***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

I'm definitely more up for it again lol before babies I was a bit of a nymph ha ha

Laura slightly different but our friends have a 1yr old and their parents only met for the first time on his first birthday and they all live in the same country lol! Hope your feeling a bit better and able to enjoy it a bit more now?

Sounds really silly but I'm a little homesick today! We are still at the in laws as we are still having the extension which has taken a little longer as getting the steels into the back of the house has been a nightmare! And my inlaws are amazing and so supportive, today I think I'm just missing my own space to potter around in & get stuff organised x
I think I'd have been sick on him if we'd done it in the first 20 weeks!

Haven't met them before because we were both living and working abroad when we met. He hadn't even seen his family in 3 years before we returned to the UK a few months ago!

Oh wow! Hope you are feeling better?

Does anyone need adding to the first post? What team are you Rhiandell?
Team yellow all the way. :-)

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Ok! Double yellow?
Just popping by - miss hearing what everyone's up to, but too superstitious to jump over yet. Only a week and two days to go! Hope you're all well xx
Yeah feeling better thanks.

It's been a busy, long weekend meeting oh's family. We have stayed at a different person's house every night since Friday! Heading back home in a few hours, which is a 4 hour journey through London on trains. I can't wait to get home and crash out. Zzzzz xxx
Glad the weekend went well Laura, hope you're back home and testing now.

Question ladies, especially second timers... I've been having period like cramps this morning quite low down, baby seems to be doing his usual all be it a bit firmed than the past few days. Is this quite normal? I daren't go on google but also don't want to call maternity as I feel like I do that way too much and they just think I'm silly xxxx
Abi I had period type pains quite low down that were quite uncomfortable that my consultant said is all to do with the stretching and muscles but I would always call just to make sure & you should never feel silly as that's what they are there for x
Ah ok, that makes me feel a bit better. If it carries on I might give them a call just to be safe. I wish I didn't feel silly calling but the way a couple of the midwives there have treated me when I have called / gone in, it's put me off :( xxxx
Definitely keep an eye on it and see how it goes, it's nerve wracking isn't it! Such a shame you haven't had a good experience with them but at the end of the day stuff them, they are there for you & baby & that's most important xx
I've had low down sharp pains which feel as if the babies are trying to escape! I will mention it at my appointment tomorrow. Not sure if its similar?
Right rib is so painful, midwife said do yoga and consultant said it will only get worse!! Great!
Yes blue thats the feeling i get, it is literally like baby is trying to push his way out whenever these cramps come on! xxx
I would phone about the period pains. It could be stretching, but it's also a sign of pre-term labour (probably isn't but best to let the midwife on the phone decide)! Has it gone away yet? xx
Finally home now!! Woohooo. I'm so tired that I can't sleep though, if you know what I mean. xx
Sorry for third post in a row and also for gross TMI (although I feel like we're passed that now): has anyone else had diarrhoea issues? I've had it for about 10 days now along with sickness. It's all sort of come at once, and I'm not sure if that's third trimester joy or anything to be concerned about.
Ohh i didn't realise that Laura, I might drop them a call then!

I've got the opposite issue!!! Really struggling to go :( and when I do I get so nervous for the pain xxx
Oh no Laura that doesn't sound nice at all :-( has it shown any sign of stopping/slowing? Are you managing to keep hydrated?

I'm the same as Abi & struggle to go so prune juice is my new best friend! I get nervous to strain ! ,
It's getting more frequent. I might feel fine for a few hours and then suddenly need to be sick and go to the toilet and have horrendous heartburn all set in at the same time. It especially happens at night! I'm eating really plain foods and drinking more to try and help with it and just left a message with the non-emergency midwife number anyway so I'll see what they say when they call tomorrow..

Abi, did you call about the period cramps? xx
Ah prune Jouice? I shall try that. I get scared to strain incase I push baby out .... Sounds so silly I know!!

No I haven't called Laura, I should of but work was so busy and I've only just go home. I'm in at 9am tomorrow for my glucose test so am going to tell the midwife there.

My doctor gave me some fab tablets for my heartburn, ranitidine cxxx
Ah Laura sounds horrid :-( definitely give them a call & see if they have any advice/solutions x

Abi I'm the same silly as it sounds I worry I'll push too hard!! Good luck with your Gtt & mention the cramps to them x
Just dawned on me.. I've been so obsessed with weeks/trimesters/developmental stages during this pregnancy...This trimester ends in a BABY! So excited to hop on over here at the end of the week.. When the time comes Blueflower could you pop me down for the 29th, a little pink bundle xx
Glucose test was so much better than I thought. Slightly boring during the wait but it went fairly quickly. Drink wasn't that bad either! :)

Midwife said that it's probably just my uterus stretching & left it at that... Xxx

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