***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Sarah, I got really naggy when my OH stayed out with work mates after a shift at his bar job until 12:30am for drinks so well done you for keeping your cool with yours lol! I'm still bleeding but likewise il think it's stopped then all of a sudden it will come back with a vengeance again. I've been wearing my tena lady pants to bed as they are way comfier and more reliable than a pad at night and OH says 'bed time now, time to put your nappy on mummy' ... So not funny! Lol

Thumbs do t be daft, I can't wait to hear yours, Kate's & Millie's news! I'm ever so jeakous you are so far gone though, I feel I was robbed of the later stages of my pregnancy and really miss my bump.

Lol Laura, I'd be the same! I panicked for the first few weeks that if the midwives mixed up bobs with someone else that I wouldn't notice !!


LOL Abi! That's a scary thought! I'm bad with faces too! I'm like that with all people I first meet, and Lord help me if they change their hair style! :lol:
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Gorgeous pics Sprout! And that photo does sum it up with twins Laura!
Made me laugh about mummy nappy Abi!
We had a bad evening. I had fed them for 3 hours on and off as they kept falling asleep, unlatching etc, finally got up to the loo and they both started screaming. DH was in the garage. Put one in a sling and made some tea when a massive clot came out. Was really upsetting. DH made me go for a lie down but then he was left with them screaming. He took them out but was so stressed when I woke up. We are both exhausted.

Aw Blueflower that's really exhausting :( do you express milk ever? I'm guessing you probably don't have time as you're directly breastfeeding as it is. I asked because both OH and I were losing the plot on Friday with exhaustion, so I let him lie in yesterday until 2pm while I took the girls downstairs and then he let me sleep 11pm-5am while he had them downstairs and we both feel like new people now. Much easier to cope when you get the odd long stretch of sleep - it's the longest either of us have slept in months. Perhaps you can do something similar once in a while? I think we're going to make it a new weekend thing xxx
Thanks guys. It's clear that motherhood brings a whole host of realities that are far more trying and exhausting than pregnancy, but I'm just getting really fed up of not sleeping anyway and of the hideous stabbing pain every time I take a step. I'm sure you all had the same, but people constantly asking if there's any news doesn't help.

Sorry you're having a tough time, Blue :-( Sounds like you're putting in a super human effort - all of you mums xx
I only express if one of them doesn't have much to empty the boob and give him later. Otherwise yes it's just one more thing!
DH took them out this morning so I could rest, going to make it a regular thing, phew! Only fair as he goes for runs and makes stuff in the garage! I didn't think of it before as I didn't want to be away from them but now I need a break sometimes! ;)
Must be awful being in so much pain. I was uncomfortable but it wasn't too bad as they were removed early! Hope bubs comes soon!
I know what you mean Holdingthumbs, the last weeks are very hard. Hopefully your little one comes soon. :) It's like the reverse of first trimester where you are monitoring every twinge in hopes the baby will stay in, and now in these last weeks you are monitoring every twinge in hopes the baby will come out! Except it's more painful on top of it. You're almost there! :)
I only express if one of them doesn't have much to empty the boob and give him later. Otherwise yes it's just one more thing!
DH took them out this morning so I could rest, going to make it a regular thing, phew! Only fair as he goes for runs and makes stuff in the garage! I didn't think of it before as I didn't want to be away from them but now I need a break sometimes! ;)
Must be awful being in so much pain. I was uncomfortable but it wasn't too bad as they were removed early! Hope bubs comes soon!

Wow Blue, I do have to hand it to you and all of the moms of twins! You're doing great! It's a huge life changing thing to go from no kids to twin infants! I'm worn out with just T.J. so I can't imagine taking care of and breasfeeding twins!

T.J. is 1 week old today. :D He's doing good so far. He seems to be latching on good and seems to be getting enough. I'm still adjusting to having him here. We have no schedule or routine whatsoever at the moment. Still trying to get one established. I can't stop staring at him and I want to hold him all day long! I can't help it! :) I'm also exhausted and I sleep when he sleeps, that's the only way I'll get some sleep.:nap: Housework and cooking and cleaning has been abandoned indefinitely LOL T.J. looks just like my dad and my brother and me, just like I thought he would! :lol: I can tell he has our nose already! :) OH is doing good and has been helping with diaper changes and the house hold chores and holding T.J. That keeps T.J. quiet and content until he's hungry. :)
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Millie where are you?! Hoping her induction is underway and going well... Absolutely desparate for my babe to be here now. I've just fitted the car seat in our new family car and seeing the 2 seats across the back made me all tingly :) Happy week-Birthday TJ! Sounds like you're getting on really well Papermoon..

I know Thumbs, i've had 3 texts and a call today, though one was my sister winding me up as I was ranting at the weekend! Amazing to be able to say i'm due this week though! She seems very cosy in there, I keep prodding her in the hope she'll get fed up of the continual harrassment and make tracks :lol:
Eek yes, of course! You're due on Sunday aren't you? SO close! I'm due next Wednesday, but only 8 days to go!

Just spent three hours scrubbing every trace of limescale from the bathroom with a nail cleaning brush... Started just trying to clean the shower head which has been bugging me for a while, and then couldn't stop. Odd decision in hindsight!! Hope it means bubs is on their way...

Yes where are you Millie? We're worried about you! Xx
Millie's baby is here! Check out her journal in the pregnancy journal section!
Thanks Kate! You're almost there! :)

Holdingthumbs, I did the same thing just before T.J. came. I felt like needed to do a nice good house cleaning, so that could be a sign for you! :)

Yes Millie updated in her Imogen Grace journal and there's a picture there too. :) Maybe she'll post it in here too pretty soon. :)
Oh bless her :) Thanks girls, so nice to know Imogen's here safely and she can finally stop worrying about her! x

We had our first night home with her last night :D
Induction went really well once drip was in. Really intense and quick though lol was not expecting the pain to be how it was..they kept increasing the drip by multiple levels so often lol! All went straightforward though and she is here safe :)
Feeling pretty sore from my stitches..I have a 2nd degree tear which she says isn't too bad, could of been much worse with only 11 mins pushing so not so bad really! Couldn't believe how fast it all went in the end.

She weighed 7lb 8 so more than her growth scans estimated :) she has such big chubby cheeks though lol everyone keeps saying she looks like a 9lber haha. Xxx
you can see how big her cheeks are on bounty preview pic haha! Xx

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Bless her, she does have some serious cheeks on her!! Are you feeling calmer now she is here? I thought I'd fret about every sniffle, but I'm surprised at how laid back I feel now that the girls are here. On the contrary, OH is the big worrier now. He jumps out of bed and check on them with every squeak they make - "I'm sure she's wheezing! Do you think she's asthmatic?" etc. it's quite sweet I suppose, but maybe a bit over the top :D
Oo and I'm looking at some places for us to move to today! Something a bit more permanent, although we'll have to rent for now. I've got three viewings lined up this afternoon. Fingers crossed!
So lovely Millie.

Lol Laura same here, I'm very chilled now he's out! And we applied for a new rental yesterday !!! Crossing everything that we get it as its just perfect xxxxx
Hope things go well with your viewings Laura and with your rental BlondeP :)
We rent atm as well.

Yeah I do feel so so much better now she is here! I'm not worrying as much as I thought I would yet. Going to set up her movement monitor thingy for tonight though just for added reassurance.. her crib isn't right next to my bed atm as I knew I wanted to use movement monitor and it has to be a metre from the parent unit that plugs in. Defo less worrying actually having her here though :). Midwife coming today but not sure what time lol. She has just settled well in crib too but don't want to sleep in case she comes early haha xx

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