Hi girls, sorry I haven't been on in ages things are so busy and lots has gone on. So I was finally induced on Christmas Day, and spent three miserable days trying, but nothing would get me dilated whatsoever so I had all the contractions and none of the progress. Doctors advised a csection or take 24 hour break and try starting induction over. Decided to go for section and my beautiful girls were born at 3.45 and 3.46pm on 28th weighing 6 pounds 6oz and 6 pounds 7oz. I wasn't very well after section so OH has been doing almost everything for them which is frustrating for me as I want to cuddle my girls. We are still in hospital recovering but it's great OH can stay and they gave us a room together. I will catch up properly when home as hospital signal is terrible I can't read any messages above so just posting this quick. Hope everyone is well and can't wait to see if any others have arrived! I'll put photos when I can xxx