***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Quick update from me - Zachary William Trist was born on Thursday 5th at 7:10am by emergency c-section following distress in labour and a placental abruption. 9lb 5 & 1/4oz of lovely squishiness. We got home last night. I'm feeling pretty useless and immobile but we'll get there! I had a mystery infection after the birth so am on antibiotics and Zachary was treated too for an infection although because his bloods were coming back clear he's been able to come right off them which is good.
Breastfeeding is going OK although I'm very sore so need to get checked out to see what I'm doing wrong.
He's the absolute double of his brother, it's quite bizarre!
Congratulations Cornish! That sounds like quite the labour though...hope it wasn't too traumatic?

I feel like all I do these days is wonder if I'm going into labour, it's driving me nuts! I seemed to have a good few contractions last night and half expected to wake up in definite labour but no...doesn't help that I was in labour with Anna this time last pregnancy.
Come on baby boy!
Congratulations Cornish! Hope you recover quickly. What a good weight! Awful to have labour and a C Section. :(

Never replied about relatives, my sister and her family have now flown back, DHs mum came twice and has now gone back up north so now it's just my parents to keep visiting, my Auntie is coming in a few weeks and we can start inviting friends to see the boys. I managed to breastfeed under a shawl when MIL and her sister were here yesterday so I wasn't banished to the bedroom, result! :good:
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Leave us in suspense why don't you Papermoon! Hope all is ok :)

Congratulations Cornish, agree that's gutting to have gone through labour and a c-sec :( Hope you're all ok xx

Ahh Sprout I wondered if it had already happened for you! Any day now!
Those who have had babies before..did you get sickness just before labour? I threw up once in the middle of the night and once this morning. Defo not ill. Had pains all day but instead of getting regular they just got irregular lol so annoying xxx

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Oh congratulations Cornish! :) :dance:

LOL Sorry Kate. :) I just woke up. I thought it was time last night but it was a false alarm. It felt like strong contractions but doctor said it's not time yet. I am dilated some, so that's good. Can't be much longer now. :) Ooooh I can't wait. T.J. is doing fine so he wants me to give it a little more time. Almost there. :)
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Congratulations Cornish! That sounds like quite the labour though...hope it wasn't too traumatic?

I feel like all I do these days is wonder if I'm going into labour, it's driving me nuts! I seemed to have a good few contractions last night and half expected to wake up in definite labour but no...doesn't help that I was in labour with Anna this time last pregnancy.
Come on baby boy!

I know what you mean Sprout and Millie! I thought last night was it for me. I had some strong contractions, but as soon as I got to the hospital they stopped. I was like gosh darn it. LOL
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Congratulations Cornish! That sounds like quite the labour though...hope it wasn't too traumatic?

I feel like all I do these days is wonder if I'm going into labour, it's driving me nuts! I seemed to have a good few contractions last night and half expected to wake up in definite labour but no...doesn't help that I was in labour with Anna this time last pregnancy.
Come on baby boy!

I know what you mean Sprout and Millie! I thought last night was it for me. I had some strong contractions, but as soon as I got to the hospital they stopped. I was like gosh darn it. LOL
It's so frustrating isnt it! Xx

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Congratulations Cornish! That sounds like quite the labour though...hope it wasn't too traumatic?

I feel like all I do these days is wonder if I'm going into labour, it's driving me nuts! I seemed to have a good few contractions last night and half expected to wake up in definite labour but no...doesn't help that I was in labour with Anna this time last pregnancy.
Come on baby boy!

I know what you mean Sprout and Millie! I thought last night was it for me. I had some strong contractions, but as soon as I got to the hospital they stopped. I was like gosh darn it. LOL
It's so frustrating isnt it! Xx

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Yes it is! LOL
Congratulations Cornish!

Papermoon you got us all excited! Come on babies.

We are getting H&H registered tomorrow, so we need to get names confirmed tonight.

Relatives visiting has been nice, although they sleep all day when people are holding them and talking, so at night they have not been settling at all and we're knackered. Hope tonight isn't a repeat, especially as we've got to be at the registering office early tomorrow morning.

