***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Thanks lol!

I'm the same I love autumn and winter and Christmas ! My birthday is in November so I've always loved the frosty mornings. X
Just v tired as it's been a busy week, handing over stuff for my outside work activities too. Been getting out of breath just getting ready for work. I finish work in 2 and a bit weeks, hooray! Felt quite daunted yesterday though as I'm going from a job I can do standing on my head to a new career as a parent!

Yes swimming is lovely as it takes the weight but when you get out it feels 10 times heavier!!

NCT was really informative and interactive, it was also good to get the blokes' points of view, seems my DH is very apprehensive! Its 6 sessions of 2 1/2 hours! Must be why I'm knackered! I will be on maternity leave for the last ones luckily.

I'd hate that about the slippers, got a thing about separating clean from dirty with my clothes let alone baby clothes!

Midwife told me on Monday about the home visit, will ask her advice about bedding for them, which formula to use if necessary etc.
Ahhhh M&S Christmas sandwich is the one!!!

Girls I am in a right pickle today - Poppy is off school with chicken pox, we have men in latexing the kitchen floor so I can't go in there all day.. She isn't allowed to leave the house.. How on blooming' earth do I feed us both?! Getting a pizza delivered is literally the only solution I am coming up with right now! :lol:
Ahhhh M&S Christmas sandwich is the one!!!

Girls I am in a right pickle today - Poppy is off school with chicken pox, we have men in latexing the kitchen floor so I can't go in there all day.. She isn't allowed to leave the house.. How on blooming' earth do I feed us both?! Getting a pizza delivered is literally the only solution I am coming up with right now! :lol:

Pizza it is then :D
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Lol we've had many silly little arguments about food! OH is going to get fat too because I still can't stand anything healthy like veg or plain chicken etc. I was eating healthy before this pregnancy and now everything I ate then reminds me of when I first got so sick. Ashamed to say I've never eaten so badly in all my life since second tri! (First tri I couldn't eat lol). I have had a few smoothies this week though as I've felt okay about having fruit again!
I've been okay mood swing wise recently, but at around 14 weeks I had the worst breakdown at him over food lol. It was boiling hot and I wanted a mcflurry so he got me one and got himself a burger and chips. I didn't start my mcflurry straight away because I ate half his burger and chips. When I started my mcflurry it had gone a bit warm and I totally lost it. I was in hysterics and screaming and he had to pull over. Kept telling him how selfish he was for buying himself food which made me want to eat that before my mcflurry. I even then went and put the ice cream on my face to prove it wasn't cold lol then made him drive back to get another one. Suprised he didn't leave me for that one lol after I'd calmed down I was a bit worried about what hormones were doing to me lol! But as soon as I stopped that progesterone I felt soo much more like myself again!

Glad your gtt test was ok Laura.
Inwent to mine last week amd got there and she said they don't do it for pcos anymore if your bmi is okay so I got sent home again lol!!
I love the ginberbread lattes sooooooo much ! Might have to go to starbucks now lol.

I think my home visits at 36 weeks. I'm irrationally anxious about it lol scared she's going to see something and say baby isn't allowed here haha even though everythings fine! It is a small house though with 2 housecats so hoping she will be ok about them. There is 2 front rooms though so I can have Imogen in one and cats in the other for feeding and naps etc.

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We pick up our cats ashes tonight. He was such a gorgeous boy and only 2 years 2 months :(

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Kate, this definitely is the best excuse ever for pizza delivery! But sorry she has the pox, nasty things!

LOL Millielaura I feel better now about my melt downs , poor boys ey!

Sorry to see about your cats, my mum has 6 and i would hate if any were to die :( they are like my babies xxxx
I text OH.

Bad idea.

