***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Millie get some Medela Nipple shields!!!!! Saved my lofe! I think Laura recommended xxxxx
Thanks everyone. Baby seems to be moving around as normal today so I'm resssured that they're OK, but I'm feeling pretty sore :-( Also weirdly emotional - I keep feeling sad and low and lonely just sitting around waiting for something to happen, and then really guilty that I'm not making the most of the last of my pregnancy, and that I'll regret it. Did anyone else have this? Wonder if it's my hormones gearing up for something? I keep bursting into tears for no reason.

Last growth scan was fine Kate, but bump was measuring small again yesterday so I've been referred for a fourth. Sigh. Midwife not sure whether they'll follow up at this stage though, so just not going to worry about it.

Sounds promising on the pains front, Kate! I've literally had no symptoms apart from the weird emotions. Trying to get my head around the fact that it'll probably be a while.

Oh goodness they're not letting it drop are they! Glad scan 3 went well and hoping the same for number 4 :)

They amounted to nothing.. I think it was just her dropping back down as she'd popped herself out yesterday morning. I am just so desperate for her to arrive before my Mum goes away, she's ringing me every day for updates bless her :( We have until 2nd Feb before she leaves and i'm not feeling hopeful...

That sounds like a nice quick labour papermoon! Our little group is defying all the stats for first time mums being overdue and having long labours aren't we!!
Did anyone have stitches? They weren't quite as bad at first but now everytime I wee it stings so bad! Been using jugs of warm water but still feels like glass is down there lol! Cx

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Did anyone have stitches? They weren't quite as bad at first but now everytime I wee it stings so bad! Been using jugs of warm water but still feels like glass is down there lol! Cx

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Yes I did with Poppy :( Try soaking some maternity pads in clean water (with a few drops of tea tree if you have it?) and freeze them.. after a few hours stick one on and it'll feel amazing! Also you're not meant to bathe but I had very shallow ones again with a few drops of tea tree that were really soothing. Also plenty of time without pants, just lay on a towel on the bed and let the air get to it.. Totally sympathise i'm dreading the prospect of having them again..
Ah thank you will try those things! :) I do have tea tree yay!
They're awful lol. Hope you don't need them again xxx

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How is everyone getting on today? We had a bit of a rough start to the day with both girls pooing in the bath this morning :lol: I had to empty the bath and start over, and hose them down with the shower. Luckily they love the bath and didn't complain about it!

I've looked at quite a few houses this week, and we made an offer on one yesterday, which I've just had the call to say was accepted. THere's quite a lot of competition over here for rentals, and there were 3 other couples looking around at the same time, so I wasn't holding my breath. I'm so pleased! xxx
That's great Laura!
Sarah I just saw a pic of Henry and Arthur on The One Show!!!!
Yup that was them :-) didn't think they would show them as they had 2000 pics but they did yay x
LOL Kate! Yes we are! :lol:
Aaawww I hope your little comes before your mom leaves too. It will be nice for her to see the baby born. :)
Yup that was them :-) didn't think they would show them as they had 2000 pics but they did yay x

Really? Wow congrats! We have some famous babies in our group too!:lol: What is The One Show? Is that like The View?

Hi again!
Really starting to struggle now OH went back to work Tuesday and the first week we spent in hospital so had no time at home! I'm struggling to sleep when she's sleeping but last few nights she's been constantly waking hungry we was feeding 60ml every 3 hours (she was 4 week early) but now she stirs at the 3 hour mark has a bottle sometimes she finishes the bottle sometimes not then an hour or so after she wakes again and appears starving having either another full bottle or topping her up? Maybe we should start making a 90ml bottle and try get her to finish it
Any advice? Also if you formula feed how do you make your bottles up?
Hi again!
Really starting to struggle now OH went back to work Tuesday and the first week we spent in hospital so had no time at home! I'm struggling to sleep when she's sleeping but last few nights she's been constantly waking hungry we was feeding 60ml every 3 hours (she was 4 week early) but now she stirs at the 3 hour mark has a bottle sometimes she finishes the bottle sometimes not then an hour or so after she wakes again and appears starving having either another full bottle or topping her up? Maybe we should start making a 90ml bottle and try get her to finish it
Any advice? Also if you formula feed how do you make your bottles up?
Yes its quite common to wake 3 hourly hun dont worry thats very good. Trying upping her milk abit see if that helps, but dont force feed her if she dont want no more.
Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Machine is what you need if formula feeding as its a life saver. Makes your bottles in an instant and to the exact temperature.

