***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Baby Robert, born at 7:51am on Christmas Day!!! 5bl 6oz!

Slightly in shock still, natural labour with G&a and pethadine. From waters breaking to baby it was just over 6hours!!

Had no signal in the hospital but everyone knows he's here now because our local paper photographed our special Christmas present for all to see. Il send pictures once home as wifi is naff. Currently being monitored for feeding - won't take boobies atm :( and blood augers but otherwise he is perfect xxxxx Christmas wishes to you all xxxx

Oh wow congratulations Abi!! A Christmas baby! :lol:
Wow Abi!! Congratulations!! What a wonderful Christmas surprise! Wishing you home with little one soon and can't wait to see photos.

And hope all is going well Laura! Thinking of you!
I've just read your story in the paper abi x he's beautiful x hope you find a middle name soon!
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Ah Abi how wonderful what an amazing Christmas present congratulations xxx
Thanks everyone! I'm still shell shocked. Been moved to a side room for light therapy though for jaundice but I've been told it's common with premmies. I didn't think I could love and be in awe of something/someone as I am with him! It's crazy!

Hope all is ok with Laura ! Xxxxxx
Things might be moving along for Laura because we haven't heard from her.

Yup Abi it's there I saw it too. :D Robert is so cute! Did you have a lot of pain with your labor? When your labor began, how long did it take? Was 6 hours the whole labor?!
From waters to baby it was 6hrs 51 mins! Pain came on really fast active labour was 1hr 40mins and pushing was for roughly 20mibs oh says xxxx
He is sooo cute!
Lovely quick labour too!

I'm really hoping to beat my induction as they've suggested induction at 37 weeks exactly for movements and growth and that's 9 days time! Want to keep her cooking as long as I can but also I would like to go naturally before it lol. Xx
Oh Papermoon I was stalking December thread to see baby news haha anyway saw you asked about birthing balls. Mine reallyy helps all my aches and pains when sat down and also I go on and rotate my hips a bit etc and it has definitely helped her to get lower. Xx
Oh Papermoon I was stalking December thread to see baby news haha anyway saw you asked about birthing balls. Mine reallyy helps all my aches and pains when sat down and also I go on and rotate my hips a bit etc and it has definitely helped her to get lower. Xx

Cool thanks Millie! I gonna definitely try one then. I can use all the help I can get! :) Just taking a shower is a chore now, I can hardly do anything now. So I think the birthing ball will help. :)

Yeah it's so much more comfy than the sofa etc. Oh I know what you mean lol so officially done haha! My house is such a mess as I drop so many things and can't pick them up haha.
9 days would normally seem soo soon but my God 9 days seems soooooo far away right now haha. I suck at being pregnant lol can't believe some people are pregnant an extra 5 weeks as to what I will be if they go to 42 weeks. Xxx
Yes I know what you mean 42 weeks is like I don't know how they do it. I definitely want T.J. to come before that!
I really don't know how people do it lol! Can't imagine it. I feel so reliant on OH and so useless already haha 42 weeks would just be insane haha xxx

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My goodness Abi I can't believe it! Bless you must have been such a shock.. Congratulations to you both, glad Robert's doing well!

Haha I moved house at 39 weeks and was putting up furniture until 40 weeks, then had 2 weeks to frantically get everything ready.. Poppy was induced at 42+1!
My goodness Abi I can't believe it! Bless you must have been such a shock.. Congratulations to you both, glad Robert's doing well!

Haha I moved house at 39 weeks and was putting up furniture until 40 weeks, then had 2 weeks to frantically get everything ready.. Poppy was induced at 42+1!

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