***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Good luck Blue for tomorrow you must be so excited! :lol:

Wow Abi Oh my goodness! This might be it! Hope your baby stays in a little longer but wow it looks like your baby is ready to come!

And good luck for you too Laura! :)

Wow things are moving on along! T.J. doesn't seem to be in any hurry LOL! :)

Ooh lots of exciting things happening!

I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow Blue, can't wait for an update!
Ek Abi sounds like baby wants to make an appearance good luck hope all ok!
Laura they say braxton hicks shouldn't be painful so sounds like you may be having some tightenings?
How exciting for everyone xxx
Thinking of you today, Blue! Can't wait for an update.

And eeek Abi! Hold on in there for a while longer little baby!
Ooh that's exciting Abi!
We are at the hospital but they have 2 emergencies so we have to wait in a pool room as the ward is full! There is only one chair and a ball! Probably be this afternoon now and I can’t have any water to drink!
Yes I'm thinking of her too. I think we're all waiting to hear how things went. :)
Can't wait to hear the enviable news blue. Hope all is ok :)

Had either bloody goo from when they did the spectulam investigation today or it was my bloody show. Couldn't really tell lol! Pains have calmed down but are majorly intense when they do come xxxxx
Blue is probably having lots of cuddles! The hospital I'll be going to has no internet and pretty rubbish signal, not sure if that's the norm, so that also makes it a bit difficult to update. xx
Who was talking about getting awful rib pain from cheeky baby feet? I think I've been really lucky that my babies have only just discovered my ribs this week. Bloody ouch!! This morning it felt like one of them was using my ribs as a xylophone, they were like pinging them with their feet. Glad the little buggers are being evicted on Friday :)
Oooh sounds like he is coming soon BlondeP! Bloody show usually means they are coming very soon!
I had some little bits of plug yesterday but nothing massive.

Hope all went well Blueflower..bet you're having lots of lovely cuddles.

That was me I think Laura! She kept putting her feet under the same spot and irritated it so much it was agony for a good week even after she'd moved away. That's when they did the clot investigations as it went all into my chest and round my back but they concluded was prob muscular or her feet had irritated my rib cartilage. Was awful though!! She hasn't done it as bad since. Really feel for you its horrid lol. Xxx

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That pinging feeling is weird lol she's done that with hands before! Like ran each finger along each rib argh is so weird haha.
I'm feeling definite body parts now :). Can tell what's feet and hands and knees, legs etc. Xx

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I think Blue is in ecstasy right now loving her babies. :)

Wow Abi your time is here or almost here! Today I've been having period like cramps in my back and also for the first time mild stomach cramps that feel like I have to make a bowel movement except I don't have to, I've been going regularly. One time those stomach cramps came like 10 minutes after I had made a bowel movement. So I don't really have to go but it feels like mild stomach cramps you get when you do have to go. They don't come regularly though, it was about 4 times today that they came, and there's no blood or mucus plug yet. So we'll see. :) But I think your time is here Abi!

Laura the same thing happened to me at work! It was like 3 karati kicks right in my ribs! Wew! :)
Sending virtual love to you, husband and babies Blue! Hope it all went perfectly..

I've been feeling so off this week, i've had diarrhoea, nausea, dizzy spells, cramps.. Midwife found sugar in my wee yesterday which is a pain - not testing me for GD yet as I insisted i'd probably just gone a bit mad on the Christmas treats.. Waiting to see if it's there next time and she politely told me to eat very healthily the evening before :lol:
Hope there isn't any Kate:)
There was some in mine on Saturday but I'd eaten toffee popcorn a few hours before so she said not to worry and it was that haha xx

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Section was scary but went well and Jacob and Robert were born at 2.42 & 2.45 weighing 6lb 1 & 6lb 8! They are so cute and doing well.
Wonderful xmas pressie blueflower! Congratulations!

Im still very pregnant.. 2 weeks til the d-day so excited for everyone!
Yay Blue!! Massive congratulations! Good strong names. How are you feeling?
Big congratulations blue!!!! Chosen some fab names ;) hope you aren't too sore and getting lots of cuddles. Brilliant weights xxxxxx

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