***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Hi ladies, just had a quick read through everything I've missed! Abi, Robert is soo soo cute! Congratulations - you had a feeling he was going to be early for a few weeks now, you were right! How are things going with him now? Staying in the hospital is a right drag, you don't get much sleep do you, as someone seems to constantly come and wake you for observations the minute you try and rest.

Yeah OH has been doing everything really. I wasn't keeping any food or water down for a while after section, so I had to have a drip and catheter in which made it really hard to even hold babies and I just felt weak and barely able to actually look at them for the first few days.

We finally got home last night though! The girls are amazing, keeping us busy! Anyone else pumping? I was really struggling to get the milk out even though my boobs were really sore and hard, but as of an hour ago, I finally got 45ml as opposed to the usual abysmal dribble I manage. Turning up the pump setting helped :wall2

Back pain is still awful from carrying them, think I'm going to need physio or something as even just holding them hurts. It's very frustrating! Anyone else having the same issue?

Anyway, photos of Hazel and Heidi! They were going to be Isabel and Matilda, but did not suit at all :)

Oooooh Laura they are adorable!! :D I love the names Heidi and Hazel! Congratulations! They are so cute and have a lot of hair! :)
Hi ladies, just had a quick read through everything I've missed! Abi, Robert is soo soo cute! Congratulations - you had a feeling he was going to be early for a few weeks now, you were right! How are things going with him now? Staying in the hospital is a right drag, you don't get much sleep do you, as someone seems to constantly come and wake you for observations the minute you try and rest.

Yeah OH has been doing everything really. I wasn't keeping any food or water down for a while after section, so I had to have a drip and catheter in which made it really hard to even hold babies and I just felt weak and barely able to actually look at them for

Thanks Laura!! We finally got home yesterday evening as his bilirubin levels dropped a lot luckily. We went to see my dad then charlies then home & I had a total meltdown. I felt awful but I'm still not really bonding with baby which makes me feel like the worst mother ever.

I love those names!!! Are you more mobile & able now? How is mum being? xxxxxxxx

Laura they are so beautiful! Lovely names too.

Blonde, it's so so normal to have breakdowns, I'm sorry you're feeling rough though. I also took a little while to bond with Anna, didn't have that whole rush of love thing when she was born, but before I knew it I was totally in love with her.
Thanks girls. I just don't get it as I was so excited and I love with him in the womb.... His bloods were tested again today and have gone up so if they go up again tomorrow we have to be re addmitted :( xxxxx
Aaawww sorry that's happening Abi! I think its just all that you've been through giving birth and the hormone levels going back to normal and things like that. Just give it time. It's all a big adjustment for you. And little Squig will be okay too, his little body just has to adjust to everything too.
Congratulations Laura, they're beautiful! And glad to hear you're doing better!
Stick in there Abi. As Kate says, it must have been a major shock. It sounds like you're doing absolutely brilliantly :-)

Back to work tomorrow. I'm suddenly feeling so heavy and achey now at just short of 36 weeks that it's a daunting prospect. Ugh :-(
Laura they are just soooo adorable!!!! Little cuties!

I have the health visitor this morning then monitoring this afternoon. Monitoring tomorrow and then another scan Friday and consultant appointment. I'm on daily/every other day monitoring now until induction due to her reduced movements I had to go in again yesterday xxx
Laura - well done you! They are beautiful!

Abi - honestly hang on in there i know a lot of my friends went through the same

So everything seems to have come to a standstill.. still back ache and bean is moving but just less and less erratic.. when for a 2 mile walk yesterday and im trying to stay as activr as possible did managed to sleep from 10.30 - 7.25 today whixh is amazing i was starting to panic that id be to exhusted to push!
Is baby moving noticeably less? I'd get checked just to be on the safe side if they are. Sorry it's all come to a standstill.. I did hear though you sometimes have a big sleep before labour so fingers crossed things start up again very soon for you! Xx
They are so sweet Laura, well done! I know what you mean about the disturbances at the hospital, that’s why we went home in the end. Glad you are feeling better. Yes pumping is a real pain.
I'm not surprised you have back pain carrying twins of a good weight on such a small frame. Hope you can get it sorted.
Congratulations again and great names! xx
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36 week check today and babe is 3/5th palp. That explains all the lightening crotch at least! I thought early engagement was quite rare with second babies so got a bit excited but after some research apparently not - could still be 2 weeks late.. Have decided to just try and not think about it and go with the flow despite being so uncomfortable with my itching and burning skin. Gosh forgot how hard these last few weeks are.. How are you getting on Sprout as a fellow second-timer - do you feel it's imminent yet? It's almost your due date isn't it? xx
36 week check today and babe is 3/5th palp. That explains all the lightening crotch at least! I thought early engagement was quite rare with second babies so got a bit excited but after some research apparently not - could still be 2 weeks late.. Have decided to just try and not think about it and go with the flow despite being so uncomfortable with my itching and burning skin. Gosh forgot how hard these last few weeks are.. How are you getting on Sprout as a fellow second-timer - do you feel it's imminent yet? It's almost your due date isn't it? xx

Hi! I am finding it so hard tbh, his movements are downright painful now which I think is down to the low fluid and him being so big. Had a couple of false starts which have been really frustrating! And - way tmi - but if I walk for more than a few minutes it seriously feels like he's going to fall out of my bum XD

