***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Blue I've totally abounded them after joining one when bobs first came & someone slated me because I was topping up his feeds with formula :( made me feel awful and useless. X you know your twins best so feed when you want too! I'm tired enough doing ever 3 hours let alone times 2 babies!!! xxxxx
Will just be careful of the scar. Are your chocolates rescuable?!
Yeah one woman said use wipes instead of shower to save time. Tempted to put a gross comment about wipes not being enough for all the clots I'm passing. Would take just as long, I'd still be in the bathroom and I deserve a relaxing shower, it's the only time I get to myself.
I don't know whether the chocolates survived, I didn't want to open the box as it's still sealed. I've put it in the fridge. I suppose they'll taste the same, they just may not look too beautiful!

Blue, have you mentioned clots to midwife? They always ask me to confirm that I'm not passing clots. Blood fine, but they seem to want to be sure it isn't clots. Not wanting to alarm you, I don't really know what I'm talking about but just thought I'd mention that.

I am thinking about braving my first playgroup tomorrow. Hope they don't both kick off at the same time! I might see if I can rope my brother's girlfriend into coming with me. It'll be so much easier when they're able to sit unaided.

Girls are three weeks today and weigh 8 pounds 2 oz and 8 pounds 3oz. They'd have been 40 weeks tomorrow. I can't imagine still having them in there if they weighed around that amount inside! xxx
Go for it Laura!! You'll be fine, you can always come straight back home :) I'm sure you'll have loads of people fussing over you and the girls! xx
It will be fun breaking the chocolates apart to eat them!
I am on Tinzaparin for clotting and don't have any more midwife appointments. Got the Health visitor in 2 weeks.
I can't go to groups yet as not allowed to drive still. 8lb that's great! Wonder what ours are now!
I'm feeling really guilty about the fact that I just spent about 200 quid on driving lessons so that I can finally finish learning and pass my test soon. I feel bad about spending money on myself instead of the girls :/ please someone tell me I'm being ridiculous.. it's to drive them around, after all!
You're being ridiculous! It's an essential skill (well, arguably, it certainly is in my book!) Think of all the adventures you and the girls can go on :)
Bloomin midwife just came for the last time and put a box of nice chocolates I just got given on the radiator! I've just seen it on there. Silly woman.

Bethany breastfeeding is so hard, especially at first. You wouldn't believe how hard something natural could be! I thought it would be super straightforward but was so wrong.xxx

I know! Whenever I would see women breastfeeding it would look so easy and serene and natural! But when it comes to actually doing it, it's not that easy!

Haha Kate we did that the other night and uhh I feel like things have fused oved due to not being used in so long :lol: it was painful for days!! Didn't even have the vaginal birth excuse.

LOL Laura! Hahaha! :lol:

Baby should be bathed only once a week right? Unless he makes a huge mess in his diaper. LOL!
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LOL! I'll take the chocolates if you don't want them Laura! :D Chocolate is always good in any shape. Hahaha! :lol:

Blue I've totally abounded them after joining one when bobs first came & someone slated me because I was topping up his feeds with formula :( made me feel awful and useless. X you know your twins best so feed when you want too! I'm tired enough doing ever 3 hours let alone times 2 babies!!! xxxxx

What? Really? That does sound nuts. I will definitely top up with formula with T.J. if I have to.

Will just be careful of the scar. Are your chocolates rescuable?!
Yeah one woman said use wipes instead of shower to save time. Tempted to put a gross comment about wipes not being enough for all the clots I'm passing. Would take just as long, I'd still be in the bathroom and I deserve a relaxing shower, it's the only time I get to myself.

LOL They do sound crazy. Hahaha.

I'm feeling really guilty about the fact that I just spent about 200 quid on driving lessons so that I can finally finish learning and pass my test soon. I feel bad about spending money on myself instead of the girls :/ please someone tell me I'm being ridiculous.. it's to drive them around, after all!

Yes you're being ridiculous! :D Of course that money wasn't spent on you, it went towards something that would improve things for your girls! Driving is a necessity! :D
Abi I've unfollowed those breastfeeding groups on facebook as I felt the same way, they are so anti formula and judgemental. I'd be scared to say that I was topping up with formula for fear of the response. They aren't real support groups as far as I'm concerned.

