***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Oh my gosh Blueflower thats an amazing weight for twins especially at 35 weeks!! I think Imogens predicted 6lb12 at 40 weeks if she follows the centile shes on.
Amazing they are such good weights! You must be in a lot of pain? Are you quite tall? Imogen is taking up so much room now she must still only be like 4lb so I have no idea how you have so much baby in you lol! Ouch! Xxx
I have had a muscular pain that was so bad I cosine didn't touch it but erm..... that was from a paticularly frisky night lol. It hurt so much coz I bruised my intercostal muscles so my lungs weren't able to expand or clean themselves properly and I was getting a fluid build up inside them. I hope it's nothing serious x x be thinking of you tomorrow.
Thank you Ery. I hope so!
Which muscles are they? The pain I get is my upper back/chest area and then under my right rib..hurts when I walk/sit up/breathe in etc xx
The muscles that help the ribcage expand they are the ones between the ribs.
I was wondering if I've done something to muscles involved with breathing.. have no idea how I could of hurt them if its muscular pain though.
Lol I bruised them having sex... it didn't seem that rough at the time lmao
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Ouch lol! Defo not from that here haha! I do lean a lot slumping about though recently! Could of caused something. Xx
Lol :blush: Yea could be lol. I know someone who yore an intercostal muscle coughing. Much worse than my bruise! I guess being sick or anything like that could have weakened the muscle too. I hope it's something that "simple"
Me too! The only thing I did differently in the run up to it hurting was sleeping so bad.. I usually get my preg pillow sorted just as I feel sleepy enough to sleep but the other week I couldnt sleep no matter what so I just lay there all night and had a couple naps on the sofa. Bump feels quite heavy now so might be the fact I had nothing under it for that week lol . Will defo be more careful if it does turn out to be musculsr xx
Oh my gosh Blueflower thats an amazing weight for twins especially at 35 weeks!! I think Imogens predicted 6lb12 at 40 weeks if she follows the centile shes on.
Amazing they are such good weights! You must be in a lot of pain? Are you quite tall? Imogen is taking up so much room now she must still only be like 4lb so I have no idea how you have so much baby in you lol! Ouch! Xxx

I am average height, just under 5ft 6. Have put on about 3 stone but its all on my tummy and is very hard, no wobbles! I am mainly uncomfortable but my stomach muscles hurt if I move too quickly! Just can't believe they are so big!
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Oh my goodness, Blue! I'm not sure if I can compete with that! I thought mine were pretty big already but jeeeez. Be ready to push hard :lol: what did they say about twin1 being head up still? Cheeky bugger xx
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Wow Blue! Just wow. Outstanding baby cooking skills! What brilliant news with them due to arrive so soon!
Oh my goodness, Blue! I'm not sure if I can compete with that! I thought mine were pretty big already but jeeeez. Be ready to push hard :lol: what did they say about twin1 being head up still? Cheeky bugger xx

Might need that cesarean date after all. :( There is still time though! She said if I go into labour naturally to tell them twin 1 is breach and they will class it as urgent. Couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying though as I had just sat up and tummy was really hurting!
I really hope he turns the little monkey! When would your section date be if needed? Xx
Blueflower you were on clexane a while werent you? What was their reason for keeping you on?
This may be a huge coincidence but Imogen has been a lot more active since I have had to have the clexane since friday. I thought it was codeine linked but I just took paracetemol yesterday and she was the same. Then I thought maybe me being anxious was making her move more but I feel ok this morn and she is really active again. So googled and read that clexane doesn't cross through placenta but it can help blood flow?
Think I might mention it to consultant this morning as if my VQ scan for clots is clear theyl tske me off xx
20th December. It was part of the immune protocol for ivf in case clotting was an issue. Then I just changed to aspirin. Yes I think it does affect blood flow so could be why Imogen is more active. x
Sorry Millielaura I know there's been a lot of talk of clexane, I'm reading but I know absolutely nothing about it. Good luck with your scan this morning, I'm sure you'll be fine and clot free. xx
How was your scan Millie?

Just back from 32 week check. Baby is still transverse (and breech) which I've read is not entirely expectedl at this point. Just hoping they don't get stuck...
All ok, no clot phew!! Looks like some horrid muscular pain.
Saw consultant this morn and have a growth scan on Friday. She said if she keeps up the reduced movements then it'll most likely be induction at 37 weeks. They've taken me off the clexane now so hopefully she stays active xxx

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