***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Congratulations blue flower :D I love their names!! Bet you are sooo happy!! Xx

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I can't believe I'm being induced the day after tomorrow. Terrified isn't the word. I hope they cooperate and that it doesn't take too long.. yikes
Oh my Laura that's so exciting!! Xx

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Midwife referred me to mental health support service today so hopefully will hear from them soon. I told her how all Imogens reduced movements have made me so so anxious about stillbirth. I'm just wishing days away till she is here safe and terrified she will never get to use her things xx

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Ahh Laura, crazy, how are you going to spend tomorrow?!

That sounds so tough Millie, I hope you can see them soon and they're helpful.

Had a bit of a pants morning, went for my growth scan and they *think* my fluid might be low, couldn't get a decent measurement though, and that baby is measuring large - apparently he's looking to be about 8lb as of now and estimated to be almost 10lbs by due date. The consultant really freaked me out, going on about shoulder dystocia and resuscitation etc and I pretty much agreed to not having a home birth anymore...got home and did lots of research and I'm really not so concerned anymore and happy to carry on with a home birth for now.

I will be going back in a week to try again for fluid level measurements so will think about things again then...I'm just so stressed about it, particularly about the fact that I'm going to be told not to have a home birth and go against that...I hate having to stand up for myself! I was feeling really calm and confident the past few weeks as well...ugh
Oh no Sprout :( that sucks! I hate standing up for myself too lol. Growth scans aren't always totally accurate are they? So baby may not be that big at all? Xx
Oh no Sprout :( that sucks! I hate standing up for myself too lol. Growth scans aren't always totally accurate are they? So baby may not be that big at all? Xx

Yeah exactly, this is why I'm pretty annoyed the consultant went and scared me and initially talked me out of home birth...it's really likely to be wrong and even if he is big, the risks aren't anywhere near as bad as she was making out...I totally get that they want to keep me and baby as safe as possible but I wish they'd actually tell people facts and statistics...
Millielaura I've had the same fear and had a big cry about it to OH the other night and a bit of a panic attack (I know that sounds pathetic) but it was largely down to reading studies on identical twin pregnancies and how often they fail late in pregnancy when the placenta gives up. It's a horrible horrible fear, and I totally understand your anxiety about it :(

Tomorrow will be spent sleeping as much as possible I think! I'm restricting myself to plain foods tomorrow as well, as I'm totally paranoid about pooping on the delivery table :lol:! The things we go through! xxx
Aw Sprout that's rubbish. It's horrible being told my the experts something totally against what you feel, and part of you feels like you should listen and part of you feels like you should stand up for yourself because it's your choice and they don't always necessarily know best. I always worry about regretting not listening, but then you could also regret not following your instincts. Rock and a hard place. I am totally waffling because I'm tired, but hopefully that made some kind of sense haha xx
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Laura seriously don't worry about the pooping when the pushing and the moment takes over it becomes furthest from your mind lol x
Good luck with your induction tomorrow Laura! :)

And oh my goodness about pooping during labor, can that happen? :shock: Now I'm nervous! That thought never entered my head LOL :lol:

Aaawww Sprout I say follow your instincts. If you want a home birth, go for it. :)

Still feeling some mild back and stomach cramps, off and on but no plug or anything. On my lower bump, it felt like some kind of band was wrapped around it and was squeezing or tightening, but not too painful. And I feel some funny twinges like in my crotch area.

So how many babies have been born and how many are left to be born? :lol: This is exciting. :lol:
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Aw Sprout that's rubbish. It's horrible being told my the experts something totally against what you feel, and part of you feels like you should listen and part of you feels like you should stand up for yourself because it's your choice and they don't always necessarily know best. I always worry about regretting not listening, but then you could also regret not following your instincts. Rock and a hard place. I am totally waffling because I'm tired, but hopefully that made some kind of sense haha xx

Definitely makes sense and that's exactly how I'm feeling!

Bless you worrying about pooing, they'll probably clear it up without you even noticing and if you do, you won't care honestly. I pooped in the pool last time and barely took note of it, and that's far worse because they have to get a little sieve out and scoop it up :lol: I love reminding my OH about it now, I find it hilarious because I have the sense of humour of a 4 year old :P
Lol I think everyone poops in labour. I pooped in the pool too lol I don't remember it though. Good luck for babies birth day x
Oh my goodness I didn't know that happens. LOL :lol: I'm glad I have warning and I will know it's not just me hahaha! That should help me to not be too embarrassed. :lol:
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Sorry papermoon, I apologise for letting you in on the horrors!

Sprout, I think you said you had another scan to look at fluid again soon. Fingers crossed things are looking better. I will say that I think the consultants freak out a bit too quickly sometimes and give worst case scenarios.. when I had the dodgy doppler, the consultant went into panic mode and ordered daily monitoring, a second scan that week, steroid injections that day and talked about delivering that week... everything was totally normal at the next scan. Not that I'm not glad she took precautions, of course, but a dodgy reading can definitely be just that! xx
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Bless OH, he just got up and made me peanutbutter toast and chopped up an apple for me because I was starving at 5am. He also sent me this picture, which cracked me up so I thought I'd share it :D


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LOL! No problem Laura. I'm glad I had the warning. :lol: And LOL at that picture, that's funny! :lol:

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