***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

I'd like to ideally start next monday, but OH isn't currently letting me as 'I'll be putting enough financial strain on us as it is when i go in January' :( I feel very poo now. As much as he has been really supportive, he wants me back at work after baby asap which again is stressing me out xxxxx
Great update Sarah, glad you're all doing so well after a worrisome few days. Sounds like you're handling everything super well :) how were their weights in the end?

I've had a bit of a crappy day. Slept only three hours last night and was throwing up a lot and my back and hips in so much pain. I had a bit of a meltdown with exhaustion at 5am after tossing and turning for so long, I was feeling so anxious about everything and thinking about how I'll cope and where we will put all their stuff and feeding and blah blah blah. Just got myself overtired. So today I felt faint and dehydrated, so OH asked my mum to go with me for the CTG as he's got meetings today. I wanted to kill the midwife for saying that I shouldn't be resting too much and I should make sure I'm getting out for walks and cleaning..... in front of my mum, who is really unsympathetic as it is. This is after I'd asked for a sick bowl and repeatedly set off the oxygen thing because it was dropping so low and I explained I didn't feel well because of not sleeping and being sick in the night. I ended up crying in the bloody CTG appointment and feeling like a total idiot. I'm just exhausted.

I was at a twin night at the hospital last night, where they have twin mums come in and talk about how to cope, and it's made me feel so much more stressed about everything :/

Sorry for being so negative and moaning, especially in light of Sarah's wonderful news. Hope you're all having better days! xx

That sounds awful :( I can't believe your midwife said that, I'm fully taking advantage of resting as much as possible and I've only got to carry one baby! Hope tomorrow's better for you.
Yeah, well, that midwife has never been pregnant herself so I kind of feel like she can bugger off telling me to go for walks right now. I still can't sleep and I'm still being sick. Barely kept anything down for 24 hours so if I'm sick again I might ring the hospital because I truly feel awful.

Blonde that sounds very unreasonable. I don't think many women would be able to leave their baby right away and go back to work. Would humour work with your partner, like, kind of laughing at the ridiculous suggestion of working up to the last minute AND going back to work soon after the baby arrives?
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Oh laura, defo ring them as you may become dehydrated which isn't great for all three of you! Have you had all your steroids now btw?

He is being VERY unreasonable but I feel guilty as along with his 40hr a week office job, hes been doing an extra 8-12 a week in a bar to help cover costs for me being on a 0 hour contract and not always getting 5 days work. So it makes me feel like i haven't got a leg to stand on sometimes.

I genuinely think he underestimates how much pressure my body is under and just sees me as a fat roley poley lady.

Yes, the steroids were just two injections 24 hours apart so all done!

Don't feel guilty, he is working 50 odd hours per week but you're working 24/7 to grow your baby and then he'll need you both, but especially mum usually, for 24/7 care. xxx
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Sorry you're having a poo time Laura and BlondeP. I was in tears at the midwife this morning terrified about the idea of a C Section. She was really nice though.

Had consultant as well today! He scanned me and Twin 1 is still breech so it looks as though I am having a cesarean next Tuesday! :oooo: Although they will scan again before going ahead and change to an Induction if he has flipped by then. Feeling a bit more resigned now.
Great update Sarah, glad you're all doing so well after a worrisome few days. Sounds like you're handling everything super well :) how were their weights in the end?

I've had a bit of a crappy day. Slept only three hours last night and was throwing up a lot and my back and hips in so much pain. I had a bit of a meltdown with exhaustion at 5am after tossing and turning for so long, I was feeling so anxious about everything and thinking about how I'll cope and where we will put all their stuff and feeding and blah blah blah. Just got myself overtired. So today I felt faint and dehydrated, so OH asked my mum to go with me for the CTG as he's got meetings today. I wanted to kill the midwife for saying that I shouldn't be resting too much and I should make sure I'm getting out for walks and cleaning..... in front of my mum, who is really unsympathetic as it is. This is after I'd asked for a sick bowl and repeatedly set off the oxygen thing because it was dropping so low and I explained I didn't feel well because of not sleeping and being sick in the night. I ended up crying in the bloody CTG appointment and feeling like a total idiot. I'm just exhausted.

I was at a twin night at the hospital last night, where they have twin mums come in and talk about how to cope, and it's made me feel so much more stressed about everything :/

Sorry for being so negative and moaning, especially in light of Sarah's wonderful news. Hope you're all having better days! xx

Aaawww you poor thing Laura! I know how you feel! People should think before they say things, the midwife should not have said that. People say that to me too about how walking is good for you and how pregnant women should walk more. I can barely walk to do the things I have to do as it is. I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, I could not get comfortable. My back hurt so much it kept me up. No position helped. Then the pain started to go down my thighs and up my back too. I had braxton hicks off and on all day too. The bottom of my bump is sore now too. I can tell I'm almost at the finish line. :) I'm not complaining, just commenting on what's happening. I know it's all worth it in the end. :)

Great update Sarah, glad you're all doing so well after a worrisome few days. Sounds like you're handling everything super well :) how were their weights in the end?

