***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Me too - I have two friends due within a week of me as well and i'm just waiting for them to both message saying babies have arrived! Would be really nice for her to appear on time as I desperately don't want another induction.. Not much to be done really, it's just annoying having the daily grilling and suggestions at the school gates haha.. Same as you I am just so ready to meet her now, the house is ready, i'm ready.. hurry up baby! xx
Aww Kate & Thumbs I hope it happens soon for you both! The excited must be killing you! xxxxxxx
Congratulations Papermoon and Bethany! Gorgeous babies! Camille is gorgeous Sprout! What did you mean about newborn photos?

I have now started a journal in the Parenting section and stopped my one in the Pregnancy section. I will still come on here to hear about all the January babies until they are all born! xx
Well done papermoon and Bethany! Gorgeous wee babies! I bet you're so happy and relieved. Don't be surprised if you cry and feel a bit crazy for a few weeks.. my hormones are just starting to subside and the girls are 3 weeks old today. I was crying like a loon and feeling elated one minute and down/guilty about one thing or another the next. And then tears of happiness too.

I took Hazel and Heidi to a drop in clinic today to get their mouths looked at because latching them onto the boob has been just impossible. They scream and throw their heads back and can't seem to latch on very well most of the time. I've just been expressing because it got too stressful for all of us. It turns out they both have tongue ties and tight jaws, so not only can the poor things not open wide enough to latch but they also can't get their tongues up into the correct position. I'm going to leave the tongue tie rather than snip it and just carry on expressing and giving them my milk in bottles. It means others can help and I'd rather do it than snip them. I have to get jaws treated by osteopath but it's nothing too serious unless I wanted to feed on the boob directly. I feel somewhat relieved in a weird way because I felt so guilty like I hadn't persevered enough with latching them on properly. xxx
Laura, the adjustment to two children hasn't been too hard so far- OH has been amazing and Camille has been really easy so far tbh...the only thing is the guilt at not being able to give Anna a cuddle straight away when she asks etc, that's upset me a bit but I try to remind myself that having a sibling is ultimately a wonderful thing (well, hopefully for them!!)

Blue, I'm a newborn photographer :) I had a little play with my proper camera and set up today and didn't manage a single decent photo XD Cracked me up because I usually find settling babies and keeping them settled really easy, so of course it proves impossible with my own! Still very early though, I usually do sessions when babies are about 10 days so hoping to get some nice photos soon!

Aww Laura, good to know why latching's been so difficult. Well done with the pumping, I'm always in awe of mummies who pump!
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You're almost there Kate and Holdingthumbs! I know what you mean, I was feeling the same way. It's almost over for you too. :)

Thanks Blue and Laura! :D

Oh my goodness Laura you are so right! My emotions are going wild right now. And wow about your little ones! At least now you know what was causing it and that it wasn't anything you were doing. So I can see how that's a relief and gets rid of some of the stress.

T.J. seems to be latching on okay, I just hope he's getting enough.
Woops, meant to say congratulations Papermoon and Bethany! They are both gorgeous :) I adore the name Eden too, Anna may well have been an Eden if OH had no say haha
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Thanks everyone
Still in hospital due her birth weight but she's passing the right tests
Tried breastfeeding found it so stressful and because she's early they said sometimes they can have issues latching so I guna formula but once home also express and top her up with breast milk for added bonus she smashed nearly 40ml last night and wonders why she hasn't woken up for a feed yet! She also had her first poo last night with was never ending every time I changed her she done another
Blue, I'm a newborn photographer :) I had a little play with my proper camera and set up today and didn't manage a single decent photo XD Cracked me up because I usually find settling babies and keeping them settled really easy, so of course it proves impossible with my own! Still very early though, I usually do sessions when babies are about 10 days so hoping to get some nice photos soon!

Oh lovely! I seem to.remember you saying before, what a nice job! We had a lady from Bounty come round when we were in hospital but we were too busy so didn't get round to it. A girl from our NCT group is having pics done with vintage flowers, sounds lovely!
Wow that sounds like the funnest job in the world Sprout! You get to take pictures of babies all day! :lol:
Bless her Bethany, sounds like you're both doing amazingly :) Oh yes, just wait for your first poo-splosion!

Must be so much pressure photographing your own babe Sprout! Have you been really indecisive with what you want?! I can imagine i'd agonise over the options...

Really feel like the odd one out not having a baby to talk about! We had sex last night for the first time in weeks but it hasn't done anything other than give me a pulled muscle.. might have to instate a sex schedule as apparently it's the only thing bar walking that actually could get things going!
Bloomin midwife just came for the last time and put a box of nice chocolates I just got given on the radiator! I've just seen it on there. Silly woman.

Bethany breastfeeding is so hard, especially at first. You wouldn't believe how hard something natural could be! I thought it would be super straightforward but was so wrong.xxx
Haha Kate we did that the other night and uhh I feel like things have fused oved due to not being used in so long :lol: it was painful for days!! Didn't even have the vaginal birth excuse.
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I'm still with you Kate! That did make me laugh though... Sex has been the furthest thing from my mind for literally months now, but seeing as I can't actually walk, I might have to resort to it!!
Kate we had sex the Tuesday night before bobs came on the Sunday morning! First time in at least 3 months so I'm convinced it helped!!! xxxzzz
Hope you get some nice photos sprout!

Laura I totally agree. Everyone I know has always made out breast feeding is a breeze but we have struggled so much I nearly gave up! And still have moments of wanting to :( bobs still won't feed in the 'normal way' and has to be under my arm which makes public feeding tough .

Pumping is even harder though and I don't miss that so well done Laura , especially doing it with twinnies!! xxxxx
I am going to do it after my 6 weeks MOT! Really missed it actually. Hope we won't be too knackered /disturbed!

I have been doing 9 breastfeeds and 3 Formula feeds per 24 hours as they are always hungry but don't stay on long. Seems like so much and means I'm reluctant to have visitors at the moment. Asked on a breastfeeding group but some of them are like Nazis and say feed the babies every half hour/5 minutes if they demand it! :(
Gosh girls you are brave! It took me about 6 months (not exaggerating) to have sex post birth as I recovered from my tear really badly, the scar tissue is still painful now :( Haha Abi hopefully my efforts were worth it then! Don't know about you guys but my partner is a bit freaked out by the bump.. He kept 'subtly' shutting his eyes - charming! Apparently it's the semen that helps Thumbs so (cannot believe I'm saying this..) let him do his thing inside, I normally don't let mine :lol:

Noooo not the chocolates! Foolish lady...

Blueflower I feel you on the breastfeeding groups.. All the ones I've found are full of fanatical "my breasts are my baby's and they shall be attached to them all day" types of breast feeders :( Wish there was a group for realistic, normal women who want to make it work but aren't completely obsessed with breastmilk!

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