***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Aw it made me cry when it arrived too!

I hope your scans go well BlondeP and Laura.
I'm nervous for mine.. I followed really closely just now the line shes on and it says she'd be 5lb 8 at 37 weeks which is when they want to induce if her movements stay like this. Its so teeny tiny! Hope she has grown tomorrow and all ok with placenta as if she had to come anytime soon she'll just be so so little. Xxx
I wouldn't get too hung up on weight estimates Millie, I had a growth scan with my daughter and they were way out, it happens all the time.. if they think it's safe and necessary to get her out early then they will..

Enjoy your haircut/eyebrow preeninng sesh tomorrow Laura! You'll be thankful once the girls are here.. may have to book myself in for a haircut actually! xx
Arghh just had to share! I used this nipple extruder pump I bought just to try it out and some colostrum came out! Quite a lot actually! Made it all so so real and I got all excited! Very aware of how weird this sounds by the way haha :lol: xx
Lol I want to start expressing when I reach 37 weeks! Unless I'm induced at that time lol. I've had colustrum randomly come out its weird haha xx
Ooohh Kate how great is that! likewise millie, I want to express from 37 weeks and save if i can. xxxx
That's so exciting Kate! Do be careful though, I started trying to massage milk out a number of weeks ago just to see if anything happened, then read in big letters on the guide "Do not attempt before 37 weeks as you may induce early labour". Ooops.

Just had my haircut and feel happy :) the hairdresser's wife is due in 10 days so we had all that to chat about.

I feel weirdly way more pregnant than I did yesterday and really shaky today. Not sure what's going on with that. Maybe nerves.
Imogens def being quiet today. What are your babies being like Laura and BlondeP? Glad I will see consultant after scan to chat too! Ate a l8ad of chocolate and barely got anything. Xxx
Pretty silent too bar the odd roll! leaving work shortly to go to the scan. Having to go alone though :( I'm telling my sefl the worst that will happen is they will suggest induction at 37 weeks. can't think of anything else or it will scare me xxxx
I'm going on my own too! Feeling quite nervous especially as its so hot in there it makes me feel unwell at the best of times.
Hope it goes ok for you! Xx
I know Laura i'm going steady haha! Thought I should start trying to tease them out though as they're quite small/flat and i'm terrified of not being able to feed again :( Poppy thought it was absolutely hilarious!!

Good luck with your scans girls, i'm thinking of you all <3 xx
She has had a growth spurt! 4lb 11 estimated now! So she is growing at least. On monitors now as she's been quiet today xx

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Hope all ok Laura and BlondeP. Thinking of you girls!

The trace is ok, they said just come in again if they keep reducing but she seems fine today and has grown okay :). Plan is to induce at 37 weeks most likely xxx
Glad it was ok Millie!!

She didn't check squigs growth as he was only checked next week. Cord flow seems ok, he is still quiet so we were sent for monitoring straight after. They now want me in every couple of days on to CTG & we have been booked next thurs with a fetal medical consultant to see what to do moving forward. Feel a bit relieved. But he is lying transverse now with his head bent right back - doesn't look safe or comfy but apparently that's ok?

Hope you're ok Laura, do update us if you can.

Ohhhh blue!!! I thought 7 hours straight was just that of fantasy nowadays ! Haha congratulations lol!

How was he on the monitor? Was he still quiet. I bet you'll be induced soon as you get to.term as well! Bless him he still has plenty of time to turn round :) xx
Glad your scans went well overall! Blueflower I'm so envious of 7 hours straight sleep! You must have be bursting for the loo when you did wake up haha.

My scan was pretty good too, although they are so packed in there now that the consultant was not able to get half the measurements. Umbilical Doppler reading eventually came back a bit high still on twin 2, so CTGs every other day now and then I got an induction booked for 23 December! Happy to have an end goal in place now, although the lady thinks they will come before then anyway.

CTG after my scan yesterday was a bloody nightmare. I was there for 4 and a half hours, not kidding. They took ages to set up, then paper jam, then paper ran out, then the midwife accidentally switched it off, then it didn't print properly, then it did and looked ok but needed doctor to look at it and none were available... we ended up self discharging because my HR was hitting 120+ and I was ready to kill someone because I hadn't had dinner and I was exhausted since it was 7.30pm and we'd been at hospital since 2!

What's everyone up to this weekend? xx
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