We are now in a full blown text slanging match ¬¬ haha xxxx
Millielaura, that sounds like the kind of meltdown (excuse the pun :D) that I've been having. It's scary really, but at the time, things can seem like a total disaster even for the usually most rational person! With my first pregnancy, before we found out that I was actually pregnant, I remember asking OH to get fish and chips on his way home from work and when we went to tuck in, realised there was no ketchup left in the bottle so I hurled it across the living room and had a full on toddler-tantrum so he rushed off to the corner shop to get some. Total pregnant diva moment!

Sorry to hear about your cat :( he was a real cutie. I've got mine on my chest right now, and we've had him since 2001 so I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him.

Lol BlondeP! Oh dear! Tell him you're pregnant and therefore always right! Sometimes I find that a silly comment like that can break the tension because OH laughs? xxx
Awww BlondeP I'd love to have six cats! If we had more space and money I totally would lol! Awww Laura you've had him ages bless him. It makes me sad to think that we could still have the other two (fingers crossed) when Imogen is in her teenage years yet she never got to meet Alfie who is litter mates with George. Even though it's George and Aurora that are identical black cats lol. I loved Alfies mane and he always got soo much fuss from visitors and the vets etc!

I'm 28 weeks today, this is bump pic. I've been posting one every few days on instagram, I think I might be annoying people so now I redownloaded this think I might post here instead apart from the odd one lol.

Haha Laura the ketchup thing..it's the worst not having ketchup in for food like that even when not preg. It is scary lol didn't even recognise myself sometimes. Blaming the progesterone though as I had only had lower doses of it in the past and from the tww the higher dose made me feel terrible. Don't miss those horrid pessaries lol xx


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I need to get on the forum more often, I feel I'm always missing things because there's so much to read through every time. :-)

Laura, just try to take deep breaths and remember you won't have to live with your mum forever. I don't think it matters how lovely parents you have, moving back home is always going to be difficult.

I'm amazed at those of you still working. I kind of feel that I belong right here in the hospital bed where no one expects me to be able to do anything myself, because just waking five metres to get food makes me exhausted.
I'm going crazy from boredom though, I really want to go home right now. Doctor said that depending on the test results, maybe I can go home today. My blood pressure is still a bit high, but it would be enough for me to come in regularly to have it checked. I asked him about flying though, and it didn't sound positive, even though he wouldn't say anything definite. Mostly he seemed to think the airline would say no. According to Easyjet you can fly up until 32 weeks if you have a note from the doctor, but it doesn't really say what should be in that note. Might have to call them.
I really don't want to do a three day road trip through Europe.
Nice bump and cat in the background!! When we got Tom (our ancient cat) we also got a girl cat called Mimi and sadly we only had her for 8 months before she was run over :( I try to remember that at least she had 8 good months outside of the cat shelter, even if her life was cut far too short. xx
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Rhiandell hope you get discharged today, fingers crossed for you. Totally with you on amazed at others still working! I can't even manage to get to the corner shop now. Actually I went to physio yesterday, which was an extreme mission and the first time I left the house since Saturday because it's just too painful to walk anywhere other than the loo some days. I've got scan today and OH insists we get a taxi so I don't have to walk to the bus stop again. Feels pathetic - never thought pregnancy would be so hard! xx
I hope you get to go home today Rhiandell.

Lol I don't even have twins and I find walking painful. Most days I don't do much but I can still just about do the 25 minute walk into town but it's sore in my hips and legs and feet! I get so many braxton hicks walking too. Going to order a bump support band off Amazon. I told midwife about it last appointment but as it's more hips and legs than pelvis she didn't really do anything. I feel so squashed and heavy already I can't imagine there being two of her. Not sure if she's just got bigger or if its because I'm only 5 foot 2 but she can kick/punch ribs and bladder at the same time now lol and seems to do it a lot when I walk! Xxx

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Sorry to hear about your cat MillieLaura, was he old?
We only had our rescue cat 8 months when she went missing in July, so sad. She was a huge comfort after our terrible embryo results last year and up until our 2nd scan. She disappeared when I was 16 weeks. :( She was adorable. Miss her so much.
So sorry about your cat Millie :( Beautiful bump though you look great! Glad it's not just me - walking sets off my braxton hicks too!! I've got a proper waddle already but trying to stay mobile despite the pain..

