***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Lol we are the same BlondeP. Need to fimish painting her room and fully redecorate our en suite (so room next to where she is sleeping) all before she gets here and it could be 3.5 weeks away if induced. Lol whoops! Going to have to get a move on this week xxx

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I've got to attempt ikea at some point :O or pay £35 for home delivery which im not keen on tbh haha.

My MIL is assisting the consultant on thursday and said if we are still having reduced movements by the which likelyhood is we will be then she will push to get baby out sooner rather than later! He has been v quiet today so if we dont get him moving tonight we will be going in :( xxxxx
Oh gosh Ikea this pregnant...sounds a nightmare!!!!

Hope he gets moving! Imogen been really quiet again today too xxx

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Ikea? Nooooooo. My experience of ikea is usually a minimum of three hours and lots of lifting and it's exhausting at peak fitness! Abi you'll knacker yourself and you need the energy if baby is coming in a few weeks!
Oh no BlondeP could someone go for you? Or if someone gives you any money for the baby could you put it towards furniture and delivery?

My family only expect me to be in hospital for a couple of nights so I don’t think they will visit till we are at home and we have told everyone what the midwife said about only family for 2 weeks, only for a couple of hours and only if they bring something or help! We don't have friends who pop in uninvited anyway but I think they will give us space before visiting. They will probably text then we can arrange something for a few weeks after.

I can't find many comfy positions, on my side in bed for a short while then I have to switch. Sofa is ok but not too flat, sitting up is best but you just want to relax!

My hips and pelvis ached all day yesterday and I could only sleep after a paracetamol. Also my legs keep buckling with the weight! Going swimming later to take some of the weight and give twin 1 a last chance to turn!

Here's a pic from today 36 weeks 3 days. Looks like a big melon!


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    2016-12-12 13.32.21.jpg
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What a fab bump! I hope twin 1 turns. I can't imagine how your feeling I'm struggling to get comfortable with my small bump lol. Enjoy your swimming I hope it works!
Amazing bump! So round! Enjoy your swim.

I have a sudden urgent NEED for Chinese food. Blooming takeaway doesn't open until 5.30, what am I gonna do? I'm in for a rough few hours :lol:

CTG was a bit iffy today, took an age to find both heartbeats which was a bit stressful and then twin 1 went over 200 and mine went over 140 a few times. It's twin 2 that's the worry/reduced movement one though and she was fine - typical that we go for her and it's the rest of us that kept setting the machine beeping. It was ok by the end though and the midwife seemed happy enough. Back tomorrow!
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Ooo lovely bump!!!!! Mines gone very round all of a sudden.

I did it girls, stupidly/madly/bravely went to IKEA alone !!!!! But I've got everything we need now to finish the house thank goodness lol.

Now at our Ctg appt, he's been quiet since yesterday so hoping he'll cheer up!

Sounds a nightmare Laura but it's always the way lol xxxxxxx
You're mad! I am impressed. I'm glad you got everything you needed! How did you manage to get everything in the car on your own? I get OH to carry my coat these days LOL I think I might just be a pregnadiva.

Let us know about your CTG, good luck! xx
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I got two very kind IKEA workers to push my trolley and load the car haha!!

Ctg all went ok, happy little squig xxxxxxx
Wow Abi you are brave! Good job on getting everything you need! :)

Nice bump Blue! :) My back and hips ache all the time now too. Wew!
i thought I'd take the opportunity to update you all before our next feed :-)
Hi girls sorry been such a whirlwind!
I was admitted last Monday (5th) with some bleeding (35 weeks) so had been monitored for that week, hadn't really been given a plan but it looked like what I thought was baby 2 moving and stretching was tightenings ! I had steroids Tuesday and Wednesday just to help babies along as they ideally wanted me at 36 weeks.
Tuesday I'd passed a couple of clots which was worrying so they were observing me & a scan on Thursday showers reduced waters around twin 2 (which is why they thought I was bleeding as having a show) and they planned induction for Saturday when I would have been 35+5 but early hours Friday morning, felt period type pains & thought I needed a wee but was another big clot so they sent me to labour ward where they examined me & found i was 2cm dilated & said we may as well start the induction process!! As recommended I had the epidural which was amazing because the whole of that day while waiting to contract and dilate was very calm, relaxed and stress free. We got to 10cm dilated around 9pm and started to push just after 10pm on Friday the 9th. Everything had been progressing well but then twin 1 didn't want to come right down so consultant put suction inside on their head, it was pretty hard going & slightly traumatic as they found when scanning me as he wasn't coming down that they were back to back & facing upwards! We got there though & 10 mins later twin 2 came! Both boys who knew! And we just love them! I had quite a big issue with bleeding afterwards which had always been my big fear but they sorted it, hubby was amazing and sorted out the boys while I was not with it and he hasn't left my side since we came Monday. A bit sore and uncomfortable but they are just so worth it and I can't believe that they are mine ! X
We are still in at the moment as the boys needed some phototherapy and as they are classed as prem babies they have to be monitored to make sure they are feeding well & they needed in antibiotics so hopefully not too long and we can go home x
So pleased for you Sarah. Scary about the bleeding but sounds like they were right on top of you monitoring wise. You're other half sounds a dream, hope you are getting as much rest as you can? Can I ask how you are feeding and how you're finding it with two! (Yay for boys !!!) xxxxxxx
Thanks for the update Sarah, been wondering how you are! Lovely surprise about the sexes, I thought they might be! Seems partly straight forward and partly traumatic. Did you need any stitches? Was hubby allowed to stay the whole time? I was wondering about feeding too! So exciting! xx
You lot are making me all emotional - it seems like only yesterday that I had my ID twin girlies (at 34+1). Enjoy every second ladies, you have done so well to get as far as you have and the best journey of your life is about to start!
Wow I am so happy for you Sarah! Glad everything turned out okay and you and the boys are doing fine. :lol:
Great update Sarah, glad you're all doing so well after a worrisome few days. Sounds like you're handling everything super well :) how were their weights in the end?

