke up was "Mummy i'm really sorry and do you need a back massage?" Cannot stay cross at them..
7 times! You poor thing, you must be exhausted. Did you manage to get any rest today? xx
So who was saying my mum sounds like a dream compared with theirs? She's just shouted at me for starting baby laundry "too early" as I just did two loads of it this morning. They'll be here within 8 weeks and I've got wardrobe arriving in 10 days so I want the clean stuff ready to hang in there as I am fed up of piles of laundry in my room.

To top it all off, she shouted as well that I put baby stuff in before the adult laundry load that needed doing, but I still did that load before she even got up this morning! And I was going to hang it all up, but I went to the loo and she took it out to hang and then she was petty enough to leave mine and OH's stuff for me to hang (about 5 items of clothing).. Sometimes I really cannot stand that woman, she behaves like a toddler.

That's so annoying when you just put it down and then your mum thinks you have left it. My mum used to say things like "you had no intention of doing it" & if you protest you sound like a teenager, can't win! :(
Aww Kate, hope you have managed to catch up on a bit of sleep now :(

Laura, you're mum is sounding more of a nightmare as the days go, but I can relate to the washing saga. My OH got annoyed because I washed babies clothes before his work shirts ( he never told me he needed any cleaned!!) so protested by now not helping with baby clothes at all!!

Blue, didn't realise you are nearly 31 weeks!! So close, I'm so jealous!!

My Oh slept in the spare room last night after we had a silly argument about the fact that he made me the wrong dinner... Admittedly it is probably my fault for over reacting, but he was swearing blind I never told him what to cook even though it was text over (chickens use by date was last night but he decided to make pasta instead and bread. No veg!!! ) .. then it all go a bit silly hence him sleeping elsewhere. But I was a real mardy moo and left for work before him this morning and didnt bother saying bye or anything :( hoping its just my hormones having a bit of fun at my expense :( xxxx
Oh no that's awful when you argue over something silly. But it's annoying that he didn't use the chicken that needed eating and you need your veggies! Hopefully he will realise why you were annoyed. Could you send him a text?

Had our NCT antenatal class last night, it was really good!

I have taken a sick day today as very tired and I get this sharp pain in my glands when over tired. If I go in they are likely to ask me to minute a long meeting which I really can't face. My replacement will be fine!
I might do... I can't imgine he is going to as we are both as stubborn as each other!!

Ooo was it? I was going to book on but the next ones don't start til Jan near us.

Doesn't sound to nice, when are you off on maternity? Can't be long now xxxx
Ah Abi sorry you and oh had a row :-( I'm definitely more short fussed than normal lol I'd say hormones are playing a part but when it comes to food pregnant or not I get annoyed when I've had my heart set on something & it's wrong lol

How was the class Blueflower? How many do you have ? Hope your feeling better, like you say work will be fine and you need the rest x

I'm such a pig this morning ! I've had cereal & crumpets & im now wondering whether it's too early to have the cookies and cream kit Kat chunky that I know is in the fridge lol!!
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Aww BlondeP, I get overly worked up about things too these days (although that is pretty annoying). Sometimes it's more their reaction than it is what they actually did wrong, I find that when OH just apologises, I don't really mind what he's done, but if he gets all stubborn and argumentative about it then I get :mad::mad::mad:

Last night, he put his slippers on top of a freshly washed baby sheet. He wears those slippers in the house, where he also (to my great annoyance) often wears his outdoor shoes. I was not happy and I cried and may have been slightly over the top because he said "I didn't mean to" and my response was "you never do! Oooh I just dropped a baby, OOPS, didn't mean to!"

So yeah. Hormones my dear :hugs: xxx
Ah Laura sorry you and oh had a row :-( I'm definitely more short fussed than normal lol I'd say hormones are playing a part but when it comes to food pregnant or not I get annoyed when I've had my heart set on something & it's wrong lol

How was the class Blueflower? How many do you have ? Hope your feeling better, like you say work will be fine and you need the rest x

I'm such a pig this morning ! I've had cereal & crumpets & im now wondering whether it's too early to have the cookies and cream kit Kat chunky that I know is in the fridge lol!!

I've just had two iced buns in bed :blush:

That's my celebration of not having gestational diabetes (got the letter the other day).

Mmm kit kat chunky..

By the way ladies - this deserves a bold announcement - Starbucks Christmas drinks should be out today! I am a toffeenut latte or gingerbread latte fan myself
Yes, hormones and food related incidents are not a good combo with me!

I did feel I was justified though as I stated i needed a non stodgy lifght tea because of my bad heart burn i get at night and his response was 'do it yourself then and stop being so lazy!! - I had come home at 9:30pm from work and he has been home since 5pm!!

Men ¬¬

Has anyone had their home visit yet from midwife/ HV? xxxxx

I've just had two iced buns in bed :blush:

That's my celebration of not having gestational diabetes (got the letter the other day).

Mmm kit kat chunky..

By the way ladies - this deserves a bold announcement - Starbucks Christmas drinks should be out today! I am a toffeenut latte or gingerbread latte fan myself[/QUOTE]

Woohoo, looking forward to hopefully get my letter soon.

I am a massive gingerbread latte girl so know where I am going after work :D xxxx
Sorry girls I got names mixed up ! Food and baby brain lol!

'Mmm iced buns in bed now that's a tasty breakfast :-)

Yum love Christmas themed food! Even the naughty turkey feast sandwhich from M&S yum lol

I haven't had any visits ? I don't know who will let me know as don't have a midwife ? X
No visits or word of them for me either. Sounds like a bit of a ball ache, so not really looking forward to them!
Someone did mention it in our NCT class about the HV making a visit before giving birth?

Went swimming yesterday for the first time omg getting out of the pool that's the weirdest sensation ever !!

Can't believe I get puffed going up stairs now phew lol ! X
Haha its ok, I know who you meant (~ after a quick scroll to find lauras argument! ) I get confused as I have to remember which name goes with which username. I think Rhiandells is my most confusing one lol.

Mmm Christmas is literally my favorite time of year, food wise, enjoyment wise, weather wise, the lot. I can't get enough of it.

Ah ok, I'm not sure who tells me, I'm presuming I'll find out at my midwife appt next week. xxx

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