Hope you get released today Lisa you must be so bored :( Hope they're able to rule out pre-eclampsia...

Haha oh dear Abi! Hope you sort it out - deffo pull the pregnant card and I'm sure he'll melt ;) You only get to use it for another few months! xx
Nope he was only 2 years and 2 months old. We got him in October 2014 after 10 months of ttc when he was just 8 weeks old. He was soooo loving and had been such a comfort. We have his brother George too, they were litter mates but look total opposites. He got a urinary blockage and had an op to make his bits like a girls to widen it but it happened again and the vet said his uretha was narrow higher up and he could do an op but it was major and everytime it healed it would block again so basically he'd be having ops every month and having to go through the stress and recovery and then not being able to empty his bladder which was sore for him so the vet said the kindest thing would be to put him to sleep :( miss him loads, he was only a baby! So unfair he had it happen so young and there was literally nothing we could of done :(.

I'm so sorry about your cat Blueflower :(. Our girl cat went missing for a few days when I was around 16 weeks too and it was awful!! In a way worse than whats happened to Alfie as even though we had hope she'd come back, the not knowing was horrendous. With Alfie at least we know he is at peace etc. She had never been out more than an hour without coming back in, spent two nights up all night searching the village in tears, flyers through doors etc and then one morning she came strolling through the window like nothing had happened! They used to be housecats and they are again now since we moved to the city and I can't have them wander off like that again.
It must be awful for you that she isn't home :( I don't know what I would of done if ours hadn't come back :(. Was she microchipped? Hopefully as she was a rescue she may have just gone back to her old area and someone has thought her a stray and taken her in. Still so sad she's missing but a nice though if she's still being spoilt somewhere nice. I hope she comes back though. On my local site for missing pets some peoples cats had wandered back after a year or so!! Crazy. I really hope she does come back for you.

I hate braxton hicks lol does anyone else just before them get that horrid feeling like chest is being crushed and can't breathe and then you get the stomach going hard feeling. It freaked me out the first time lol. They don't really hurt atm or anything though just feel so weird xx

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hi everyone!

how we doing? Sorry to hear about your cat Millielaura I have 2 and they are indoor (rescue) I am completely freaking out about moving to a house in 3 weeks because at the moment they are in a really big flat and can't get out I'm so worried about them in the big wide world :-( Ella's a ragdoll and I don't think she will be remotely interested but Rocky.. I feel I have to give him the option, its only fair.. but some sicko mutilated and decapitated a cat and hung its body on our war memorial last weekend I'm really worried..

how you feeling Lisa?

Holdingthumbs! good to see you on tri 3 friggin crazy! still can't believe im here! LOL

things with me...


I can recommend the old swimming for the water retention its helped me massively as my ankles have started to swell and they do a 5 minute relax session at the end with floats that is amazing.

House move is kind of moving forward, although now the ex gf (from 3 years ago might I add) wants us to pay her all the money Friday night but allow her to stay in the house til the Sunday and withhold the keys until she has finished moving because she doesn’t want to take the Friday off work!!!

FUMING its constantly give her an inch and she wants more and more. To make it worse the email was sugar coating personal attacks on him, asking him to be the nice person he once was (he still is he just aint your sucker!) and be understanding of her needs and to do this one thing for her as she has done everything he wants until now… er.. what like exchange on the day we needed?..oh no you didn’t want to do that even tho your new place has no chain or tenants… or drop the buy out demand amount when the valuation came in lower than expected…. Oh no you didn’t want to do that either…or leave him with the bits of furniture he bought with his money and take only want you purchased…oh no, no you didn’t want that either you wanted all the white goods that he bought and then wanted to charge him a grand for the sofa that you don’t want even though he paid a grand to originally when you bought it!! Seriously this chick is deluded.. we even “respected” when she banned me from the house when she came back from Oz even though they had been broken up 2 years at that point and he and I were a year in….sorry rant over.. just frustrates me and SHE left HIM!

