***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Aww Blueflower I hope someone has taken her in and they take her to vets and see if she has a chip!
My friends cat has been missing for 2 weeks :(

I guess no news is good news in that if anything had happened most people would of taken to vets who would of checked the chip and you would know? So not hearing I guess makes it more likely she is with someone else so at least she is okay.

I'd love to know where Aurora went when she went missing those few days the monkey! She hasn't begged to be out really since so I think she wandered into a shed and got herself stuck or something lol. Xx

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If they have taken her in then they may be taking to vets after about 6 months or so just to check about jabs etc? And if you had a random cat show up you'd prob check if it was microchipped l at that first vets visit so fingers crossed for you xx

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Poor puddy cat Blue, hope you find them soon . I'd be lost without ours! <3

How long after loosing your plug does labour tend to start? Or is it not a sign? xxxxx
Have you lost your plug? I think it can grow back? I've had a few small bits of jelly like clumps but if it's your whole plug I'd maybe call triage especially if it has any pink or red in it as could mean it's soon! Xx

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34+2 bump xxx

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Have you lost your plug Abi!?

Nice bump Millie. :lol:
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Lovely bump millie!!1

Well, yes i think i have! two hug blobs in 24hours... nothing that looks too bloody though. xxxxx
Oooh! Sounds like it is definitely your plug. Have you let triage know xx

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Oh gosh Abi! Have you phoned the hospital? Any contractions or other signs? Never a dull moment on the January thread, eh.

MIL was telling me today that with OH's half sister, she went to 45 weeks :O how horrific does that sound??
No, do you think i should? I have been having the odd twinge, but thought more braxton hicks than contractions and baby just doesnt feel low enough yet. lol! xxxxx
Ok spoke to MIL, she said so long as my waters aren't leaking them im ok for now! xxxx
45 weeks!!!!!! Oh my gosh how horrendous!!!

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Oh gosh Abi! Have you phoned the hospital? Any contractions or other signs? Never a dull moment on the January thread, eh.

MIL was telling me today that with OH's half sister, she went to 45 weeks :O how horrific does that sound??

LOL Yup, never a dull moment! :)

Oh wow really!? Yikes! My sister went way past her due date with my nephew too. Some babies take their time coming out. LOL!

Lovely bump millie!!1

Well, yes i think i have! two hug blobs in 24hours... nothing that looks too bloody though. xxxxx

Oh wow Abi this might be it for you!

I've been having Braxton Hicks every day now and they wake me up just about every night now, and it feels like a weight is sitting on my back. But nothing that looks like a plug has come out yet.

How overdue did your sister go, Papermoon? I don't think they make you go over 42 weeks here, unless you really insisted that you wanted to and then I think they'd want to monitor daily.
Whatttt, 45 weeks??? Might as well evolve into an elephant being pregnant for that long!!! :O
How overdue did your sister go, Papermoon? I don't think they make you go over 42 weeks here, unless you really insisted that you wanted to and then I think they'd want to monitor daily.

I believe it was 44 weeks! Wew!

Whatttt, 45 weeks??? Might as well evolve into an elephant being pregnant for that long!!! :O

LOL!!!! Right! hahaha! :lol:
Yikes 44 weeks! You must need a lot of extra monitoring going that much over? Xx

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