***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

DH has lost my list of things to get for the babies! :mad: I compiled it from one of the already mum on here's recommendations and from our Pregnancy Book and put it on the kitchen notice board with ticks on what we already had. He took it when we went shopping, folded it into quarters and put it in his pocket all crumpled! Now he's lost it! Not happy! I told him it will take me ages to find the list on here again and he needs to make a start on a new one by going through the book again. Grrrr!

I'm not getting over hungry but am quite busy at work so looking forward to when I finish and can make proper cooked breakfasts, yum!

Had really bad cramp the other night, actually had a hard knot behind my knee, it was agony! Then went to the loo in the night waking DH up and then fell on him when I got back into bed! Bit better tonight but I had to get up and walk around to stop the cramp when I'd much rather be snuggled in bed!
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Yikes, that sounds like a Charley horse! Those are the worst, I hate them.
Yikes, that sounds like a Charley horse! Those are the worst, I hate them.

Just googled Charley Horse! Ouch!

Charley horse is a popular colloquial term in Canada and the United States for painful involuntary spasms or cramps in the leg muscles, typically lasting anywhere from a few seconds to about a day. It is less likely to refer to a bruise on an arm or leg and a bruising of the quadriceps muscle of the anterior or lateral thigh, or contusion of the femur, that commonly results in a haematoma and sometimes several weeks of pain and disability.
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Argh no Blueflower that sounds incredibly annoying.

Just had a letter through to say I am anaemic :( Going to have to get levels back up for home birth to be ok
Hi girls. Another quiet week for me. Just had to process. The conference didn't go to well. We now have child protection plan in place and social services are coming here every week. I also have to go on separate meetings to learn how to protect my children and be assessed on lying ability to do it. I'm very glad I have my flight home booked but now everyone is trying to get me to go even earlier.
I got signed off from work yes. Took less than a minute. I just said that I have bad morning sickness and the doctor asked when I go on maternity leave and then gave me a note until then.
Seeing as I'm also having a lot of pelvic pain now it's a relief. But I still wish I could have finished in better order. I know I'm leaving my team hang with two trainees and no proper handover. I guess that's a big reason I don't want to go home earlier than planned, because then I would have time to come in an hour here and there to tidy things up.

Right now my main focus is on the fact that we're getting married on Monday though. And my bf has caught a terrible cold. Really hoping he gets through it in time and that I don't get it.
My sister and niece are coming tomorrow, so we have plans for the weekend but I guess bf will have to miss them. I would rather he did have a coughing fit in the middle of the ceremony. :-D

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Argh no Blueflower that sounds incredibly annoying.

Just had a letter through to say I am anaemic :( Going to have to get levels back up for home birth to be ok
Awww, I hope you get better soon Sprout. Lots of leafy greens and iron supplements. My sister swore by blutsaft I think it's called. Said the liquid was my better than tablets. You should be able to find it or similar in Holland and Barret.

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Oh sprout that's rubbish :( am I right in thinking that's low iron?

Nice to hear from you Sarah. Sorry it's not seeming to get any better whatsoever but yay for the wedding!! Something to look forward to amongst all this poo :( if you don't mind me asking, does the protection order still allow you to move out the country? Xxxxx
My 27 week bump ! Xxxx


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Nightmare Rhiandell. :hugs: Hope Monday goes well and you have a nice weekend.
Lovely bump BlondeP! Here is my 30 week one!


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Hi girls. Another quiet week for me. Just had to process. The conference didn't go to well. We now have child protection plan in place and social services are coming here every week. I also have to go on separate meetings to learn how to protect my children and be assessed on lying ability to do it. I'm very glad I have my flight home booked but now everyone is trying to get me to go even earlier.
I got signed off from work yes. Took less than a minute. I just said that I have bad morning sickness and the doctor asked when I go on maternity leave and then gave me a note until then.
Seeing as I'm also having a lot of pelvic pain now it's a relief. But I still wish I could have finished in better order. I know I'm leaving my team hang with two trainees and no proper handover. I guess that's a big reason I don't want to go home earlier than planned, because then I would have time to come in an hour here and there to tidy things up.

Right now my main focus is on the fact that we're getting married on Monday though. And my bf has caught a terrible cold. Really hoping he gets through it in time and that I don't get it.
My sister and niece are coming tomorrow, so we have plans for the weekend but I guess bf will have to miss them. I would rather he did have a coughing fit in the middle of the ceremony. :-D

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That sounds so scary. You definitely don't need all that stress while pregnant :(

Thank you for the recommendation re iron, I'll have a look if the tablets are giving me nasty side effects. The doctor said I wasn't too low though so hopefully levels should be back up for the birth.

Gorgeous bumps! I'm feeling massive. Baby can kick my hip and ribs at the same time now, little sausage.
Gorgeous bumps girls x
Strange question but is it ok to paint our nails? I know it is probably a silly question but I stayed away from it during treatment but wanted to paint my nails for a party tomorrow ? , x
Gorgeous bumps girls x
Strange question but is it ok to paint our nails? I know it is probably a silly question but I stayed away from it during treatment but wanted to paint my nails for a party tomorrow ? , x
Yup, painting nails is fine according to my brother who's an obstetrician. Since the nails are dead, the chemicals can't be absorbed into the body. Even going to a salon is apparently fine, because the vapours dissipate so quickly, although you probably shouldn't spend hours every day there. :-)
I'm actually having my nails done any minute now.

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Thanks for the support as always girls. And yes, I can leave the country though I guess they will expect me to leave a forwarding address. But as soon as I'm back in Sweden, they have no jurisdiction. The babies will be born in Sweden as Swedish citizens. So I'm pretty calm about that, just need to get through all those extra meetings.
On the positive side, I've been assigned a named midwife who will be doing home visits once a week. Looking forward to that.

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I heard that nails painted is a no-no just for labour? Definitely if you are having a C-section. Something to do with they need to be able to see the colour of your nails to detect certain things. I could be wrong, it's just somewhere in the back of my head xx
Rhiandell this is awful. Glad you were able to get signed off from work, as you need a few things off your plate. This will certainly be a pregnancy to remember hey! I didn't realise you were getting married on Monday, it's all go for you. Have you got everything sorted for it? xx
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Yes Laura you're right, they need to monitor your oxygen levels and a good way to do this is watching the nail beds. So long as they are just painted varnish though that's fine as that is easy to remove, it's just acrylics etc they ask you to avoid in the later stages of pregnancy as they can't get ten off easily in labour or emergency c sections.

That's great news then Lisa! Stay strong and focus of getting those babies brewed well. It will all be ok for you I'm sure xxxxxx

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