***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Thanks Laura. Managed it luckily, but once again we are having a night if no sleep as he will nut settle and OH ring let me ck sleep which is fair Enough but that means leaving him crying in the basket or staying awake holding him - both are total killers .
After a long night of backache I had the pessary out I am now 2cm dilated and been put on list for labour ward to have my waters broke unless they break in the mean time
After a long night of backache I had the pessary out I am now 2cm dilated and been put on list for labour ward to have my waters broke unless they break in the mean time
Good luck Bethany! Once ya waters go that will def get things going.

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Hi Ladies! T.J. is here!!! :D He's doing great, he's perfect! I'll tell you all about the birth soon and I'll have pictures. :D Oh I'm in heaven! We're home now, I'm just still worn out. Wew! :)
Could you put the carrycot outside the bathroom Abi? We were told not to bath the boys for a month but I really wanted to do it sooner! Will do it at the weekend when DH is around!

Congratulations Papermoon! Can't wait to hear details!

Hope it doesn't take long Bethany.

DH got upset last night cos the twins always seem to be crying, only milk will console them and he gets stressed doing bottles whilst they yell. They cry when I am in the shower and he is also sleep deprived! Poor thing!
Bethany, I hope things are moving along for you now!

Papermoon, huge congratulations! Can't wait to read about how it went.

Quick photo of Camille, I'm itching to do his proper newborn photos!

Could you put the carrycot outside the bathroom Abi? We were told not to bath the boys for a month but I really wanted to do it sooner! Will do it at the weekend when DH is around!

Congratulations Papermoon! Can't wait to hear details!

Hope it doesn't take long Bethany.

DH got upset last night cos the twins always seem to be crying, only milk will console them and he gets stressed doing bottles whilst they yell. They cry when I am in the shower and he is also sleep deprived! Poor thing!

Oh really? They bathed him at a week old in the hospital then said once a week or so should be ok. We are wanting to get him into the routines of a bath nightly though, but only using water in with me as he slept so well after the last time we tried!
Mi would of put the carry cor outside the bath room but was too scared to carry him and that up the stairs.

Sounds like my OH! He can't cope when bobs cries xxxx
Blue that's funny they give such different advice everywhere! Here they were asking me "have you bathed them yet" from the time their stubs dropped off. I've bathed them twice and it's been fine.

Papermoon congratulations! Really looking forward to hearing the story!

Bethany that is wonderful that you dilated 2cm from the pessary at 36 weeks! I'm jealous! It took 2 days of trying for nothing to dilate for me, although I had unpleasant contractions throughout. Hope your little one is here soon.

Camille is adorable, Sprout! How are you getting on with adjusting to two children?

We've been falling out a bit the last few days, just both really struggling with tiredness, but googling it has reassured me that it's quite common to fall out a bit in the early months where the feeding, changing, interrupted sleep is relentless. Hope ours are a bit more settle tonight, the last few nights the poor things have struggled with painful wind and haven't been too happy. My mum and I have worked hard today, jiggling them around in different positions to try and get the wind out both ends! Lots came out, so I hope they will be more comfortable now. xx
Congratulations Papermoon! Wonderful news! And fingers crossed things speed along nicely for you Bethany! Hope all goes well.

Ugh, I'm feeling a bit down as I'm definitely going to be the last. What if I still have four weeks to go? I literally can't walk :-(
Aw thumbs, I do know how you feel. I was totally miserable for the last three months to be honest with PGP and not being able to walk, it's really horrid. It will massively improve as soon as they are born, and I'll never take my mobility for granted again! Even with csection pains, I feel sooo much better than I did pregnant. Hang in there, it'll be over soon. xxx
Oh congratulations Sprout and Robbda! :) T.J. came right after yours on January 15th. :)
Here's a quick picture of T.J. I've got to do more proper pics later. :)


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Hi everyone so after pessary came out I was 2cm dilated about 1 hour later my waters broke 5 hours later she was here!!!! I was literally in shock how quick it was I literally was dying for epidural but when midwife came to check I was fully dilated I didn't even make it to the labour ward! She was born 8:18pm 17/01/17 weighing 4lb 6oz no pain relief expect paracetamol and no stitches required we been monitored over 24 hours due to her size just had her second feed and she's a guzzler going to take some time to perfect breastfeeding but practice makes perfect

Here's Eden Jean Knight


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Hi Ladies! T.J. is here!!! :D He's doing great, he's perfect! I'll tell you all about the birth soon and I'll have pictures. :D Oh I'm in heaven! We're home now, I'm just still worn out. Wew! :)

Missed this - congratulations!!!!!! Hope he's doing ok! Xxxxx
Aww Papermoon he's lovely!

Congratulations Bethany!! Little dolly! xxxxx
Congratulations Papermoon and Bethany, very creepy Bethany as your birth story sounds very similar to Poppy's and she was also born at 8:18! I had an almost 3rd degree tear though! :(

Right there with you on the fed up train Thumbs... I am now mentally preparing for going 2 weeks over as I did with Pops or i'm going to get myself so wound up.. I hope you manage to find some relief for your back. I know it's easier said than done but try and enjoy the time to rest, even if it's not actual sleep you'll do yourself a world of good being well rested for labour and the first weeks. We'll have our time - they can't stay in there forever! xx
Thanks Kate, I've got my fingers crossed for you that your little lady puts in an appearance sooner rather than later!

Just feeling a bit left out, I guess. I know it'll be much harder and more exhausting once they're here, but I'm just desperate to find out who the newest member of our family is and to have that first cuddle. I guess I should shift my mindset to the expectation that they'll come on Valentine's Day and then anything earlier is a bonus xx

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