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That's brilliant news Laura!!

Oh wow Sarah that's amazing - might have to try and find it on catch up :) Yes Papermoon it's just an evening time chat show popular here in the UK :)

I agree Bethany definitely don't try to force her to take more.. I know it's tempting and you're thinking the more she drinks the longer she sleeps but it isn't necessarily the case. It's really hard when formula feeding as you get so hung up on the quantity they're taking.. when they're on the breast you're none the wiser you just go by their cue.. I tried really hard to feed on demand with Poppy and if she didn't want a bottle she didn't have it, if she wanted more, I gave it to her. I know it's not always convenient and it's a bit frustrating but babies can 'cluster feed' when they'll want little and often, especially if they're going through a little growth spurt. I won't comment on bottle prep as I last made one 4 years ago and it's probably all changed :) I have also heard great things about the perfect prep machines (though Poppy was a weirdo and only took milk cold from the fridge!!)
'Poppy was a weurdo' haha Kate! Glad I'm not the only one who says fairly honest things about my child :'D

Congrats on the house Laura, we had a fight with a few other couples and didn't get it in the end :( went to a man and woman with now children .... It's a 3 bedroom house!!! :( so the search continues

We had to buy a new car seat the other day. Our silver cross simplicity wasn't supporting Robert properly and he was constantly curled up in it and I was scared he would not be able to breath. We went for the maxi Cosi pebble plus as its the only one he can sit comfortably on as he is so diddy :( Mothercare didn't do any inserts to add to our original car seat to help him so annoyingly now we are £200+ down as I've also bought the bloody isofix base as I struggle so much to fit it with a seat belt. Babies are so expensive -.- haha.

Hope you are all ok! Roberts due date today!!!! xxxxx
Bethany I think for the first few weeks until midwife or HV says so you need to do 3 hourly feeds anyway for early babies. That's what we were told with bobs. I've heard prep machines are fab so we got one in case we could boob feed and for later on. Worth looking into them xxxxxx
It's so she hard as sometimes when her feed is due she just won't have it she literally just will not wake for it but 1-2 hours later she's definitely ready it's so stressful
Bethany, I was told in hospital that early babies can get low blood sugar easily, so they appear to go a long time between feeds if you let them just sleep, but it can basically be because they are too weak/tired to wake up for it and then a cycle of weight loss begins as baby is fed less and less due to seemingly not needing the feed. We did the wake at 3 hours things. It was tough because sometimes they just fell asleep and didn't want to feed. We had to use bright lights, music, nappy change, getting their toes out etc to keep them awake long enough. It seems mean, but we only did it for a couple of weeks and now we just let them wake us for a feed. They are gaining weight very well.

On the other hand, if you give them too much in one go, they probably won't sleep longer if they are anything like mine they'll just spew half of it back up again.

Abi that's so annoying about the house, sorry to hear that you didn't get that one. Keep looking out until you find something better :) xxx
LOL Laura! Yes I definitely agree about the spitting up! And cograts on getting your own place! That's good news! :dance::dance:

LOL That's funny Kate about Poppy!:lol:

Hi again!
Really starting to struggle now OH went back to work Tuesday and the first week we spent in hospital so had no time at home! I'm struggling to sleep when she's sleeping but last few nights she's been constantly waking hungry we was feeding 60ml every 3 hours (she was 4 week early) but now she stirs at the 3 hour mark has a bottle sometimes she finishes the bottle sometimes not then an hour or so after she wakes again and appears starving having either another full bottle or topping her up? Maybe we should start making a 90ml bottle and try get her to finish it
Any advice? Also if you formula feed how do you make your bottles up?
Imogen does this :). Midwife said not too worry and just keep feeding her when she wants as their tummies are growing etc.
Night before last she took 2-3oz every 4 ish hours ..last night it was every 1.5 hours between 1-4oz lol.

If she's finishing the bottles amd still sucking fists etc afterwards move up an Oz and see if she takes it :) xx

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