Anyone else feeling really hormonal? I keep looking at the girls and crying and getting really anxious? I don't feel overwhelmed with caring for them in general, it's more like I love them so much and worry we aren't enough for them. Especially with having to split time between the two, I don't get time to just sit and cuddle as much as I would like to. xxx
I know LOL! I got all excited too! Hopefully it won't be too much longer. :lol:
Those who have had babies before..did you get sickness just before labour? I threw up once in the middle of the night and once this morning. Defo not ill. Had pains all day but instead of getting regular they just got irregular lol so annoying xxx

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Yes, I threw up the morning I had Anna, didn't really feel sick, just happened!
Hi girls!!!

Congrats cornish! Xx

Millie thats great news about the growth how you doing today? Ive heard being sick is a sign that your clearing out to help with labour

So ive been in hospital for checks the last few days bean is ok, and has picked up so they think maybe baby just go stuck and went quiet? Also they have been checking me daily and they wanted to induce me sunfay..thursday i was closed, friday 1cm with contractions every 4 minutes (but only for like and hour then nothing then they come back for 10 mins!) sunday i was 2cm and ive had my show and def plug loss this morning and i have this really awful dull ache low.in my belly which im hoping this is what period pain feels like as thats a good sign! So it was decided to postpone my induction as bean has started wriggling away again ok and the consultant is happy so we shall see!

Its like waiting for a bomb to go off
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Ahh Robbda what a tease! Great news that all seems ok with baby though, sounds like you're literally right on the cusp of going! How exciting for you :) Rest up while you can! xxx
Ahh Robbda what a tease! Great news that all seems ok with baby though, sounds like you're literally right on the cusp of going! How exciting for you :) Rest up while you can! xxx

Thanks kate! Just all thhe not knowing every twinge is like "whats that" LOL im going for lunch with my parents this arvo and im organising all beans clothes... im.so.excited for everyone we are all so.close now!
Oooohhh so exciting Robbda hope it happens soon for you!

No more sickness for me but have had lower back cramps quite a bit. Lol this is all such a huge tease haha!! Xx
Congratulations Cornish!

Papermoon you got us all excited! Come on babies.

We are getting H&H registered tomorrow, so we need to get names confirmed tonight.

Relatives visiting has been nice, although they sleep all day when people are holding them and talking, so at night they have not been settling at all and we're knackered. Hope tonight isn't a repeat, especially as we've got to be at the registering office early tomorrow morning.

Anyone else feeling really hormonal? I keep looking at the girls and crying and getting really anxious? I don't feel overwhelmed with caring for them in general, it's more like I love them so much and worry we aren't enough for them. Especially with having to split time between the two, I don't get time to just sit and cuddle as much as I would like to. xxx

From what the health visitor said today, major hormonal changes and mood swings are normal for the first 6-8 weeks. I imagine with twins it's heightened as like you said, you have two babies that need your time, love and attention. Don't worry but if it gets to much then speak to someone like your HV about it.

Robert is the same at night. People fuss over him all day so he's all sleepy then at night he's really agitated and doesn't want to be put down. He doesn't cry really just winges. We are beyond exhausted and don't feel like it's getting any easier.

Anyone have any tips with milk production encouragement? I feel like I'm drying up!!! I've gone from being able to pump a good 100ml from each boob to struggling to get a 60ml feed from both combined :( OH has suggested we need to get some formula in the house in case I can't pump enough for his feeds .... Devastated xxxxxx
Yes Robbda and Millie, these last few weeks are crazy! LOL! We're almost there ladies! :lol:
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Oh Abi bless you I 100% remember what it's like.. it can be very overwhelming, just take every day and night as it comes, take the pressure off everything and just do what you need to get by.. If you need to supplement with formula don't stress - I remember the guilt but also the wash of relief when the pressure of feeding is eased.. fenugreek supplements are meant to be great for supply though and then it's really all about regular pumping which I know really sucks for want of a better phrase! Hang in there Mumma - it gets better xxx
I think my friend made something called lactation cookies which are meant to help with supply maybe have a Google? Xx

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