***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Lol I do everything online now unless the shop is somewhere OH can drive to and we get out and can enter the shop straight away haha. Can't walk into town anymore lol!
Hope he is more himself soon! If you get worried again I'd call again before your scan friday as much as you need too xxxx

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Woah it's really all happening! I was thinking the same Abi, there won't be any babies left to be born in January at this rate!

Sarah, my goodness me, you're at a good gestation for them to be born though and especially with the steroids. I had my second steroid injection today, it's not very pleasant it is? Stingy. Bless you, hope you're able to stay calm and it's pretty exciting that they might be here very soon!

My CTG was good today, babies were moving finally and quite active from afternoon on! I was up a lot of the night though worrying because no movement and lots of regular BH which have mostly stopped now.

Think we might have a few more babies on here by the end of next week!

If you read this, Lisa, hope you, Erik and Olof are getting along ok and that your mum isn't being too much of a pain with her rigid routines! I will have that joy to come very soon when mine arrive xx
Glad your trace was good Laura! Hope tomorrows is good as well. Sounds like your girls will def be here soon! Least you have had the steroids now :).

My braxton hicks are def getting more painful ..all in back and period type cramps..nothing regular though :) xx
Goodness. Thinking of everyone. I've had a pretty pants day of feeling in pain and immense pressure in my bump - think it's because baby is transverse and has run out of room by now - but everyone else has much bigger fish to fry. Fingers crossed for all the respective scans and appointments. Xx
Wow lots of action here now. This is the countdown ladies! We're almost there. :) I've been feeling pretty tired and rundown lately. Bump is huge and getting bigger by the day. I can hardly walk now. :shock: Been feeling Braxton Hicks, achy, headache. I'm usually cold and OH half is hot. Lately I've been feeling warmer than usual. Yesterday I woke up I was so hot, I was sweating. I turned the AC on real low, I couldn't cool off. I was wondering why that AC wasn't cooling things off, but my OH half said it was freezing in the house and I was sweating. But after about 10 minutes I finally cooled off. So that was very weird. Then suddenly I had a strong urge to pee like I was about to wet myself and when I went to the bathroom only a little bit came out. My bladder wasn't even full.
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Not happy with her movements overnight.. will see how she is the rest of the day. She got more active as the day went on yesterday. If not I'll go down this afternoon. How she was when I was on the clexane was how she used to be.. moving most of the time. Just the last few weeks she has slowed down some days a lot. My last scan everything was good with the blood flow but will see this time. She was low on the centiles and my bump hasn't really grown how it should this time so if she has dropped down like my bump then she will be under the 5th centile.
Think the latest she will come now is first week of Jan when I turn 37 weeks or earlier if theres a problem. Consultant said even if everything norm if she keeps doing this it'll be 37 weeks and she is doing it again xxx

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Oh thats poo MillieLaura, Squigg is the same. Silence for most of the night and morning so far so will see how things go, if nothing changes I'm going back up there later.

It may sound awful, but I hope they intervene sooner rather than later as I'd hate for that one morning I wake up and not notice he hasn't moved to be it :(

Do you think they will deliver tomorrow Laura if twinny still isn't playing ball? I suppose 34 weeks for twins is quite good really especially if they have already had steroids.

Hope you are ok Sarah.

Morning to all xxxxx
Yes me too it scares me! The monitor doesn't always show everything does it only that exact time. I worry something will happen in between monitoring. Hoping all our scans go okay tomorrow.
I feel the same, as soon as the risk of her out is lower than in I just want them to get her out where we can see how she is doing. Want to be at least 35-36 weeks really though. Xx

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Same ladies, my twin 2 is worrying me again by not moving! They just don't move as much as they used to, and I thought it was maybe lack of space with it being near the end of pregnancy, but I am told that this shouldn't be the case. I've got my regular ctg this afternoon. I have to say, lemon ice tea yesterday got them dancing all over the place so if anyone wants to try that, it worked yesterday for me! I might pick up another at the hospital today.