I've had a bit of a crappy day. Slept only three hours last night and was throwing up a lot and my back and hips in so much pain. I had a bit of a meltdown with exhaustion at 5am after tossing and turning for so long, I was feeling so anxious about everything and thinking about how I'll cope and where we will put all their stuff and feeding and blah blah blah. Just got myself overtired. So today I felt faint and dehydrated, so OH asked my mum to go with me for the CTG .......

Aw laura, what a thing to say in front of your mum!! Especially when I presume you must of looked pretty f++ked given the day you'd had as it is! :( Try not to get anxious as that will make you feel sicker and a lot more tired. I know it does to me when my anxiety flares up, not nice. Just think though, isn't it a week until induction now for you? How are you feeling about that?

Anyone else working full time and having to go for daily monitoring that sometimes lasts up to 2 hours from arrival to leaving? :( I really want to just start my mat leave at the end of this week now, but OH is worried as that will mean £200 less for us at the end of this month :( I don't know what to do but its exhausting me and especially as i feel so unprepared for squiggs arrival, I don't think I can cope with the added stress of work anymore. xxxxxxx

I'm working full time Abi and I wish I could take the rest of this time off before the baby comes but can't afford it. I can't start maternity leave until 2 weeks before due date. I went into work like a slow walking zombie today. Between having only 4 hours of sleep, and my back hurting so much I must have looked like a zombie too. Hopefully I can get more sleep tonight. :nap:

One of my pregnant coworkers worked right up to a week before her due date and even worked overtime! :shock: I don't know how she did that. She said she had 3 other kids to take care of and needed as much money as possible before she goes on maternity leave. Wew!
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Papermoon so have you got 4 weeks of work left? How long will you take for mat leave? I have heard that people tend to take less leave in the US. I really feel for you having to drag yourself in at this stage with no sleep and all the walking pain. You're allowed to complain!

Blue wow next Tuesday! I think csection and induction both seem pretty scary really, it's a pity we have to do the whole getting them out part.. delivery by stork would be preferable :lol:

I am sitting in bed like a big fat pregnant lady eating half a muffin (restraint) and forcing OH to go to Subway down the road for 7am opening. I haven't had a Subway in about 3 years, but my brother mentioned it yesterday and now I'm like I NEED A SUBWAY NOW. I guess my appetite is back today :lol: xxx
Bless you Papermoon that sounds tough, it's amazing what strength we can muster up for our babies when we need it.. Well done and keep going, you're almost there :)

Mega exciting Blue - must seem so close, bags at the ready eek!!

Hope you're feeling better Laura, can't believe you're still struggling with sickness you poor thing :( I got heartburn for the first time yesterday and oh my goodness - I can see why you were all downing Gaviscon...

Just wanted to say Abi and Laura that I distinctly remember around a week before my due date having a complete and utter panic.. I'd been so excited about meeting this little baby for so many weeks and then all of a sudden I was willing her not to come. It is incredibly daunting, especially with surprise pregnancies. Just wanted to let you know that it is 100% normal to be bricking it and you will both be amazing. Tiredness does absolutely make everything worse..

Mmmmm.. meatball marinara....

Hope you're well Sarah, thank you so much for updating us, well done you and I hope you're all happy in your little newborn bubble :) Enjoy it! xxxx
Hope everyones ok! Baby still being a monkey here. Discussing induction date on thurs at next consultant appt. Which should be just over 3 weeks away. Xx

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A Ewan the Sheep and two tiny babygrows just arrived in the post. Apparently fatherly instincts are kicking in - I didn't order them :)
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Papermoon so have you got 4 weeks of work left? How long will you take for mat leave? I have heard that people tend to take less leave in the US. I really feel for you having to drag yourself in at this stage with no sleep and all the walking pain. You're allowed to complain!

Blue wow next Tuesday! I think csection and induction both seem pretty scary really, it's a pity we have to do the whole getting them out part.. delivery by stork would be preferable :lol:

I am sitting in bed like a big fat pregnant lady eating half a muffin (restraint) and forcing OH to go to Subway down the road for 7am opening. I haven't had a Subway in about 3 years, but my brother mentioned it yesterday and now I'm like I NEED A SUBWAY NOW. I guess my appetite is back today :lol: xxx

Yes I've got 4 more weeks to work and for maternity leave, the default amount is 3 months but you can get it extended if your doctor writes a note saying you need it. And with my age I think I can convince my doc to do that so I'm gonna try for at least 4-6 months. I wish I could get more, I'm gonna try. :)

Bless you Papermoon that sounds tough, it's amazing what strength we can muster up for our babies when we need it.. Well done and keep going, you're almost there :)

Mega exciting Blue - must seem so close, bags at the ready eek!!