I had Anna at 40+3 so I'm really hopeful he won't be too much longer. Midwife booked me in for a sweep at 40+4 and I really don't feel like I'll be needing it but maybe I'm just being optimistic/desperate :D

How have your two pregnancies compared? Been thinking a lot lately about how different mine have been.
36 week check today and babe is 3/5th palp. That explains all the lightening crotch at least! I thought early engagement was quite rare with second babies so got a bit excited but after some research apparently not - could still be 2 weeks late.. Have decided to just try and not think about it and go with the flow despite being so uncomfortable with my itching and burning skin. Gosh forgot how hard these last few weeks are.. How are you getting on Sprout as a fellow second-timer - do you feel it's imminent yet? It's almost your due date isn't it? xx

Hi! I am finding it so hard tbh, his movements are downright painful now which I think is down to the low fluid and him being so big. Had a couple of false starts which have been really frustrating! And - way tmi - but if I walk for more than a few minutes it seriously feels like he's going to fall out of my bum XD

I had Anna at 40+3 so I'm really hopeful he won't be too much longer. Midwife booked me in for a sweep at 40+4 and I really don't feel like I'll be needing it but maybe I'm just being optimistic/desperate :D

How have your two pregnancies compared? Been thinking a lot lately about how different mine have been.

Arghh I bet that's so uncomfortable! That's amazing that Anna was so close to being on time..must give you some comfort.. Crossing my fingers that one of the false starts materialises soon!

My goodness..so much harder.. especially now i've gotten to this stage but honestly the whole way through has been worse and very different. Poppy being 2 weeks late was simply just frustrating as I was so ready for her to come but the prospect of going 2 weeks late this time is literally making me want to cry! Midwife said today that with your second your insides are just way more irritable and 'feel' everything hence the masses of braxton hicks and painful movements :( Still trying to stay positive as i'm so excited to meet her and don't want to pass away these last few weeks being so grumpy!

On a plus note I just filed my self assessment which has been playing on my mind so I am 100% ready for her arrival now!!!

I'll be keeping my eye out for a birth announcement soon! :dance:
Thanks everyone! I feel so lucky to have them. I've got a lactation consultant coming tomorrow to hopefully give me tips on increasing supply etc. as I really want to make sure I get it right and I'm aware that the first weeks are important in getting things rolling with breastfeeding. I've got a little munchkin attached though as I speak.. the one that I was going to talk about having latch issues. She's having no issues this evening!

Also we aren't living with my parents now, but we're next door! It's worked out so well, the neighbour has gone away for 3 months and has let us stay at their house. So generous of them. We eat with my parents and go round a lot, it gives everyone breathing room and everyone is in such good spirits with the babies here. My mum's really looking after me and isn't being bossy as I'd worried.

So excited for the next babies to be born! It looks like quite a few of you are imminent :D :D :D xxxx
That's so cute Laura, how are you coping with feeding twins? Robert finished a few minutes ago and is next to me on the sofa, just cuddling Jacob so he is sleepy enough to put down. They are hard work but so worth it.
MIL came round earlier, she saw them for the first time and is smitten! She was crying with happiness as she knows how we struggled to get here.
Result about the house, sounds perfect! :cheer:
Ah girls sounds like you have done so well with breast feeding are you managing to get any rest in between feeds? Do you tandem or just one at a time? We weren't able to establish BF in the hospital because of the light therapy & being at the in laws I wasn't really able to sit & do it although in some ways I'm glad as with the 3 hour feeds I've had lots of help. I have been expressing but my supply is low & I'm sure I need to do more but it's so hard not being at home to do it without anyone coming in and out x

Can't wait for all the other babies to arrive it's very exciting :-) our NCT group only have one baby to come now x
I remember the pumping stress :( Having to do it regularly is so difficult it really does put your life on hold.. I only managed it for 8 weeks and it felt like an eternity! Hope you're all enjoying your beautiful newborns, great news on the latching Laura and what a brilliant outcome with the house! Smiles all round! xxx
You're all so close!!! And it will be worth the pain and aches when babies are in you're arms < 3

House sounds ideal Laura!! Kinda wish we lived right next to my MIL, maybe not my mother lol!

We were re admitted last night and put back in the incubator with double light therapy :( he went the colour of a Simpson yesterday!!! xxxxxx
That's great news about the home situation Laura I know that is a relief for you. :)

Aaww that's too bad Abi hopefully things will settle down for you soon.

I know what you mean Kate! I'm ready for T.J. to come. Wow his kicks are strong. Wew! Yes these last few weeks are definitely the toughest ones of all. But yes it will be worth it in the end when I see his little face. :lol:

Janet Jackson just had her baby, a little boy! She's 50 years old! :lol:
I am concerned when DH goes back to work and I will have to feed the twins on my own without him to pass them to me, help them latch and do half of the nappies. I don't even want to get my boobs out in front of my mum as we aren't very close.

Oh no Abi, is that because he was early do you think? Do you have your hospital bag ready to go all the time? Was it the midwife who said you should take him?

Janet Jackson must have used donor eggs at her age!!
I'm daunted enoOhh by that so can't imagine how you feel blue! Maybe start 'weaning' yourself off his help during the day?

Yes he had daily bloods done at home as a precaution and they shot up day two so we were called back in. I had bags on stand by as oh ought we would end up needing them again. I think it's likely because he's early but we've had some more in depth bloods done this afternoon which we will get results of tomorrow just to make sure nothing is fighting him on the inside xxxxxx

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