***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

That's reassuring about the lighting pain, thanks! Hopefully doesn't mean they will be early especially as Twin one's head isn’t engaged!

Great news about the job Laura, what does he do? I think it would be different if we were younger but I've worked for 22 years so feel I've done enough to now be a stay at home parent for a while. When we moved from our flat to our house we got a mortgage we could afford on only one wage and imagined I'd be pregnant within a year so the extra 4 years working has been a bonus!

Me too Sprout, 37 weeks today, wow! Tickers say babies are full term!! Stomach bug sounds yuck, don't need one after my nasty cold so really hope we avoid those germs!
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Yay for 37 weeks today girls & blue fantastic holding on your little men that's great! Still section planned for next week ?
Sorry I haven't been on much it's pretty crazy ! I just love these little munchkins ! I've got the hormone day which everyone told me about & I just look at them and cry as to how much I love them lol!
Still working on feeding & teats etc. Because they had to have phototherapy we weren't able to establish any skin to skin for feeding but I have been expressing a bit for at least one feed, just need to work on the bottles/teats as they get tired easily if it's a strong test ! X


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Awww cuties!!! What a great photo <3 I can't wait until next Friday to meet mine. Feels unreal xxx
Fanny Daggers hahaha thats it!

2 months is criminal, thats just 8 weeks with your new born :(

Yay for the promotion Laura, bet you both are very pleased!

Owch Sprout, glad they got it out though! I think Ive got away with out catching my OH bug, but we will see...

Jealous of all you 37weekers!!!

Awww Sarah, I love them! So cute < 3

So work and Oh have both agreed - My last day will be Sunday 18th Dec!!! Happy HAPPY days! xxxxxx
They are gorgeous Sarah! Do they have hair? Do they look very different? Are you still in hospital?

My mum is now asking if she should be in the waiting room whilst I am giving birth/having the caeserian! I said I assumed she'd just be at home haha! She said her friends were all there for their daughters! Oh dear! I said DH would ring her when we are sorted and she can visit! She is also talking about coming over to help in the first 2 weeks! Did she not listen to anything I said???!
Oh geez Blue, a bit like my mum! She looked so upset when I said I just want OH in the room for the labour!! But I have asked her to stay a couple nights a week in the beginning when OH goes back to work which I think made up for things xxxx
I am dreading our families turning up and waiting lol! Hopefully they won't. I'm definitely all for just time as a family before anyone else comes in. Those first moments are so special I want it to be the 3 of us only xx
Ohh those babies are perfection! Makes me even more excited to meet this little boy!

Blue, I cannot even fathom reaching full term with twins, amazing!
Yeah my mum has a habit of disguising what she wants by saying "so and so said..." & "people expect..." things like that when what is probably happening is she is telling them what she wants and they are agreeing politely! Then she says "but I told them you won't want me in the way and they said "oh [her name] you're so good!" etc etc haha! We've never been close so she knows I won't want her there but she is seeing what it's like for other mothers.
Still working on feeding & teats etc. Because they had to have phototherapy we weren't able to establish any skin to skin for feeding but I have been expressing a bit for at least one feed, just need to work on the bottles/teats as they get tired easily if it's a strong test ! X

Oooooh they are sooooo cute! :D :lol:
My mum always says stuff about other mothers etc. Like people she knows who live near their grandchildren and see daily..so she will be like..it's normal to see grandchildren every day etc etc. And try use that to make us move closer lol xx

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Oh Sarah they're beautiful! Just perfect little chaps.

It's definitely all happening for everyone on here! Seven weeks still to go for me and not finishing work until mid Jan. luckily a few days off for Christmas in between though.

Does anyone else have an incredibly sore patch at the top of the bump under boobs? Just in the middle, like a real stinging sensation? Is this just my skin stretching? Starting to feel very heavy now - not so good with all the stairs in the tube...
I had this but a little to the right. But mine got really really bad..that's the pain I had when I had the codeine and investigations into blood clots but a bit higher up and round my back too and was on breathing in. Anyway it was all fine and they said it was muscular or from rib irritation from uterus. I've had it a few times on/off in different areas since. It hurts doesn't it! So it's just normal I think. If it's bad though get in touch with triage or midwife as it can be a sign of pressure eclampsia too if it's severe. Xx
Mine wasn't sore to touch though..is yours? I think if sore to touch it will definitely be something to do with stretching or muscles xxx
I have a patch like that but just around my belly button. feels like it could rip open any second. Take it easy on that tube, have you got yourself one of those TFL baby on board badges? My life saver when we went down for a visit.

I've just had a little cry. Trying to organise some special Christmas presents for our parents, mainly mums! OH mum, my mum and also my step mum. So I've asked our siblings and dads what they think we should call them all to pop on these special personalized mugs from the baby. Well my mum and OH mum responses came back fine, but my step mum apparently just wants to be know as her name to the baby, because thats all i call her.... We haven't always had the best relationship but I don't get why she wouldn't want to be a grandma, nanna etc :( xxxxx
I have one that's sore to touch near my belly button piercing lol haven't worn it pregnant but it's stretching and looks like it may split soon!

Awww :( could it maybe be that she feels she doesn't want to sort of take a name one of the other mums will have? I know my mums funny about wanting to be called grandma and she is insisting that Ohs mum is nan a. Is your step mum maybe worried about taking one of the name they want? Have you told her you'd be more than happy for her to be a name etc xx
I don't have a piercing so imagine the pain would be even worse with one! lol!

I've told her that there are plenty of names to go around lol! All three of them have short nicknames that we are adding to the word Nana, Nanny or Granny. I might just make her the darn mug and be like bam, thats your new name lol! xxxx
Abi I asked my mum yesterday what the babies should call her, and she said "I dunno, just by my name". That's my own mum, so I wasn't particularly impressed.. her first grandchildren, a bit more excitement would be nice, I feel like she shuts me down whenever I try to talk about them at all! xx

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