Nope he was only 2 years and 2 months old. We got him in October 2014 after 10 months of ttc when he was just 8 weeks old. He was soooo loving and had been such a comfort. We have his brother George too, they were litter mates but look total opposites. He got a urinary blockage and had an op to make his bits like a girls to widen it but it happened again and the vet said his uretha was narrow higher up and he could do an op but it was major and everytime it healed it would block again so basically he'd be having ops every month and having to go through the stress and recovery and then not being able to empty his bladder which was sore for him so the vet said the kindest thing would be to put him to sleep

miss him loads, he was only a baby! So unfair he had it happen so young and there was literally nothing we could of done

I'm so sorry about your cat Blueflower

. Our girl cat went missing for a few days when I was around 16 weeks too and it was awful!! In a way worse than whats happened to Alfie as even though we had hope she'd come back, the not knowing was horrendous. With Alfie at least we know he is at peace etc. She had never been out more than an hour without coming back in, spent two nights up all night searching the village in tears, flyers through doors etc and then one morning she came strolling through the window like nothing had happened! They used to be housecats and they are again now since we moved to the city and I can't have them wander off like that again.
It must be awful for you that she isn't home

I don't know what I would of done if ours hadn't come back

. Was she microchipped? Hopefully as she was a rescue she may have just gone back to her old area and someone has thought her a stray and taken her in. Still so sad she's missing but a nice though if she's still being spoilt somewhere nice. I hope she comes back though. On my local site for missing pets some peoples cats had wandered back after a year or so!! Crazy. I really hope she does come back for you.
I hate braxton hicks lol does anyone else just before them get that horrid feeling like chest is being crushed and can't breathe and then you get the stomach going hard feeling. It freaked me out the first time lol. They don't really hurt atm or anything though just feel so weird xx
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