Kate and papermoon, thanks for the reality check! Papermoon, in response to the bathing thing, I think everyone gives different advice, some say they like it daily before bed as it sets a relaxing routine, others say weekly so not to dry out the skin. I guess as with everything it's what you are comfortable with doing. I'm going for a 2-3 times per week until they are bigger (although had to dunk Heidi in the sink after a horrendous nappy the other day. Smeared into her belly button, up her back, then she put her foot in it haha).

My OH is really struggling with nights. I find it really hard to wake up but he sleeps lightly. I always think I've barely slept and done loads, but he says I'm asleep much of the time when he's up with them. I seem to sleep through it recently because I am so tired, which I feel awful for. He's exhausted and falling asleep at work so I really need to figure out a way to nap more in the day so I'm not so useless at night. xx
Same Laura. No support at all!

So OH was an hour late to work today after missing his alarms as from 1am-6am Robert was screaming the house down :( so tonight we are moving into the spare room :( does he do nights with you Laura? In the nicest way, mine OH refuses to as he's working :(
Same Laura. No support at all!

So OH was an hour late to work today after missing his alarms as from 1am-6am Robert was screaming the house down :( so tonight we are moving into the spare room :( does he do nights with you Laura? In the nicest way, mine OH refuses to as he's working :(

So you're meant to do 24/7? I just couldn't do it all day and be expected to cover all night single handedly, especially with two babies, I'd get zero sleep.

He does 11pm-4am (he never used to go to bed before 3am anyway and he can start work at 10/11) so I can sort of get some sleep, although I need to get up and express still so it amounts to about 3 hours usually in total. I feel like death today. He does too and he's fed up, so I'm not sure what we're going to do. I ended up sobbing last night because I just was so tired and the girls were both screaming. I think it's wind as they're not usually quite so unsettled for so long.
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Oh Abi :( It's literally the worst but it isn't forever. In the grand scheme of having a child these sleepless night account for such a short time, which I know probably doesn't help now but just know you'll get through it..

I am the light sleeper in our house luckily - OH could sleep through a storm... I have resigned myself to all the nights as i'm hopefully going to be breastfeeding. I am comfortable with the thought of this now but I know it's going to be bloody tough.. I remember the guilt of him having to go to work when we'd both been up in the night but actually looking after a baby at home is a completely different kind of exhausting. As physically tired as they may be they're getting a break mentally and have the support of their work peers. Being home all day with a baby is incredibly demanding so don't feel guilty if you need help in the night.

Do you think Bobs could have colic or reflux Abi? It's hard enough being awake but so much worse when they just won't settle.. I'm sure you're getting all sorts of advice but I found infacol really helped get Poppy's wind up. Also laying her face down over my leg so her tummy was over my thigh and then rubbing her back was very effective at getting her wind up and settling her xx
How on earth are you all doing nights on your own? I don't know how. I just couldn't, I'm struggling as it is. One wakes up, gets fed and burped and comforted, which takes about an hour in total, and then the next one, so that's two hours. Then 30 minutes of pumping, then there's maybe an hour before the first one wakes again.
Thanks Laura. Okay I will play it by ear with T.J. then concerning bathing. I know what you mean about messy diapers! :lol:
Also laying her face down over my leg so her tummy was over my thigh and then rubbing her back was very effective at getting her wind up and settling her xx

That's a good idea Kate! :)
Anyone heard from Millie? Did I miss her birth announcement? So much is happening, I can't even remember what day it is. LOL!
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How on earth are you all doing nights on your own? I don't know how. I just couldn't, I'm struggling as it is. One wakes up, gets fed and burped and comforted, which takes about an hour in total, and then the next one, so that's two hours. Then 30 minutes of pumping, then there's maybe an hour before the first one wakes again.

You do have 2 babies to worry about though Laura and as you say you're pumping through the night so I think it'd be virtually impossible for you to do nights alone if you wanted to stay sane!! With Poppy we both went to bed after her feed around 11, I did through the night (usually 1 and 3) and OH woke up for her 5 o' clock feed. I slept for a couple of hours between 5-7 then rushed him off to work. It's really a balancing act, you just have to do what's right for you. We also had the odd day maybe once a week where one of us would just say right, that's enough, i'm going to snap - the other would suffer through that night to give the other a completely full night's sleep..it really is amazing what one unbroken night's sleep can do for you mentally. Even better if there's a spare room you can go to so you're not getting disturbed. We often did this on weekends so the one on duty could chill the next day xx

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