Abi I don't think they would deliver as soon as tomorrow, unless it's really bad. I'm hopeful that umbilical doppler comes back showing good blood flow for both babies and that growth has picked up and then I can hopefully continue on to 36-37 week delivery as planned.

Good luck all with ctgs and things today xx
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Hope the ctg today is good Laura and fingers crossed their growth does pick up! Glad they are keeping a close eye.
It's hard at this sort of gestation isn't it, they are far along enough to most likely be okay but would be better for them inside. Once it gets to 37ish weeks then my consultant said they usually just get them out if any concerns.
It's good you have had the steroids already :).
The lady I saw in fetal med said they aim for minimum gestation of 34 weeks with twins and min 37 weeks with singles. I don't know why, but it's reassured me! As long as possible ideally though, as you say. Had a few movements just now :) just gearing up for another trip up to hospital, going on my own today so I hope it all goes nice and smoothly like yesterday. It was a bit crap on Tues when I went for the inital scan with bad-ish news, as I totally wasn't expecting it and wished OH had been with me for that news plus the first steroid injection. He has an interview for promotion today though, so he's off the hook! xx
Wow Millie, Abi, and Laura I hope everything is okay with your babies! Yes once they are big enough they might be safer outside than in. I'm sure everything will be okay.
That's reassuring Laura. Promotion will come in handy when you're not working, but hope your OH gets enough time to do his bit too. Do you think your mum will try to take over?

I have 'fat lady' feet at the moment, it's gross! Went to our NCT meet up dinner and had to wear trainers! Couldn't even put them on myself! :eh:

One of OHs christmas presents came i love it!

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Thanks papermoon!

Haha Blueflower, I wear my trainers all the time now too! My feet haven't swollen I don't think, but I can't get the leverage or bend to get my slip on boots on which I'd normally wear at this time of year (not really a shoe person, so I only have boots or trainers for winter).

Yes, hoping he gets the promotion but see how it goes. Apparently the interview was good, but there are a few people going for it and he hasn't worked there very long at all. I am not sure how my mum will be when the babies are here.. I'm really hoping that she lets us muddle through, but given her statements about how we must wash them in the sink, wrap them up and put them to nap outside all weather, sleep upstairs so we all sleep better etc. so far, I'm thinking she'll be a right old bossy boots. I am going to be hard pushed to stay calm through the crazy new-mum hormones I think!

CTG was good today! Really reassuring. xx
Great news about the ctg Laura, hope the scan goes well tomorrow i'll be thinking of you..

Really hope Sarah's ok :(

Feeling really fed up and impatient today - suddenly January seems like lightyears away even if time is hurtling forwards.. Shouldn't wish away these last weeks though, this may be my last pregnancy! Trying to savour it even if it's painful and miserable 85% of the time :) xx
Yes Sarah, do update us when you get the chance!

Aw Kate, yeah it's the dragging last weeks now and hard to enjoy I think. With Christmas and New Year, this month will shoot by. I am starting to get terrified that I'll be giving birth sometime in the next 3 weeks. Not sleeping because I'm both excited and scared!

I've booked a haircut and eyebrow wax for tomorrow morning - figured it might be the last time that I have a chance to do these things for a little while! My eyebrows and dry ends are horrendous! xx

Got my pram up to test out. It took me ages to work out how to do it!

Glad trace was good today Laura. They will be here soo soon eek! Your mum sounds like the woman om a parenting documentary I saw who was all for 1950s methods of own room and cry it out from birth and napping in the garden outside lol

Imogen will prob end up being here 37 weeks with all these movement issues so 4 weeks ish.

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Really glad your ctg went well Laura. Nice to know the aim gestation weeks for babies too! Gives me some confidence.

I'm so worried about our scan tomorrow :( I hate bad news especially if it's to do with my squig.

Lovely pram Millie, tempted to get nine down stairs and play with it now haha xxxxxx
That made me cry Millie, so cute! I still need to get DH's Christmas present and have no idea what to get!

My health visitor warned me about parents with out dated ideas. I wonder if you can get something in writing from yours Laura or have your mum there when she comes round, in order to prevent conflict?

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