***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Yeah, I was told you're full term size for a single at around 30 weeks with twins. Suppose it makes sense because I'm currently carrying almost 6 pounds of baby at not even 28 weeks, and lots of singletons weigh that when born don't they. Also extra fluid and an extra placenta for non-id twins. Eugh.
Oh and re not fasting, I researched glucose tests just last night so I think I know the answer! There are two types of test, the 10 hour fasting one or just the 1ish hour one. The 45 mins-1 hour fasting one is a bit less in-depth and the results are a bit harder to interpret but generally it's good enough. I think they make you do the longer fasting one only if they suspect a problem xx
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Yeah, I was told you're full term size for a single at around 30 weeks with twins. Suppose it makes sense because I'm currently carrying almost 6 pounds of baby at not even 28 weeks, and lots of singletons weigh that when born don't they. Also extra fluid and an extra placenta for non-id twins. Eugh.

That's it isn't it! And like you say the extra fluid and placentas as well lol
Rhiandell, did your appointment on Monday with SS go ok? Sorry if you updated and I failed to see
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Ah, mine is the 45 minute one then!
That’s nice and early to finish Sarah! You're a nurse aren't you? I'd want to stop now if I didn't have an office job! Getting tired and achy just getting ready for work!!
LOL Thanks ladies! :)Blueflower my due date is Jan 24th and I'm team blue. :)

LOL I just had a growth spurt and now I look 8 months pregnant! :D I think T.J. is gonna be a big baby. :)
I know mat leave starts at 30 weeks, yes I'm a nurse and even though I'm in outpatients at the moment I'm on my feet quite a lot & I was shattered after yesterday how bad is that ! I'd only done 5 hours !

Lol how are you finding getting trousers on ? I struggle with the second leg ha ha I went to wear my boots on Tuesday! What a palava won't be doing that again :-)
I'm having trouble getting my socks on! It was easier in the summer and on holiday when I could just wear sandals but I still had difficulty with the ones with buckles!! Have to do it sideways or I squash people! Takes me longer to get ready in the mornings too as I have to sit down between tasks!!
OH has been dressing me for about 4 weeks now! I was pretty impressed/surprised the other day when he delicately rolled my tights up and put my feet in them first! He must've done that before, best not to dwell hahahaha
LOL! I was sitting on my couch yesterday (I don't sit on it that often I prefer my lounge chair) and I went to get up, and I could NOT get up! OH had to help me. I have to get my pants on sitting down, put each leg in while sitting, then stand hahaha. Yeah getting dressed does take a while, and I better remember not to sit on my couch when OH is not home. LOL:lol:
OH has been dressing me for about 4 weeks now! I was pretty impressed/surprised the other day when he delicately rolled my tights up and put my feet in them first! He must've done that before, best not to dwell hahahaha

Ha ha! Has he worked with the elderly maybe?!

LOL! I was sitting on my couch yesterday (I don't sit on it that often I prefer my lounge chair) and I went to get up, and I could NOT get up! OH had to help me. I have to get my pants on sitting down, put each leg in while sitting, then stand hahaha. Yeah getting dressed does take a while, and I better remember not to sit on my couch when OH is not home. LOL:lol:

I have to sit down to put my knickers and trousers on or I fall over!! I also got up too quickly from the bed at the midwife's on Tuesday and twisted, it really hurt! She told me to put a carrier bag on my chair to make it easier to swivel, especially in a car!
I feel like i squish him, espesh if he is lying low so I do a kind of roll to get socks/ pants / trousers on. If that all fails, I just shove a dress on haha xxxx
Ha no Blueflower, he has not worked with the elderly before! Perhaps he's seen his mum put them on before. Let's stick with that story :D
I've just finally ordered a chest of drawers, wardrobe and toy/blanket chest thing. I'm going to order the cot bed (they'll share at first) after this furniture arrives because I want to check the exact colour first. Feel so much relief xx
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Woohoo getting organised Laura! It's almost like a bug, suddenly hits you! :) I'm officially over here tomorrow :D xxxxx
OH has been dressing me for about 4 weeks now! I was pretty impressed/surprised the other day when he delicately rolled my tights up and put my feet in them first! He must've done that before, best not to dwell hahahaha

Haha that really made me laugh! I've been making OH take my shoes on and off lately. Have to slightly crush baby otherwise!

Just had a look at our front page and it's so lovely how many team yellows there are! Can't wait to see how it pans out.

Anyone else getting mouth ulcers or a sore tongue lately?! I have been and apparently it can be a sign of deficiency in something. Just hoping it's not iron or I'll be recommended not to have a home birth. Just had my 28 week bloods done so should know soon enough anyway.

Other than that insomnia has been really bad lately. It's so silly how that becomes a symptom in the months before you have tiny person keeping you awake all the time. Guess that's it for sleep for at least a year!
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That's a good idea Blueflower! LOL! :)

LOL Abi about just putting on a dress! Hahaha! :) And yay for 3rd tri for you. :dance:

No no mouth sores thank God, but I am back to needing naps every day. Couldn't keep my eyes open at work today. I get up at least twice at night now. Fell asleep on the toilet once. :lol:
Proof that it happened before 6am.. I couldn't get back to sleep once the idea was in my head! Can't believe I just chopped onion and garlic before 5.30.

Sprout me too! 4am almost every day I wake up, even if I didn't get to sleep until midnight. Like you say, now should be our final time to sleep! xxx


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Woohoo getting organised Laura! It's almost like a bug, suddenly hits you! :) I'm officially over here tomorrow :D xxxxx

Absolutely true! I suddenly got really anxious about the fact that nothing was ready and kept crying about it. I may have had a few meltdowns in furniture shops yesterday when my mum tried to get me to buy stuff that wasn't exactly what I wanted.. #pregnantdiva

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