I've had a bit of a crappy day. Slept only three hours last night and was throwing up a lot and my back and hips in so much pain. I had a bit of a meltdown with exhaustion at 5am after tossing and turning for so long, I was feeling so anxious about everything and thinking about how I'll cope and where we will put all their stuff and feeding and blah blah blah. Just got myself overtired. So today I felt faint and dehydrated, so OH asked my mum to go with me for the CTG as he's got meetings today. I wanted to kill the midwife for saying that I shouldn't be resting too much and I should make sure I'm getting out for walks and cleaning..... in front of my mum, who is really unsympathetic as it is. This is after I'd asked for a sick bowl and repeatedly set off the oxygen thing because it was dropping so low and I explained I didn't feel well because of not sleeping and being sick in the night. I ended up crying in the bloody CTG appointment and feeling like a total idiot. I'm just exhausted.

I was at a twin night at the hospital last night, where they have twin mums come in and talk about how to cope, and it's made me feel so much more stressed about everything :/

Sorry for being so negative and moaning, especially in light of Sarah's wonderful news. Hope you're all having better days! xx
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Great update Sarah, glad you're all doing so well after a worrisome few days. Sounds like you're handling everything super well :) how were their weights in the end?

I've had a bit of a crappy day. Slept only three hours last night and was throwing up a lot and my back and hips in so much pain. I had a bit of a meltdown with exhaustion at 5am after tossing and turning for so long, I was feeling so anxious about everything and thinking about how I'll cope and where we will put all their stuff and feeding and blah blah blah. Just got myself overtired. So today I felt faint and dehydrated, so OH asked my mum to go with me for the CTG .......

Aw laura, what a thing to say in front of your mum!! Especially when I presume you must of looked pretty f++ked given the day you'd had as it is! :( Try not to get anxious as that will make you feel sicker and a lot more tired. I know it does to me when my anxiety flares up, not nice. Just think though, isn't it a week until induction now for you? How are you feeling about that?

Anyone else working full time and having to go for daily monitoring that sometimes lasts up to 2 hours from arrival to leaving? :( I really want to just start my mat leave at the end of this week now, but OH is worried as that will mean £200 less for us at the end of this month :( I don't know what to do but its exhausting me and especially as i feel so unprepared for squiggs arrival, I don't think I can cope with the added stress of work anymore. xxxxxxx
Great update Sarah, glad you're all doing so well after a worrisome few days. Sounds like you're handling everything super well :) how were their weights in the end?

I've had a bit of a crappy day. Slept only three hours last night and was throwing up a lot and my back and hips in so much pain. I had a bit of a meltdown with exhaustion at 5am after tossing and turning for so long, I was feeling so anxious about everything and thinking about how I'll cope and where we will put all their stuff and feeding and blah blah blah. Just got myself overtired. So today I felt faint and dehydrated, so OH asked my mum to go with me for the CTG .......

Aw laura, what a thing to say in front of your mum!! Especially when I presume you must of looked pretty f++ked given the day you'd had as it is! :( Try not to get anxious as that will make you feel sicker and a lot more tired. I know it does to me when my anxiety flares up, not nice. Just think though, isn't it a week until induction now for you? How are you feeling about that?

Anyone else working full time and having to go for daily monitoring that sometimes lasts up to 2 hours from arrival to leaving? :( I really want to just start my mat leave at the end of this week now, but OH is worried as that will mean £200 less for us at the end of this month :( I don't know what to do but its exhausting me and especially as i feel so unprepared for squiggs arrival, I don't think I can cope with the added stress of work anymore. xxxxxxx

Feeling super anxious for the induction. Really terrified of the birth actually. I'm not sure if it's the fear of impending parenthood or the fear of the pain. I think more sleep and I'll start feeling a lot more positive about it again. Tiredness always just makes things seem unmanageable, doesn't it.

I was just saying the other day how I've no idea how I'd manage a job around all the hospital appointments as they do take ages. When were you planning on starting your leave? I think you need the rest, if there's anyway you can make cut backs and manage to take your leave sooner rather than later. You've got a lot going on xxx
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I think my fear is definitely parenthood now, not too worried about pain as know that can be helped and sorted lol.

I was planning on starting leave on Jan 1st, but thats over two weeks away as it is, and I feel i need to go like, now! I didn't anticipate complications and all these extra appointments xxxxxx

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