***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Glad all is OK BlondeP.
My bump has gone down from above 95th to just above 90th centile so I have another growth scan next Friday xx

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Going to be induced at 37 weeks I think xx

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Then they said just to keep coming in on her quiet days for ctg's xxx

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Welll my hospital trip this afternoon went about as well as it could. CTG ticked both within 15 mins, umbilical dopplers and measurements good, both still head down and estimated weights....... 5 pounds 13 oz and 6 pounds 5 oz at 34+6. Yikes! Thank god they're only in another 8 days! I guess they might be way off though.

No more appointments for me until induction on 23rd. Can't believe the next time I'll be there, I'll be having them. xxx
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Great weights there Laura, Squigg was est 5.5lbs today, so for twinnies even a week a head thats a fab sign.

OH how exciting/nerve wracking that your next visit will be the big one! Glad the monitoring went well too.

After a big old cry and OH seeing how totally unreasonable he has been, he has agreed to let me go on mat leave from monday so long as work can cover me. I know it sounds like i'm at his beck and call but I'm a bit traditional in the sense of its both our lives i will effect and it will put a bit more fincail pressure on him so i like to get his approval on things. xx xxxx
I know want you mean about wanting OH to be on board with the big decisions that affect you both, but it's hard for men to really know what we're going through and I think they should be mindful of that. Well, it's hard for other women to even know, as every pregnancy is completely different! Only you know when it's time to stop. Hope you can finish this week xx
Glad everything's ok Abi, and I don't think that's traditional I think that's very modern of you! So important to both be on board with the big things.. Glad everything's getting sorted for you :) Would you want an early induction because of your anxieties? Must be a bit of a dilemma.. Hope Squig behaves so you can stop stressing for a little while!

Sounds like you had a fantastic appointment Laura that's wonderful :) Let us know if you ever hear from the ex - I think you did the right thing as he was bound to hear from someone.. It's sad that you're still carrying around that guilt though - it's a horrible emotion :( I hope you're able to move past it xx
Then they said just to keep coming in on her quiet days for ctg's xxx

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Glad they are doing that Millielaura, it's always reassuring to be able to see baby is moving from the CTG trace and seeing the heartbeat etc. xx
That's cute about your OH ordering baby stuff Laura! Is your ex in a relationship at the moment?
The USA is so mean with maternity leave. Yes some European countries get loads and they can also share it with their partner.

Had a dinner with colleagues last night, was really nice. I left them to the disco part though! Then this morning had a team breakfast with my other team, so lovely to see everyone. No more commitments now or driving further than 20 minutes away!

Does anyone know if slight twinges in cervix means anything?
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Google "lightening pregnancy" blueflower. Sounds like it could be that? I had it a few weeks ago but it's gone away now. You've had a busy few days! It's great that you're still getting out and about so much. I make my friends and family come to me now and bring cake with them when they do :D

I'm not sure if he's in a relationship now. The last time I braved his facebook profile was quite some time ago and he was back then, but I tend to avoid looking. Any other ex, I couldn't be less bothered by what they are doing now, but I feel a particular guilt and sadness about the way things ended with us. He could even have his own child now for all I know! xx
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Not sure Kate, I think i would prefer it as I'm a mess now as it is let alone if they let me go to 42 weeks. I would feel bad but as he is such a good size, I don''t think a 37/38 induction would be the end of the world, selfish i know.

Blue, I have heard of 'lightening crotch/fanny' lol !! I have had it twice in the past week or so but apparently it's quite normal.

It must be hard not to feel guilty laura but please don't, it really wasn't your fault at all. And I'm sure your ex knows that.
Fanny daggers! That's the one. :lol: :lol:

Thanks Abi :o)
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Oh those daggers are awful!!! Had a really strong few today!

That's not selfish at all BlondeP. I am so pleased at the thought of Imogen coming at 37 weeks because I hate not knowing what's going on there and in my opinion she will be safer out at full term than in and having all these reduced movements with no one knowing 1000% she is OK! Xx

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LOL It's okay Abi! :lol: My memory is not at it's best at this moment in time either. :lol:

Glad everyone's baby is doing fine. Wow just a few more weeks for most of you ladies. :)

LOL Blue, yeah I've been having that feeling too. :)

Yes I think we really should have a better maternity leave than this. One lady at my job who was pregnant with twins, is back to work now after only 2 months off. :shock:
That's terrible. I didn't wait 5 years for children to then have to put them in daycare!
Yeah I feel that way too, I don't want to put mine in childcare before they are one ideally. Even that seems so little. But I don't know what our options will be financially yet.

Speaking of which, OH got the permanent position and the promotion! The money isn't tons more, but it has quite good perks including quite generous help with childcare and private healthcare. I'm really proud of him for getting it - I wasn't sure whether it would come through because he's only been there for such a short time xx
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Hi everyone. Wow, so much happening lately! Can't believe I'm actually 37 weeks today and could technically pop at any moment! Baby is still back to back though so I feel like he won't engage for a while and might be late...we'll see! His movements are horrendous now though, I don't remember this with my daughter but then, by now, she was facing the other way so I don't think she could jab her hands at me like he seems to!

Had a fairly eventful day yesterday: stood on a glass splinter while making dinner and couldn't get my foot close enough to me to try to remove it...had to get my parents over to try but it was too painful so I got Anna to bed, my mum stayed with her and me and my dad went off to A&E! Which I felt a total idiot for because once the nurse had removed it, it was absolutely tiny.

Got home about 9:30, OH then came home and said he felt really ill...so I decided to bundle Anna up and stay at the parents'. I feel like the worst girlfriend in the world but the thought of having a stomach bug right now (and/or a toddler with one) is horrible...plus I've already had 2 this year! Now just waiting to see if we get it anyway :(

Hope you ladies had much more boring Thursdays!?
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I know what you mean Blue and Laura. I'm gonna stay off as long as I can then me and hubby will take care of T.J. in shifts. I don't trust daycare with T.J. till he's old enough to talk.

Wow Sprout you poor thing! Glad you got the glass out. Yeah there's a bug going around my job where people are out sick with vomiting, flu like symptoms and fever. I'm trying to stay away from everyone! :shock: My boss is out sick with it now and my coworker's daughter is out of school with it. Hopefully the flu shot I had will protect me from it but I'm still keeping my distance from people.

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