Hope you're feeling better Laura, can't believe you're still struggling with sickness you poor thing :( I got heartburn for the first time yesterday and oh my goodness - I can see why you were all downing Gaviscon...

Just wanted to say Abi and Laura that I distinctly remember around a week before my due date having a complete and utter panic.. I'd been so excited about meeting this little baby for so many weeks and then all of a sudden I was willing her not to come. It is incredibly daunting, especially with surprise pregnancies. Just wanted to let you know that it is 100% normal to be bricking it and you will both be amazing. Tiredness does absolutely make everything worse..

Mmmmm.. meatball marinara....

Hope you're well Sarah, thank you so much for updating us, well done you and I hope you're all happy in your little newborn bubble :) Enjoy it! xxxx

Thanks Kate! :lol:
Glad it's normal then Kate! Pooh Laura, how wonderful, yay daddy!

How long do you get mat leave then Papermoon (sorey if you've already said)

My oh woke me up at 5am, vomiting!!! In our three years together he has NEVER been sick so I started freaking out as I'm not great with sick. He then proceeded to go from the other end, the bath room was horrendous �� Haha!! So I've spent the day playing nurse while sorting out the spare room (well, trying!) built two sets of shelves, cleaned and de cluttered the bath room and now freaking out about all the germs that must be dancing around my house!! Oh and had monitoring as well where Squigg was a bit quiet so took us a little longer to get the tick!

Hope everyone has had a good day, I feel like days are going so fast now !! xxxxx
Papermoon just said she gets around 3 months, but is hoping to get a bit longer. 3 months is quite mean! In Germany I think they get like two years. Guess we can't complain too much over here.

Is OH ok, Abi? Did he eat something bad? Or he's in his first trimester :D
Oh yes, totally see that now lol sorry!

Hahaha!!!! Funny you say that as we joke all the time that he's carrying his own Squigg (he has a bit of a belly!)

We think it's norovirus so he's been on strict bed rest since yesterday. So far we haven't had sick etc today so I'm hoping he's clearing up now . He isn't half dramatic when ill -.-

I also realise I've been getting everyone's dates mixed up! Blue is Tuesday yes? And Laura your Friday next week? I promise I read everything, but sometimes it's like it goes in then straight out my brain!

Consultant today!! Nervous xxxx
Haha don't worry Abi, I keep getting everyone confused.

Yep, I'm next week on Friday. Today I've got CTG, scan and consultant. My last appointments, although I expect they'll say CTGs every other day until next Friday so probably not quite off the hook with appointments yet! I may as well buy a caravan and live in the field behind the hospital.

Good luck for consultant appt, hope you get an induction date if that's what you want xx
Sooo I mentioned my miscarriage before, that was with my ex and it was kind of traumatic for both of us (we were both v young) and ended in us breaking up because I went a bit mad after it happened and decided I wanted out of everything. We were living together and had a great relationship up until then.

I still have him on facebook, although I don't follow his posts as I still can't really stand to see him after what I put him through, feel really guilty. I have been hiding any pregnancy related stuff from him and generally avoiding posting anything about it because I've been worried about him seeing and it somehow upsetting him. He may not give a monkeys now, but he's quite a sensitive guy and I think it might upset him on some level. I've just decided to message him and tell him that I'm expecting soon. I just felt worried that it would pop up somewhere without me having said anything. Hope I've done the right thing.. well, I've done what I felt was right. He's seen the message but not replied.
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So consultant confirmed what I thought! Baby Squigg is totally fine, it's just me that's the problem haha! But it's a relief and they said wait til our next scan and we can possibly talk about induction if my anxiety is still high :( so I've just been told to go in if I feel worried about not feeling him, but I don't want to now be complacent thing oh it's just me then there be an issue.

He was very nice but I do feel a bit of a tit now. Still want to go on maternity early though so I can focus on me and getting ready, totally done with work now /(

Hope things go ok today Laura.

In regards to your ex, I thinks ate sweet of you to tell him. Balls in his court now, he can't exactly kick off for you rubbing it in nor not telling him . Xxxxxx
You should still call maternity assessment when you get worried! They say never to worry about bothering them or being overly anxious. It's reassuring though that he said baby is fine :) xxx

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