***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Thanks Papermoon how did you do it?
The hospitals seem to be so busy at Christmas, we were nearly sent home and the same thing happened to a couple at our NCT group. Let's tell everyone else who wants a family not to get pregnant in April!
Thanks Papermoon how did you do it?
The hospitals seem to be so busy at Christmas, we were nearly sent home and the same thing happened to a couple at our NCT group. Let's tell everyone else who wants a family not to get pregnant in April!

You're welcome Blue! It was easy I just used a program to rotate the pic. :) I know you must be in heaven now. What a wonderful Christmas present! :lol:

Good luck Laura I hope they take you in today. I know waiting is the worst when you just want to get it over with. Fingers crossed that they take you today. :)
Imogen hasn't grown as much as she should. Only 2oz in 2 weeks and has dropped from 90th to just below 50th centile :(
Said try get to 37 weeks exactly and keep monitoring her but could be sooner if she keeps going quiet xx

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50th percentile is still good though, isn't it? One of mine only gained a couple ounces in a fortnight and then like 1.5 pounds the next time. Will they scan again in a week or two?

So we went into hospital at midday and waited until 5pm for doctor to tell me they haven't got space to induce me. Oh and they also said there was no induction booked in my notes at 4.30 so that was great, but then they apparently found the booking.. Anyway, the doctor said I looked puffy (great) so they checked urine and BP and there was protein and BP high for me, so I'm staying in over night and they said they'll induce me as soon as there are two incubators free. I'm on the ward now and the only one in here so it's quiet! Going to get as much sleep as possible as right now I have zero energy for pushing babies out! Fingers crossed for Christmas eve babies :-) xxx
Blue they are gorgeous!

Millielaura, thinking of you hun, at least the hospital are monitoring it and seem on the ball x
Aww Millie, I'm sure it will be ok & they are being good monitoring you regularly. Not long and she will be here.

Oh Laura! Totally fun and games it seems.... Does this mean you are likely to miss Christmas dinner :O xxxxxx
Good luck Laura! Will your partner be able to stay after the induction?
Oh no Laura!how annoying. Hope you get induced very soon!
Yeah it's still good like she is a good weight for her gestation just she isn't following a curve it's just like a straight line now. That's reassuring though one of your girls gained a lot the next scan. Yeah they will do another in couple weeks if not induced by then xx
I predict two Xmas bundles of joy lol x

Good luck for the next scan millie x x
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Oh wow Laura you're almost there! :) At least you won't have to leave now until after your babies are born. You're gonna have Christmas babies! :)

I'm sure everything will be okay Millie. Hang in there, you're almost there. :)
Merry Christmas ladies in case I'm not on tomorrow or you're not on tomorrow. Enjoy your baies those who have theirs already. This is your first Christmas with them in your arms. :)
I'm still on the ward waiting! This morning they said NICU still doesn't have two incubators free so probably won't happen but apparently now they do have space for us but another identical twin lady is in at 24 weeks with possible preterm labour, so they're ruling that out first of course. Poor lady, I actually sort of know her because we met at the hospital twin night and have been chatting a bit since. Hope all is ok with hers, must be scary at 24 weeks. So I'm just sitting right and feeling grateful not to be in her shoes. OH looks exhausted and ill, so I've made him lie in my hospital bed for an hour and I'm just twiddling my thumbs.. I got two hours of sleep on the ward last night because a woman moved in at 2am and was talking all night and had her light on from 2am until daylight. So that's was pretty annoying!
Hope you're all having a good Xmas eve xxx
Oh no Laura! That's crazy that you are still waiting poor thing! But on the bright side your babies may be born on Christmas Day. :lol: That will be cool. :lol:
Hope you get to have twinnies today Laura!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas bump!
I'm getting a lot of sharp twinges and cramps this afternoon lol is making me nervous xx

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Merry Christmas everyone! I am finally induced and waiting for things to happen! The pessary is in and I've had one contraction so far but it's likely to take at least 24 hours apparently. OH came down with a cold yesterday, which is less than ideal so sending him home quite a lot to sleep as he looks exhausted. I'm so glad to be off ward and in the delivery room now. Fingers crossed things will go quickly. Felt quite emotional walking into the delivery room finally and seeing two incubators there waiting. Xx
Nice bump Millie!

Oh wow that's good Laura if things go quickly you'll have Christmas babies! :)
I'd have to have them in the next hour paper moon- not likely! Maybe boxing day ones though. The other ladies here have been in for days getting induced, so I'm expecting to be here for a while!
Oh I see Laura. I forgot you guys are like 8 hours ahead of me in time zone. :) It's only 6:56 pm right now still Christmas day here. :) It's probably 3 am for you right now. Okay no problem good luck! :lol:
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Hope everything goes well Laura and you're not waiting days for things to get going.. thinking of you x

Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and that those with their babies have been spoilt with rest and sleep! xxx
Baby Robert, born at 7:51am on Christmas Day!!! 5bl 6oz!

Slightly in shock still, natural labour with G&a and pethadine. From waters breaking to baby it was just over 6hours!!

Had no signal in the hospital but everyone knows he's here now because our local paper photographed our special Christmas present for all to see. Il send pictures once home as wifi is naff. Currently being monitored for feeding - won't take boobies atm :( and blood augers but otherwise he is perfect xxxxx Christmas wishes to you all xxxx

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