The latest is a cook book the boy owns one cook book which he took with him.. she has text him every night for 2 weeks asking for recipes out of it and when he said he couldn’t he was at work blah blah blah (he did the first time, he is too nice) she then ranted that he had no right to take his cook book back and he should have asked permission!! Her words HIS COOKBOOK…

I wish I could be 100% sure this will be done with once the house goes through but given out of the whole of Essex she has bought a house at the end of his mums road… I have my doubts.. I dunno what I’d do if she ever turned up at the house I’m worried about it a bit but it’s the quickest and best option for our family at the moment as we fell so quickly after being told I had no hope we were kinda thinking of getting our ducks lined up over 2 years and its all been a bit of a panic.

Sorry just needed to rant LOL

Still today I decided to hand over my job to the cover… who has been hassling me to do so and interfering constantly under the guise of “help” actually feel quite relieved as I’m not clearing up after her now as I was before.. and I’m literally just doing my project work and not involving myself at all unless she asks.. I feel much calmer as I don’t feel so responsible for covering her mistakes or correcting them and she can’t lie and say it was me anymore. Hopefully I stay this chilled and stay on til my original leave date as the stress of her “help” was killing me to the point I exploded last week when she out and out lied over something I had instructed her to do and messed a whole meeting up (luckily I had blind copied my boss in my instructions and she also knew she was lying) and wanted to leave as early as possible…proper hormones last week LOL

I haven't got Braxton Hicks yet I don't think, but does anyone else feel like the baby sometimes is going to fall out and finds walking uncomfortable? LOL

Also... OH is going to be at the birth, I was intending on also adding my mum as back up in case I decide I need her.. so that's my two birthing partners.. so I casually mention this to the MIL the other night.. and said I kinda wanted its to be just me and OH as its a special thing to go through but I was scared and nervous and didn't want to not have my mum on standby... to which she replied.."oh you mum can sit outside with me and wait and if you want her call her in... now 1) I'm not sure she realizes she wont be able to get on to the mat unit as a non-birthing partner, 2) this would me my OH would worry about her and keep going out to see her which I perhaps selfishly don't cherish the thought of and 3) she can't drive and the hospital is an hour away.. is she expecting us to go out of our way whilst in labour to collect her?!!! am I being unreasonable? I feel for her this is the only grandchild she will be involved with properly as he daughter lives in the states and OH dad passed away 11 years ago so she is alone but I think its a bit odd to expect to be at the birth? or am I being over sensitive?
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Omg I can't believe someone did that , how awful :(. Cats like vertical space too so maybe he could stay indoors with extra scratching poles/hide outs etc?

His ex sounds a total complete nightmare! Strange woman!

Yeah sometimes I feel pressure when walking like she is going to fall out lol! That's a weird feeling too!
You aren't being unreasonable. I don't want anyone at the birth apart from OH. It's you whos giving birth so you get to call the shots xx

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That's horrible Robbda, things like that went through my mind when our cat went missing. Will you keep them in for a few weeks when you first move? I think cats have an instinctive sense of safety so hopefully he will be ok. Ours was very friendly and curious but did defend herself e.g she bit the vet for sticking a thermometer up her bottom!

Hope you will be rid of the ex soon, maybe she's jealous that she left him and you are happy now?

My MIL wanted to be invited for Christmas when the babies arrive!!!! Don't think so! Its amazing how some parents expect a lift to somewhere you don't even want them to be! Just tell her what your plans are and give her a day when she can visit when it's convenient for you, under her own steam!

What are people doing about winter coats? Mine doesn't fit but I'm not getting a new one just for a few months.

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