Great update Sarah, glad you're all doing so well after a worrisome few days. Sounds like you're handling everything super well

how were their weights in the end?
I've had a bit of a crappy day. Slept only three hours last night and was throwing up a lot and my back and hips in so much pain. I had a bit of a meltdown with exhaustion at 5am after tossing and turning for so long, I was feeling so anxious about everything and thinking about how I'll cope and where we will put all their stuff and feeding and blah blah blah. Just got myself overtired. So today I felt faint and dehydrated, so OH asked my mum to go with me for the CTG .......
Aw laura, what a thing to say in front of your mum!! Especially when I presume you must of looked pretty f++ked given the day you'd had as it is!

Try not to get anxious as that will make you feel sicker and a lot more tired. I know it does to me when my anxiety flares up, not nice. Just think though, isn't it a week until induction now for you? How are you feeling about that?
Anyone else working full time and having to go for daily monitoring that sometimes lasts up to 2 hours from arrival to leaving?

I really want to just start my mat leave at the end of this week now, but OH is worried as that will mean £200 less for us at the end of this month

I don't know what to do but its exhausting me and especially as i feel so unprepared for squiggs arrival, I don't think I can cope with the added stress of work anymore. xxxxxxx