Keep forgetting to post this pic of the massive knickers they sent free with my bump support band!
Here they are compared to a pair of normal size 12 ones!
Glad to hear you are clot free, Millie! Thumbs, how far along are you again? Hopefully baby will get in line soon! We've got some real cheeky ones on here.
Soooo I had a scan with fetal medicine today because I told the consultant yesterday that I wasn't feeling twin 2 so much these days. I wasn't overly concerned and thought it was a slight overreaction to send me to fetal medicine specialist, but things have gone a bit pear shaped potentially. Twin 2 needed quite a bit of prodding to move and the umbilical doppler showed blood flow resistance to the placenta, so it looks like she might not be getting as much blood flow as she should be. It also seems like her growth is plateauing, which again suggests that the placenta is starting to run out of steam with supporting two babies. The lady thought this might be why she is moving less, to conserve energy.
I had a CTG monitor today which looked ok, and I have to have them every day this week until Friday and then another scan with the same specialist. Also had steroid injection just in case the scan on Friday confirms a problem and they need to deliver sooner rather than later. Bloody stung! Another one tomorrow.
Fingers crossed everything will be ok and that Friday scan will show things are back on track again. xx
P.S has anyone heard from BlondeP? Bit concerned that she's gone quiet since her CTG yesterday morning for reduced movements. Abiiiiii?
Good news about your scan Millie, hope the scan itself wasn't too unpleasant?
Impressive knickers BlueflowerI keep buying new knickers because I've only just realised they're a far better fit a couple of sizes bigger?! For ages I was putting up with my knickers being really uncomfortable and then it finally dawned on me that they're way too small
Ooh that sounds very intense Laura, I hope things are ok at your next scan.
Just had the midwife at my house to deliver the home birth stuff and talk about it - my iron levels are now way above what they need to be, thank goodness, so all should be ok to go ahead! Had a peek in the box she brought and there's a newborn Bounty pack and a red medical book for baby - both of which I was given in hospital after Anna was born so it really brought home how there'll be an actual, real baby here soon!